Hillary Clinton

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Hillary Clinton

Postby Elle » Sat Jul 23, 2016 1:47 am

I was getting myself all geared up to vote for Gary Johnson and then Hillary picked Tim Kaine. I like Tim Kaine. So, we shall see! We shall see.

However, am I the only person who feels like the rabbit in Zootopia is somehow modeled on Hillary Clinton? Her eyes, face shape and expressions, voice, all of it. I feel like they made this movie with a rabbit heroine who is reminiscent of Hillary somehow so that we'd all have vaguely positive ideas about her as an optimistic, brave rabbit who never gives up or backs down in the pursuit of justice. I'm not joking, I think they made the rabbit resemble her, on purpose.
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby Mike » Sat Jul 23, 2016 9:40 am

That's conspiracy level thinking there, Elle. That would require the Disney Animation production team, three years ago when they started production on this, to sit down and have an out-loud discussion about this where they all agreed that since Obama had just locked up his second term, they needed to do something to ensure that Democrats stayed in office in 2016, and the best way to do that is by making their fresh-faced bunny cop vaguely resemble Hillary Clinton.

In truth, Judy Hopps, in facial expressions and general mannerisms, is modeled after Ginnifer Goodwin, the voice actress who plays her. If you are familiar with Goodwin and think she's particularly Hillary-esque, then maybe that explains what you're seeing. Or maybe Hillary just has a naturally pinched sorta face that lends itself well to resembling adorable woodland creatures. Or maybe you have become overly obsessed with this election, and you see aspects of it in everything around you.

But the Disney team does not have long range plans to influence U.S. elections by planting barely recognizable resemblances to favored politicians in their animated characters.
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby Cazmonster » Sat Jul 23, 2016 10:57 am

The last big Disney politics push was when Disney led his animators to South America - see Walt & El Grupo.
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby Elle » Sat Jul 23, 2016 8:46 pm

Not only that, but they knew it would be Tim Kaine, too!

You laugh but did you think, even in your wildest dreams about 2016, that Trump would be Putin's real-life Manchurian candidate? The rabbit holes (ahem!) are so deep....

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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby Cazmonster » Sat Jul 23, 2016 10:08 pm

This is who they're up against


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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby Elle » Sun Jul 24, 2016 12:45 pm

I'm telling you, that rabbit resembles her.
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby Mike » Sun Jul 24, 2016 1:55 pm

Wait... I see it now... two eyes, a mouth. There's even a nose roughly in the center of the face. That's exactly like Hillary.

Why do I ever doubt you?
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby Cazmonster » Sun Jul 24, 2016 4:03 pm

I can't wait to see Krillin get demolished by Nick Wilde.
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby Elle » Sun Jul 24, 2016 11:23 pm

Okay, that's it, I have reached a point of total exhaustion where I want to go down like an ostrich, come back up in November to vote, pray that everything turns out okay, and have this thing settled. It's all just so terrible, all the news this weekend. The only thing that really, really matters is maintaining our democracy and protecting our Constitution, and I honestly don't think we can do that with Trump, so... I don't know. My only question now is whether to vote for Gary Johnson. Needs more research re: thresholds the Libertarian party needs to reach to move forward, and status of polling in my home state at the time, just in case the race is closer than expected.
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby Cazmonster » Mon Jul 25, 2016 8:48 am

I'm here in Wisconsin, where Scooter is determined to gut the place and serve what's left to the Koch brothers. While I'm not going to be pounding the pavement, I am going to be voting for everybody I think can help come November.
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby poorpete » Mon Jul 25, 2016 1:53 pm

I thought the rabbit was modeled after Amy Poehler as Leslie Knope
(edit confirmed: https://twitter.com/byronphoward/status ... 3765328896)

who is partly-modeled after Hillary Clinton, (edit: not confirmed).
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby Elle » Thu Jul 28, 2016 12:05 pm

It could have happened like that, sure - personality wise for Judy Hopps. But I mean, it's like one of those deals where you can see that the kid looks like parent 1 and everyone else sees the kid looking like parent 2. There is no pointing it out if it cannot be seen already.

