Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by Phoebe »

Are you some kind of slacker now?! The Tahlvin we know would run a half marathon just to spite the nausea! Or maybe you're trying to scare me out of getting that shingles shot? Or even better... You're trying to create a track record of evidence I can use to purchase a day of laying about in bed pretending to be too sick to get up and do anything. You're a genius and a true friend.
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by Tahlvin »

I'm self employed, but seriously considering taking a sick day today.
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by Phoebe »

Okay now I'm actually scared because if you're actually admitting to being sick and wanting to take a sick day it must be that you are near death's door! Get away from that door! 🥺
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by Tahlvin »

Shoulders are still pretty sore from the shots. Took the morning off completely from working out, and got an extra 90 minutes of rest instead.
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by Phoebe »

This is terrifying; you need to call someone hourly and check in!
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by Tahlvin »

Started working out last week and took it a little easier: just 4 miles each weekday morning at 7 mph (instead of 6 miles at 8 mph), and 10 miles on Saturday at 7mph pace. Also took it a little easier on my other workouts, since I hadn't worked out for about 3 weeks. This week, I'm picking things back up on my other workouts, and lengthening my morning run to 6 miles, but still keeping the slower 7 mph pace in order to avoid aggravating the tender muscles. I'll slowly pick things up starting next week if things are still in good shape.
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by Tahlvin »

Sore muscles, upcoming home remodel, and our daughter moving back into our house for a couple months have brought me to the point where I will need to stop working out and running for a few weeks to months. It's not ideal, but it's only temporary. I certainly don't want to run a half-marathon and then not be able to shower because your bathroom is demolished.
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by Phoebe »

Do you normally shower in my bathroom? I guess I would be asleep at that time, so how would I know? From over here in the slug village it's really quite pleasant. Until we die of heart disease.
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by Tahlvin »

Speaking of heart disease, my dad had heart surgery today. Had to have 6 bypasses. Came through really well, and now gets to start rehab.
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by Phoebe »

For a while I had achieved a tremendous level of physical fitness. It was not Tahlvin level but it was serious. I paid a trainer and I went three or four days a week and kicked my ass like a mad woman until big results occurred. Then the pandemic. Ever since it just hasn't been the same, and I don't want to imagine the only way I can achieve something like that level of fitness is to pay that amount of money and put that amount of time into it.

It's a lifestyle thing where if I have a spare 90 minutes the last thing I feel like doing is spending it on fitness, but if I don't do it I feel like I'm going to die prematurely or be wasting even more time on the irritations of being unhealthy, and then where will that extra 90 minutes be? I won't be using it to sit around making quilts because I'll be dead or vomiting or something.
And I feel like I could do the same thing right here in my house with 45 minutes instead of 90, but I will always make another choice about something to do. The beauty of forcing yourself to go to the gym is that once you've done it it's kind of an irreversible event. At home weighing the 20 things you have to do, working out never wins. The optimal situation would be waking up at 5:30 or 6:00 every day and working out then, but s*** is always keeping me up late. Grrrrrrr. So frustrated.
Something has to be done.
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by poorpete »

Trying to do more physical fitness, my cardiologist sold me noting, yes, it'll make me healthier, give me more energy, and reduce my chances.of heart trouble. But it also acts as a warning system, that if I have a routine of regular exercises, and then find myself having a hard time doing my regular exercises, it could be a sign of upcoming heart issues and I should go see a doctor. If I don't exercise I might not get a warning.
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by Phoebe »

This is a good point. Maybe we need to have an assessment of capabilities fairly regularly!
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by Phoebe »

I need to eat about 1750 calories a day or maybe 2000 when I'm doing CrossFit. I object. I don't think I can do it without yo-yo type dieting, or unhappiness, or cooking six meals a day for different people. Frustration. Sick of this problem.
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by poorpete »

poorpete wrote: Tue Aug 17, 2021 1:14 pm For about two weeks, I've been doing alright calorie counting, as eating is probably my big vice.
So I wrote out the calories for all my usual breakfasts, lunches, and snacks and placed it on the pantry door at eye level. My goal is to limit the pre-dinner calories to between 1000 and 1300. It's always just too difficult to gauge dinners, they always change, but my pre-dinner foods rarely change much. Just want to get to the point where I'm not maxing out my calories even before dinner. In that way it's been a bit of a success. I lost a little the first week and have maintained the second.
Four months later I'm down 25 pounds! Down 40 from pre-pandemic max.
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by Phoebe »

Maybe I should try your method. Count up to dinner and leave enough to accommodate a normal dinner (always least hungry at supper time anyway).
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by poorpete »

Up to you, whatever works for you, it's entirely possible this might not. I found it works for me, as it really is tailored to keeping track of what's routine in my life and let's me off the hook for the rest. A good ole half assed plan for a half assed man :-)

I've always been hungriest at dinner. There are many days that I overeat at dinner, but it's hard to overeat every day. At least that's how I feel now.

