Episode 24 – King Harald the Hardass

Some weird electrical feedback threatens to destroy the sound quality for this week’s ‘cast, but luckily, Mike manages to single-handedly save the show! Mike gives his opinion on the upcoming 5th edition of D&D, and then puts his favorite year–1066–into the spotlight for the unnamed history segment. He offers up two unwatched films for the Sci-Fi Double Feature, and doles out not one… but TWO nerd rages! Mumford & Sons provides this week’s music, and Mike goes into full psycho mode for the Badass Movie Quote of the Week. All of that and R2 still delivers a full steaming plate of random podcasting: beholders, Ryan Reynolds, a princess fight… and so much more! 90 minutes of pure nerd awesome wrapped up in a single spectacular podcast!


Nerd Pride Radio, Episode 24 – King Harald the Hardass

Show Notes

Nerd Pride smells like Picard’s hair brush
Feedback: Akiva
Updates: Powerman

The Meticulously Plotted Portion
Gaming Table: D&D 5th edition
Unnamed History Segment: 1066 & King Harald Hardrade
Gaming Table: Wodin’s Eye
Something Completely Different: Cookie dough
Sci-Fi Double Feature: Yojimbo & One for the Money
Nerd Rage: Pay-per-bid sites
Nerd Rage: The Lone Ranger
Music: Mumford & Sons, The Cave
Right Said Thread: Google Translator Jokes
BAMQotW: No… Wire… Hangers!
Music: Mumford & Sons, Little Lion Man

Ryan Reynolds
Zelda v Peach
Why does Star Wars suck?
Cats or dogs?
The French
Instant Game challenge
Favorite He-Man character
Ask a Ninja
Red Dawn via Twilight 2000
Mario or Luigi?
Ride the giant owl!

Anti-Captain, part 3

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