Post-Runelords Characters

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Post-Runelords Characters

Postby Tahlvin » Fri Jul 28, 2017 8:09 am

A number of us were bantering on Roll20 last night before the game about what character we would play for the next campaign, after the Runelords campaign finishes (in a couple years, and probably after a little sidetrack with some Starfinder). Feel free to post up your ideas here. Nothing's set in stone, this is just to have some fun and toss around ideas.

The only parameters that have been suggested are that the campaign may take place someplace cold.
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Re: Post-Runelords Characters

Postby Tahlvin » Fri Jul 28, 2017 8:15 am

I'm thinking of playing an elf wizard/cleric/mystic theurge. Ng is an Eldest deity of knowledge and magic. )And yes, I've been reading a lot of Song of Ice and Fire recently, when it comes to character naming.)

Rhaegar Silverleaf
Male elf wizard 1
N Medium humanoid (elf)
Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +6
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
hp 6 (1d6)
Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +5; +2 vs. enchantments
Immune sleep
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger +2 (1d4-2/19-20) or
. . elven curve blade +2 (1d10-2/18-20)
Special Attacks hand of the apprentice (7/day)
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +6)
. . 1st—mage armor, magic missile
. . 0 (at will)—detect magic, message, prestidigitation
Str 7, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 19, Wis 17, Cha 11
Base Atk +0; CMB -2; CMD 10
Feats Scribe Scroll, Weapon Finesse
Traits arcane temper, warrior of old
Skills Heal +4, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (history) +8, Knowledge (religion) +8, Linguistics +8, Perception +6, Spellcraft +8 (+10 to identify magic item properties); Racial Modifiers +2 Perception, +2 Spellcraft to identify magic item properties
Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Goblin, Orc
SQ arcane bond (ring), elven magic
Other Gear dagger, elven curve blade, arcane bond ring, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, candle (10), flint and steel, hemp rope (50 ft.), holy text (Ng)[UE], ink, inkpen, mess kit[UE], pot, soap, spell component pouch, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, wizard starting spellbook, wooden holy symbol of Ng, 10 gp, 45 sp, 20 cp
Special Abilities
Arcane Bond (Ring) (1/day) (Sp) Use object to cast any spell in your spellbook. Without it, Concentration required to cast spells (DC20 + spell level).
Elven Immunities - Sleep You are immune to magic sleep effects.
Elven Magic +2 to spellcraft checks to determine the properties of a magic item.
Hand of the Apprentice (7/day) (Su) As a standard action, throw melee weapon (use Int instead of Dex) and instantly returns.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Level 2: +1 Clr
Level 3: +1 Wiz, Brew Potion
Level 4: +1 Clr, +1 WIS
Level 5: +1 Wiz, Craft Wondrous Item
Level 6: +1 Clr
Level 7: +1 MyT, Forge Ring
Level 8: +1 MyT, +1 INT
Level 9: +1 MyT, Craft Magic Arms & Armor
Level 10: +1 MyT
Level 11: +1 MyT, Craft Construct
Level 12: +1 MyT, +1 WIS
Level 13: +1 MyT, Craft Wand
Level 14: +1 MyT
Level 15: +1 MyT, Craft Staff
Level 16: +1 MyT, +1 INT
Level 17: +1 Wiz, Craft Rod
Level 18: +1 Clr
Level 19: +1 Wiz, Fast Study, Arcane Builder (Rings)
Level 20: +1 Clr, +1 WIS

I went with an elven curved blade and weapon finesse as the initial feat, in order to make up for the abominable STR score. I thought about making the blade the focus of his arcane bond, but didn't want to tie him down to having to be armed every time he wants to cast a spell, so I went with a ring instead. Moving forward, much of the feat focus will probably be on magic item creation, and his ring will certainly be one of the first items he enchants.

Last edited by Tahlvin on Sat Jul 29, 2017 7:58 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Post-Runelords Characters

Postby Mike » Fri Jul 28, 2017 8:31 am

I have two.

The Widow - Undine Slayer
My first choice is The Widow. She's an undine (connected to the elemental plane of water) slayer (like a more deadly non-magical ranger). Hailing from the Riverlands, she is fiercely independent and intensely loyal to those who earn it. She's plied her trade as a sailor, tracker, and hunter up til now. Notable characteristics: dual cold iron military picks and a charisma of 7.

Snowfoot (Setsuke Snowfoot) - Dhampir Shaman
Born an orphan and a daywalker, Snowfoot was raised by the village shaman and eventually became a shaman of the Life Spirit. Small and cowardly, Snowfoot survives by stealing and by occasionally pedaling his healing skills. His constant companion is Omichi, a life spirit in the form of a snow rabbit. Notable characteristic: Snowfoot's own life force is negative energy, and ironically, he cannot heal himself.