I should note that I lost good 4 pounds just being sick the last week (some cold, COVID negative). I was aiming to get there by Christmas so I guess that's a miracle of some sorts ha ha cough cough wheeeeeeze
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by Tahlvin »

I've been doing flexibility exercises to stay limber while I cannot do full workouts. But today will be demolition day and the start of the two month home remodel project, so it will be at least 2 months before I get a proper workout in. The good news will be that I'll probably be eating less, just because we'll no longer have a functioning kitchen or pantry for about 2 months.
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by Phoebe »

My Fitness plan this week is going to be crawling up the stairs on hand and knee because my God what did they put in that covid booster? The first two were just to loosen us up and now we get the microchip. I hope I get to do something awesome with my microchip powers.
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by Phoebe »

We can't slack off now just because Tahlvin is going through some terrible stuff. (And I hope his dad is okay, geez! Stressful!)

For the last 3 days I have been doing my serious workout again (okay - Wednesday was just swimming to get me into it and swimming is not that taxing under the conditions we had, but the other two days for sure counted as serious work).
I have to keep up the momentum today I'm not sure what to do. I think it should be a deadlift day.
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by Tahlvin »

Ran 4 miles this morning, my first time running or doing any serious workout besides flexibility in almost 3 months. It was a slow, 10 minute/mile pace. And I'm probably going to feel it tomorrow.
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by Phoebe »

Heyyyy nice to be getting back to your routine!
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by Tahlvin »

Legs and abs were hurting yesterday. Woke up this morning and they felt okay, then I ran another 4 miles and they are hurting worse than they were yesterday. This should stop in a few days, hopefully.
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by Mando »

Back in the gym now that I work evening shift. weight training only post knee surgery and bicep surgery.
"Yay! I'm for the other team."
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by Phoebe »

Good for you for doing it though - that will help your recovery and keep things going in the future!
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by poorpete »

Since early December I've plateaued on my weight, which is alright, as it's hibernation season and I'm hovering just between normal and overweight, happy I'm maintaining and not bouncing back up.

Interesting article on studies showing exercise has minimal affect on calories used. ... es-and-why

Even if it's not the top seed for losing weight, it's still important for heart health and stress -- seems those who exercise less make up for it by losing calories via stuff like stress and inflammation. I'm cool if the rule moving forward is: adjust my diet to lose weight, exercise to lose stress / gain heart health.

Also good trivia question, what ape uses the most calories, when adjusted for body mass? Humans, because of the energy needed to run our giant brains.
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by Phoebe »

So maybe if I keep trying to get the octortal in 10 I will lose weight.
The problem is I don't have any time to devote to the octortal.
The phone keeps mistyping it this way and I'm just going to let it go because it kind of looks like a turtle related puzzle.
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by Tahlvin »

Today's 4 mile time was down to 35:51. I did 0.25 miles at 6 mph to warm up, then 2.25 miles at 6.5 mph, 1 mile at 7 mph, and 0.5 miles at 7.5 mph. I've been running usually 2, sometimes 3 days in a row, then taking a break and doing my flexibility workout instead, just to make sure I don't over-stress anything.
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by Phoebe »

I am putting it in writing in case it helps: I need to recommit. I will do, henceforth. Everything has been going haywire lately, for lots of people, and it's easy to use that as an excuse. Cycle of being exhausted, but we KNOW working out more provides more energy. That's the solution. Plus everyone is having health issues and it motivates. I want to avoid bad issues!
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by Tahlvin »

This morning's run was 6 miles in 52:30.
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by Phoebe »

Nice! Are you feeling comfortable and back to your groove now??

I have decided doing the same thing forever and expecting different results is insane. So I am going to change my breakfast food as well. Let's see what happens. I was out and about roaming the world and visiting lately and found myself able to visit a trader Joe's. I discovered that for like 2.50 or $3 ?? they will sell you a bag of what looks like extremely fresh green yard waste with some mulch thrown in - basically multiple kinds of green vegetables with kale and cabbage. It looked very appealing so I bought a bunch of it just in case but wasn't sure what I was going to do with it. Turns out that chopping it loosely and sauteing in a light base of ginger-garlic-fish sauce-hot sauce results in a perfect, delectable, very bulky/filling food that probably has a quarter of the calories of most food one would be eating at any given meal. I am amazed and basically plan to eat this every day until supply gone. Between that and protein breakfast. we shall see what happens. Trying to remake my 3,000 calorie a day lifestyle as a 1500 calorie a day lifestyle. It's ridiculous and awful, particularly if you love to cook.
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by Tahlvin »

Yesterday's 6 mile time was down to 49:52. However, the strained/torn muscle in my lower abdomen (hopefully it's not a hernia instead), which happened back before the remodel and the 3 month break from working out, which stopped hurting during the remodel when I was only doing flexibility workouts, and which started to hurt a little again when I started running, has reached the point where I need to dial things back. So I'll probably revert to 3-4 mile walks instead of 6 mile runs and see if the muscle strain lets up. Then I'll take it from there.
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by Phoebe »

Sounds good but please do not overexert and hurt yourself! No more injuries for those legs. Only happy running and walking!

