Texting Grammar

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Texting Grammar

Postby Phoebe » Thu Apr 05, 2018 4:50 pm

How attached are you to the use of proper punctuation grammar and spelling when you are using texting Communications or other voice to text type communication? Perhaps I should break down that question into how attached you are to it for your own purposes and how much you value it in other people who are communicating with you? I discover with some surprise absolutely no concern for this in myself, but many people I know here are attached to such priorities and values because it matters to them generally in their daily life and they don't want to see it abandoned simply because we are pursuing other modes of communication. My attitude is like if I am having to talk into some little thing that I got to by pressing a button then I don't give a figure what comes out the other end as long as I was able to get my message across effectively. When it comes to any other form of written communication, however, I'm a maniacal perfectionist about spelling and such. This makes me worry that when I randomly shout things into the voice to text or text things and my thumbs go flying over all sorts of wrong and unintended phrases, but I keep them because the overall message is solid enough, other people are judging me as deficient and defective in some way I would not wish to be judged! Maybe they think I'm responsible for the things that my phone does and I feel like I am just working against it on a constant basis a struggle for Supremacy That Never Ends.
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Re: Texting Grammar

Postby Tahlvin » Thu Apr 05, 2018 5:09 pm

When I text, I generally use proper spelling/capitalization/punctuation/grammar, as if I were typing up a letter. I would say as if I were typing an email, but I know plenty of people who don't bother using any of that in emails they send, although I do. For me, it's just something that was drilled into me by one of my first bosses, to always make every communication, even email, look professional because it's a representation of you and your organization's reputation and attention to detail. They were a small consulting firm, and professionalism was important to them. At this point, it's almost an unconscious habit for me to do it.

For texts I receive from others, it depends. If it's from a co-worker/customer and it's work-related, it does matter to me. Not to the point that I'll say anything to the person, but it's more a minor negative factor that goes with all the other factors that determine whether/how much I like working with that particular person. If it's not worked-related, I'm more forgiving. Although, for some reason I haven't thoroughly analyzed, I do not like when people above a certain age make extensive use of emojis. Receiving a birthday text from a grown relative or friend that has a bunch of party hat and birthday cakes emojis, I just find it annoying.
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Re: Texting Grammar

Postby Eliahad » Thu Apr 05, 2018 5:24 pm

Proper punctuation! All the time! Well, at least as proper as I use when I'm typing here, so 'mostly proper.' I love emojis though. Not a ton, unless I'm being goofy. But I find they help give context to the body language I'm conveying when I'm texting, and that help gives context to the intent of whatever I'm saying. I will not, however, use emojis in a' business' text, unless I'm very good friends with that person.
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Re: Texting Grammar

Postby mimekiller » Thu Apr 05, 2018 5:34 pm

I would rather my INTENT understood then sticking to grammar

so yes that means emojis are some lols or any other kind of internet speak that makes communication easier to understand in the digital realm.
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Re: Texting Grammar

Postby Cazmonster » Thu Apr 05, 2018 6:35 pm

My use is about context. If I have to text/lync at work to someone who isnt a colleague, I write the same way I would as if I were sending an email.

Friends and colleagues get far less formal communication. I type sound effects, use emojis or textmojis (which I like far more because they are still in the same font as the message) and hit return when I should probably type a period.
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Re: Texting Grammar

Postby Phoebe » Thu Apr 05, 2018 7:12 pm

The work non-work distinction makes a big difference to me too, come to think of it. When I text people for example because we're at a work conference togethe, I try to pay attention to well-formed language. When it's a friend or even someone that I don't have a professional connection to, but I expect them to know that normally I know how to write a sentence, I just made it clear I'm using voice to text and let 'er rip. I wish I knew somebody besides my daughter with whom I could text the kind of emoji language that makes more sense than words, like expressing your feelings through dancing broccoli or sad animal faces. Luckily I usually feel like a dancing broccoli.
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Re: Texting Grammar

Postby bralbovsky » Thu Apr 05, 2018 9:02 pm

Fragments ok, mostly dispense with semicolons, so occasional run-ons happen as well
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