Widow's my first choice, but I love Snowfoot if the team comes up short on healing power.

I can put up links to stats and histories later.
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Re: Post-Runelords Characters

Postby Zen » Fri Jul 28, 2017 8:33 am

This is the character that I originally was creating for the PBP game Andrew was going to run (Masters of the Forbidden Fortress) but I feel it would be far better suited for whatever cold environs game Pat has in store for us later... She's even from the right part of the world.
Sia Konar
Female Skinwalker, Coldborn Monk 10
LN medium humanoid
Init +1 Senses Low-Light Vision Perception +7
AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 13
hp 9
Fort 3 Reflex 3 Will 5
Speed 30 ft
Melee Unarmed Strike +2 (1d6+2/x2) or Unarmed Strike +1 / +1 (1d6+2/x2) or Claw +2 / +2 (1d4+2/x2) or Bite +2 (1d6+2/x2) or Bite -3 (1d6+1/x2)
Special Attacks Flurry of Blows
Space 5 Reach 5
STR 14 DEX 13 CON 13 INT 11 WIS 16 CHA 8
BAB 0 CMB 2 CMD 17
Feats Extra Feature, Dodge
Skills Acrobatics 5, Appraise 0, Bluff -1, Climb 8, Diplomacy -1, Disguise -1, Escape Artist 1, Fly 1, Heal 3, Intimidate -1, Perception 7, Trapper 7, Ride 1, Sense Motive 7, Stealth 1, Survival 3, Swim 2
Languages Common
Gear Javelin (5), Kama, Crossbow - light, Nunchaku, Shuriken (10), Bolts - crossbow (10), Monk's outfit, Kit - Monk's, Flask - Hip

Full character sheet .

[I'll probably have to make some adjustments to the character to fit the adventure instead of Andrew's...]

Sia Konar's story:

Born and raised, was I, in the far north of the River Kingdoms, so close to the border of Brevoy that tax collectors from that hell hole were prone to knockin’ on our door. Hmmph… Raised… well, ye could call it that, if “raisin’” a young’un until ye decide they be too much bother and then tossin’ ‘em to the wolves can properly be called raisin’. Might be wolves ain’t the proper animal to use there… but I be getting ‘head o’ me self!

Let me start with me “parents”. They was farmers. Normal farmers. Nothin’ fancy ‘bout ‘em. I had brothers and sisters, none of them had white hair like me, nor did any of ‘em have my dark, dark eyes. But we was all big lads and lasses.

We followed a kinda odd sect. We worshiped the God Njord. He’s a weather God. Not one to trifle with, either. Frankly, his attitude is a lot like mine. He generally don’t give no shites about yer wants and needs. The weather follows the laws o’ nature and it’s gonna follow those laws and he’s gonna bloody well see to it that nobody screws with the natural order o’ things! I like him! He’s my kinda God! A serious hard ass.

When I was ‘bout 7 or 8 winters, me Mum could tell I was growin’ quick and “developin” faster than me sisters had, so she set me down and gave me that little talk about what to expect over the next year or so. I’m sure you get my meanin’…

If you don’t and you’re a woman, go have a talk with yer Mum! But I don't think any of us are that young, eh? If you’re a grown man and you haven’t kenned what I’m sayin’, you need to get wise to the world, ya bloody fool!

Any case, back to me story…

So, me Mum gave me the talk, so I wasn’t surprised when I started bleedin’ one day when I was nearly 10-winters. But what I didn’t expect was that I’d also have white fur, claws, fangs, and bear feet just pop out all sudden like, at the same time! To top it off, after I changed from a little girl into a woman-beast in one bloody, furry, fang and claw filled mess, I fell into a deep sleep and didn’t wake up for… well, I don’t really know how long.

“Why don’t you know?” Ye might ask. “Didn’t yer parents tell ya how long ya slept?” Ye wonder. Aye… there’s the rub! Ya see, when I woke up, me Mum and Pop wasn’t nowhere to be seen, nor me brothers and sisters, nor the farm. I woke up in the middle of the woods, under a nice warm blanket, with a bag full o’ me cloths, about half of ‘em still fit, but at least they gave ‘em to me, and me old rag doll me grandma made me when I was a baby.