This morning I was granted access to a buttermilk sour cream donut, so that's how fitness is going so far today, but the best part is that last night I thought I should take my blood pressure in order to rule out certain negative causes of certain symptoms. The nurse and I disagreed very much about how the home test kit was supposed to be used around the arm, and thus my arm was nearly cut off and then when I thought the thing was done I slipped my arm out of it and was accused of flinging off the unit and being a bad patient! There was patient and nurse conflict and now I have no idea what my blood pressure is, so I'll wait for my right eye to fall out or a vein to burst or something. Good luck! The important lesson learned is that my nurse needs to get some damn skills at nursing or stop being the nurse. Berating the patient for trying to be free from the device that is about to sever an arm is not helpful.
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by poorpete »

Last week my weight went below 160 for the first time in over 15 years. A friend who has only known me for the past five years said it looks like I've deflated.

I am near the weight I want to be. My goal at this point is to maintain, but also exercise more. Or at least get outdoors more. But I got a good 6 pound buffer between my healthy weight and being "overweight" and that allows me the occasional overeating without having to kick myself.
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by Phoebe »

Wow, that is impressive! Congratulations!
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by Eliahad »

I just wend on my first 60 minute no stop run of the season! Getting back into it!
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by Tahlvin »

Way to go!
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by Phoebe »

Very nice! Hope weather is cooperating!
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by Tahlvin »

Yesterday morning I started strength training again. Needless to say, I'm in pain, since muscles were used that haven't been used in that manner in almost 4 months. Hopefully it will get better in a few days. But in the meantime, ouch.
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by Kyle »

Tahlvin wrote: Tue Apr 05, 2022 6:45 am Yesterday morning I started strength training again. Needless to say, I'm in pain, since muscles were used that haven't been used in that manner in almost 4 months. Hopefully it will get better in a few days. But in the meantime, ouch.
You know what you could do while you recuperate? Take copious after pictures of your remodel.
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by Tahlvin »

Yes, I know. But right now, I can't lift my arms high enough to take pictures.
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by Phoebe »

Why are all these remodel pictures taken from the floor? Damn tiktokkers.
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by Tahlvin »

Strength training is going well, and I'm running again and gradually increasing the distance and speed. This morning's run was 4 miles in 35:26.
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by Phoebe »

I have been fitnessing. I had this notion that since I like to swim and I have an interest in learning to paddleboard, or go puttering around in a boat, I should get a lake cabin or ponder retiring in some sort of lakefront home. Then I discovered this desire is WIDELY SHARED and the cost of doing such a thing is exorbitant!
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by Eliahad »

I am finally able to really get back to this after the craziest performing season I've ever had. Worked things back up over the last month or so and on Sunday I ran my first 7 mile no-stop run. It was 12 minute miles, but I'm okay with that. Today I just ran 3.5 in 35 minutes. Which isn't too shabby for me. I'll fit into that wedding dress yet!
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by Tahlvin »

Go Dave! Go Dave!

My 4 mile time is down to 34:14, and things finally are starting to feel right. I'll continue to gradually increase speed, since I don't want to re-injure anything, but I'm hopeful that I'll reach that point again soon where it really starts to burn the calories.
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by Phoebe »

Sounds good - definitely do what it takes to avoid injury though!
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by Tahlvin »

My 4 mile time was down to 32:49 this morning. Ran 8 miles on Saturday. Breathing is back under control, and while there are some aches after the long mileage, there's nothing abnormal or unexpected, so the injury bug is staying away for now.
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by Phoebe »

Sounds good! Nice that you are back to a normal. I'm working on it despite being an ox instead of a human. At least the ox enjoys eating vegetables. I have been swimming and doing mild strength training - wonderful to be able to swim again and wish I could be lifting the bar but we do what we can.
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by Eliahad »

4 miles has gotten to the "no big deal" stage. Ran another 10K last Saturday. Just have to remember to get up early enough that it's still cool out. Almost down to my goal weight, and down about 20 pounds from the heaviest I've ever been. Feeling pretty good about it all!
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Re: Nerd Pride Radio Fitness Club

Post by Tahlvin »

Congrats! Keep up the good work! Was able to run 10 miles last Saturday and it felt good, and this morning's 4 mile time was 32:09.
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