Anyway, here is reply to Zen from the Runelords forum:
I'm not a fan of Hillary Clinton. I'm really not. She is not the woman or the Democrat I would have chosen, if I could have selected one. However, I would vote for her a billion times over before I'd elect the looneytunes she's running against, who might actually destroy the human world if his pro-espionage, anti-NATO bromance with Putin happens to go sour one day. And I'm impressed with Chelsea Clinton, so someone had to be doing something right during those years and we can be pretty sure it wasn't Bill. I really do not like Bill Clinton. He skeeves me out, to use a technical term for it. My husband absolutely loves him and thinks he was a terrific winner of a Democratic president. Ugh! To put it mildly, I do not trust my husband's judgment of other people. However, I do trust my mom's judgment of other people fairly well, despite some lapses here and there, and she loves Hillary. She is also in the best position of anyone I know to judge it, because she has followed her far more closely and knows more about her. So I defer to Mom on this.

I suspect that some things I disliked about Hillary over the past 25 years have been characteristics she was forced to acquire as a woman in her line of work. Where Trump has skin like the inner membrane of an eggshell, she has the skin of a rhinoceros! She is a complete badass, and this seems like a good quality in a President. She's dealt with all kinds of the worst crap and managed to come up swinging. So I respect her even if I do think she has a regular tendency to lie. But her lying is more of the self-preservation-based dissembling they all do, while Trump's lying is the pathological, constant sort that makes you wonder if he has totally lost touch with reality or suffers actual brain damage. The server scandal - it happened because she had good reasons to want to conceal her communications, but she was stupid about how she did that, and then she should have come totally clean about it on day 1 and her instincts were to dissemble. That's bad. But it's not even in the same ballpark, city, state or universe as Trump-level dissembling! I do think Clinton's commitment to children and families in poverty is deep and will be effective if she's in the White House. So... there you go. Probably still voting for Gary Johnson. But I'd vote for Hillary over Trump for sure, and if the race seems close I'll vote for her. Right now I don't think my vote for her will matter but I do think it will matter for Gary, possibly. This is the wrong thread for it, but what can you do: her speech coincides with saving Sandpoint! No - I will move this to the other thread. And here it is.
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby Elle » Thu Jul 28, 2016 12:13 pm

Also my husband is SHOCKED that I would not vote for a woman president once finally given a chance, and he has a lot to say about how I am letting down the side. This is not as bad an argument as it might seem. If there's no way you'd vote for Trump, and you're not wildly opposed to her policies, why wouldn't you vote for her, especially as a woman? It's not just the historic first, and the fact that women haven't even been able to vote for a hundred years yet! It's also that you realize, whatever I dislike about this person may well be thanks to the fact that she's a female struggling to survive for decades at the top of this insane political world. If I really could know her, perhaps I would think she was the best! That's not unlikely. So his argument picks at me and he knows it and that's why he keeps saying it, and also shaming me for not voting with my Mom on this one.

But wouldn't it be great if we had a regular slate of Libertarian options, especially when a solid quarter of the population seems to be utterly high on crack right now? And that might last a while? If a strong Libertarian movement can seize this opening, that would be fantastic. I wish Weld was at the top of the ticket instead, but whatevs. I disagree with half their platform, but it's a way better option for me in most situations, when there's nobody who fits my own beliefs in the running.
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby Zen » Thu Jul 28, 2016 2:54 pm

Well, I'm pretty much convinced that Trump's entire campaign is a continued part of his parodying of himself in order to make money, which he has been doing for the past several years... (My son dug up a quote from him saying if he ever ran for president he would run as a Republican because they were easier to fool.)
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby Mike » Thu Jul 28, 2016 3:52 pm

Sadly, .
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby Zen » Thu Jul 28, 2016 4:12 pm

I figured that was the case... But I still don't believe anything he says...
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby salvation122 » Thu Jul 28, 2016 7:20 pm

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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby Elle » Thu Jul 28, 2016 7:50 pm

Yeah, his views aren't so bad, really, and there's no way he's going to win the Presidency even if I vote for him. My issue is that strong numbers for him state by state might encourage the future expansion of the Libertarian party in those states. Even if he can't win, individual candidates running downballot for legislature or something might win. However, I might have to vote for Hillary because of my mom. I dunno. She's very pro-Hillary and it gets to me. I would vote for Hillary if it made her happy, considering the circumstances.
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Re: Hillary Clinton

Postby salvation122 » Thu Jul 28, 2016 9:34 pm

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