I was also hungry as a bear. HA! Good one that! Oh, but I ain’t told ya that yet, have I? Yeah… I’m what’s called a Coldborn, a Wearbear-kin. Polar bear, if ya wanna know the details. Yep! What I changed into when I had my first bleed, and what my folks didn’t seem to be able handle and tossed away in the woods to rot, was, in their view, a monster that’s part woman, part polar bear, and just about all attitude! Well… the attitude might have somethin’ to do with just being pissed at the lack of justice in the world! I sure ain’t seen much of it!

How I survived my long nap, I don’t really know. But after that I did get right lucky. There was an old trapper working those woods by the name o’ Rufus Clawson. Turns out he was also a Coldborn and he took me under his wing… or paw, I guess, and taught me how to live as a shifter. He spent most of his time in Bear Form and for those next four years, so did I. It was just easier to live in the wild that way. He also taught me his profession. I can make a right fine livin’ as a trapper if need be, I tell you. It’s an honorable way to make coin!

When I was gettin’ old enough that he thought I should be goin’ out on me own, he told me I should look for somethin’ more than trappin’ game and runnin’ through the woods in life. He saw somethin’ special in me. For one thing, he said I was one o’ the best shifters he’d ever seen. You see, when we shift we can give ourselves fightin’ claws; or bitin’ fangs; or make our nose like a bloodhound’s. Most of us can only do one, but I can do two. Always have. Just a natural I guess. Ol’ Rufus told me he thinks I’ll be able to do more if I work at it. Plus, by the time I was 14 winters, I was already stronger than him, a full-grown man-bear!

Knowin’ that I have this… thing about injustice in the world… he told me about a rumor he’d heard ‘bout a nation called Molthune, south of Lake Encarthan, where they accept our kind somewhat. He’d heard that there were some monasteries there where somebody with my way o’ thinkin’ might fit in, or, if that didn’t work, I could get work in their army ‘cause they were always itchin’ to fight somebody. I kinda wondered if he was implyin’ somethin’ there… It ain’t like I’m always lookin’ for a fight! Well, maybe back then I was…

Long story short, he sent me on my way, after a trip into town to sell our latest pelts and load up on supplies. He even bought me this crossbow and some bolts for it as a goin' away present. I told 'im that was too much, but he said I'd done at least that much work for 'im over the past four years and I'd need somethin' to protect me self when I wasn't shifted. I wasn't really sure how to work the thing, but he told me that if I got hooked up with some monastery, they'd learn me well.

I traveled round the lake to Mothune and found a monastery that would take me as an initiate: The Four Winds of Avistan Monastery. Rufus was right about the monastic life fitting me. The mental discipline and… orderliness just fit… They had no problem with my dual nature, either.

Rufus wasn’t so right about the nation itself. Sure, they’d take people like me, but not everybody was so acceptin’. And they mostly wanted people like me in their army! I really wasn’t wantin’ any o’ that unless it was my last choice.

I spent two years studying at the monastery, learning to harness the four winds and my inner strength and become a stronger woman. But I also discovered something else. I have a longing for nature. I talked with my mentor about this and he told me that was common among my kind. He said that I was ready to go out on my own, then asked me if I worshiped any particular God. I told him that I was raised worshiping Njord. He pointed me to a group of Halfling Druids who were living in the wildlands near the Backar Forest who were followers of Njord as well. With the blessings of my fellow Monks of the Four Winds, I set out to discover if my dual nature meant I should seek out yet another path.

The Druids of Backar were happy to teach me the basics of meditation and talk to me about the druidic path, but they also told me that only I could truly discover if that path was for me. While I was there, I discovered that it wasn’t nature in general that called to me, but the elements. My mentor wouldn’t be surprised, I expect, since I was able to focus elemental powers into my fists after my training at the monastery.

After spending about half a year with the wee-folk, I thanked them for their wisdom and moved on once again. It will take quite a bit more meditation before I can call on the power of the elements the way the druids can, but I feel that I will be able to someday.

But for now, I needed to seek out something grander than sitting in the woods meditating. Maybe a group of people to call my own. My own clan who can help me protect the weak and punish injustice. To do that, I'm headin' back up north, but not to the woods. I'm gonna see if I can find a group of folk to fit in with and work with in a common cause. Call it the pack instinct if ya must, but it's somethin' I need ta do.

Questions around the campfire
[The part above, Sia Konar's story, should be considered her telling her story around the camp fire to a group of people, be they this party or a group of travelers she is traveling with for whatever reason. This is a continuation, with questions some people might have after hearing her ramble on about her life up to now.]

"So, this Rufus fellow... Was he a polar bear type, like you?"

"Rufus? No, no, no! He's a brown bear... I've never met another like me, actually. Rufus has. Said they're usually further north. Said most call my kind Iceborn stead o' Coldborn, but he said it really makes no difference. A bear's a bear and we're all pretty much the same. Brown bear, black bear, polar bear... Just polar bears are from up on the ice... Makes sense, that! Prob'ly comes from me Pa's side, then..."

