Rules: This is an improv thread. Each person posting will be posting as their character. No one else can post as your character and you cannot post as anyone else's character. Your first post must begin with your character entering the scene. Whatever someone posts is true and becomes canon for this world we're creating. Thus, even though I can't post that your character does something or says something, I can have my character say, "So why is a gun barrel sticking out of your purse?" And by doing so, it is true that your character has both a purse and a gun barrel sticking out of it. You can correct that by having your character say or do something that is consistent- like: "Oh my no. That's just my reusable straw. Ha! How funny!"
If you want a different character, just post about your current character leaving the scene, then in your next post you can enter the scene with a new character.
We are playing this thread for humor, but if this is fun, we can try different dramatic or tragic ones.
Shannon shuffles into the empty doctor's office, quickly signs in at the sliding-glass receptionist window, and sits uncomfortably in one of the severely-undercushioned chairs. Shannon seems to be unable to stop fidgeting.
[Comedy RolePlay] The Doctor's Office
Re: [Comedy RolePlay] The Doctor's Office
The receptionist, Cam, slides the window open again and calls out to Shannon, "Oh! Miss... you forgot your insurance card." He waves the black Devilmay Care card in the air before taking another look at it. "You know, we don't get a lot of demons in here," he adds with a chuckle.
All I know is my food tastes better when I take my food-tastes-better pill.
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