"Ah... Your name is a bit foreign sounding... When you first mentioned it I wondered if you were from Tian Xia."

"Na! I'm not. But that's where Pa's family hails from. Few generations back, though. Think it was his great-great-great grandpappy came cross the crown to Avistan. HA! That's prob'ly when one o' the women got knocked up by a Werebear, I'd wager! May not even be related to the guy named Konar that came over here now that I think on it!" She laughs at the thought. "Not that bein' unfaithful to yer husband is anything to be happy 'bout! Shouldn't do that! Better yet, just don't get married if you don't think you can keep yer legs closed, I say! Not that I know anythin' about that shite. Nobody interested in this surly she-bear... Least not yet, an I ain't never really thought on it neither. Spent mosta my time with Rufus, or the old monks at the monastery, or them Halfling druids I was tellin' ye about a while ago... They were all mostly oldsters. Not many folk my age around. I met a few while I was at the monastery, but we were all so serious about, ya know... learnin' monk stuff... Didn't seem like the time to look at 'em sideways... And if they was gonna look an one of us sideways there was another girl there my age who was such a looker that they'd a never paid me no nevermind! She was so pretty..." She blushes a bit and pokes at the fire with a stick.

"You mentioned something about elemental powers in your fists? How does that work?"

"Oh... that... I was a bit different than most o' the initiates I guess. Special in a way. Good thing I was at the Four Winds, they told me, 'cause it was the perfect place for me to get my learnin'. They said other monasteries prob'ly wouldn't a known what to do with me.

"Don't know if you've faced off 'gainst a monk afore, but most of us can sometimes knock ya for a loop with a punch. Kinda like, get a good shot in and make ya drop yer weapon and just stand there all dumb like, like a bump on the side o' the road. Well... That's not my style... But what I do is, when I've got that same type o' powerful hit, I can focus that power into energy from the elements and blast out fire or a shock or ice or acid. It's pretty crazy. That's part o' why I decided to go talk to the Druids. I'm really attuned to the elements, ya see... I can't do it too often, though."

"So, there were other Were-kin in Molthune? Did you get along with them?"

"That's the thing... There were't really many Were-kin. There were Were's, plenty o' them in the army. That worried me 'bout as much as anythin'. I'm not a big fan o' Were's. Sure, I've met some Werebears who were nice enough, and I've learnt to judge folk on the content o' their actions and not the content o' their skin. But Wereboars, Weretigers, and Werewolves? I don't know if I've met ONE that I could call I nice fella. And more than once Ol' Rufus and me had to hightail it out of where we were trappin' due to a pack o' some Were-somethin's decidin' that we should drop the "Kin" and just join up with them as full-on infected brethren... Si-stern? HAHAHAHA! Sounds like cistern! Well, the Monk that tried to teach me 'bout nature an shite said our bodies are mostly water, so I guess that's just 'bout right, eh?" She shakes her head and gets a more serious look on her face. "But seriously... I don't think I've ever met a non Werebear lycanthrope who I don't consider an enemy... I'm sure I'll meet one someday, but I'll keep my crossbow ready first. I don't wanna tangle with that kind up close!"
Last edited by Zen on Mon Feb 04, 2019 9:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Post-Runelords Characters

Postby Tahlvin » Sat Jul 29, 2017 8:03 am

I'm such a nerd, I even mapped out the level progression above.

I'm actually looking forward to getting the Craft Construct feat. I want to craft a small clockwork construct that will follow me around and carry my packs for me, so I can take along all of the equipment I had to leave behind because I'm too weak and my encumbrance is so low.

I'm not positive on the class progression for levels 17-20. If I split it between wizard and cleric, as I've done above, I end up with access to 8th level wizard and 8th level cleric spells. If I put all of the levels in one class, I end up with access to 9th level spells in that class, but only 7th level spells in the other class. I'm leaning towards alternating levels, but it character development may convince me to go a different route. All I have to do is survive the lower levels in order to get to that point. After all, as Mike said, I'll have phenomenal cosmic power (and I won't have to worry about an itty, bitty living space if I have access to Create Demiplane spells).
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Re: Post-Runelords Characters

Postby Mike » Tue Oct 09, 2018 5:52 pm

Thursa "Thirsty" Creed

Talked about this on the podcast, but I've decided that no matter what my next long-term game is (Pathfinder, Starfinder, whatever), my character will be Thirsty Creed. I've been developing a Calamity-Jane-style, hard-drinking, rough-and-tumble gunslinger mercenary type off and on for a couple years, and finding the name Thirsty Creed clinched it for me. How awesome is that name?

She will be very much a Jayne Cobb type, but rougher around the edges. And also, she'll have more depth to her with some very dark secrets, and the potential for a real character arc.

Gar! This is so cool!

I may even steal some stuff from my undine character above. An undine named Thirsty entertains me.
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Re: Post-Runelords Characters

Postby Mike » Fri Oct 19, 2018 9:14 pm

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Re: Post-Runelords Characters

Postby Mike » Fri Oct 19, 2018 10:27 pm

Thirsty Creed
Female human slayer 1
CN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +3; Perception +6
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 Dex)
hp 12 (1d10+2)
Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
MW cold iron boarding axe +7 (+5 dual wield)(1d6+4/x3)
Cold iron boarding axe, off-hand +6 (+4 dual wield)(1d6+2/x3)
Cold iron dagger +6 (+4 dual wield)(1d4+4/19-20)
Cold iron dagger, off-hand +6 (+4 dual wield)(1d4+4/19-20)
Dagger, thrown +4 (1d4+4/19-20)
Str 19, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 7
Base Atk +1; CMB -5; CMD 18
Feats Weapon Focus (boarding axe), Two-Weapon Fighting
Traits Ancestral weapon; Riverfolk
Skills Acrobatics +7; Climb +10 (+2 from axes); Knowledge (Geography) +5; Perception +6; Profession (Sailor) +8; Stealth +7; Survival +6 (+7 when tracking); Swim +8
Languages Taldane (Common); Shoanti
Other Gear: MW boarding axe, cold iron (CI), boarding axe (CI), 2 daggers (CI), 4 daggers, MW Studded, Leather, Backpack, Bedroll, Belt Pouch, Flint and Steel, Iron pot, Mess kit, 50' rope, 10 torches, 5 days rations, Waterskin, Thieves tools (basic)
18sp, 20cp
Special Abilities
Slayer Tracking (add 1/2 slayer level to survival checks for tracking); Studied target (Study opponent as Move action. Gain +1 on Att, Dam, Bluff, Know, Perc, Sense Motive, Survival against that opponent); Weapon & Armor Proficiency (All simple and martial weapons. All light and medium armors and shields but not tower shields)
Level Progression
All levels will be Slayer; Favored class bonus for levels 1-18 will all be 1/6th of a Slayer Talent.
Level 1 Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus
Level 2 Trapfinding
Level 3 Power Attack
Level 4 Double Slice, +1 STR
Level 5 Quick Draw
Level 6 Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Fast Stealth
Level 7 Two Weapon Defense
Level 8 Greater Weapon Focus, +1 CON
Level 9 Improved Critical
Level 10 Hunter's Surprise
Level 11 Two Weapon Rend
Level 12 Greater Two Weapon Fighting, Assassinate, +1 STR
Level 13 Improved Initiative
Level 14 Penetrating Strike
Level 15 Combat Reflexes
Level 16 Opportunist, +1 STR
Level 17 Critical Focus
Level 18 Greater Penetrating Strike, [Slayer Talent]
Level 19 [Feat]
Level 20 [Slayer Talent]
Of mixed human heritage, Thirsty is pure Riverfolk. She is fiercely independent and lives by the Six Freedoms of the river kingdoms. She plies her trade as a mercenary, tracker, and a hunter of people. She prides herself on being good at what she does, but she also has an intense lust for life. When she is not on the job, she is almost certainly enjoying one or more earthly pleasures to their fullest. She is fiercely loyal to her companions and mistrustful of virtually everyone else. She is not devoted to any single religion, but she is superstitious and hedges her bets by paying basic service to all deities, lest she inadvertently piss one off.

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Re: Post-Runelords Characters

Postby Mike » Fri Oct 19, 2018 10:36 pm

Thirsty is primarily a fighter, but she has tracking, stealth, and a respectable number of skill points per level. With her Trapfinding slayer feat at 2nd level, she will be able to fulfill the trap and lock duties just as well as any rogue, so if no one else HAS to take rogue if they don't want to. If someone does, then I may mix things up a bit.

There doesn't have to be any backstory between Thirsty and Sia, but potentially they've had run-ins before. All I know is that if we play them right, I expect them to piss each other off a lot. Which I like.

I also dig that the three characters presented so far are LN, N, CN.
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Re: Post-Runelords Characters

Postby Tahlvin » Sat Feb 02, 2019 6:43 pm

Wash: "This is gonna get pretty interesting."
Mal: "Define interesting."
Wash: "Oh, God, oh, God, we're all gonna die?"

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