Anti Vaxxers Anti Circers

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Anti Vaxxers Anti Circers

Postby Phoebe » Tue Feb 21, 2017 7:43 am

Assumption: it is fine with me if people have questions about vaccine safety and do not agree with the practice of circumcision. All totally understandable and even sensible - of course we should ask questions about medical interventions and medicines.

However, for years I have been watching the confluence of the anti circ anti vax movement, and remarking on their basic antisemitism, to great ridicule from those who didn't know the origin of this movement. Now that we have Breitbart/Infowars government I hope people are finally able to see what has been clear since at least 2003, if you ever went digging into the darker source materials behind it (when nazi-types and pedos are inspiring your talking points, maybe need to rethink why). Anyway, there is a reason why the same people who want us to mistrust scientists and the government and (((the media))) also want to ban circumcision.
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Re: Anti Vaxxers Anti Circers

Postby Ronster » Tue Feb 21, 2017 9:08 am

You will never find a more anti-Nazi group than Infowars...unless you are using Nazi to mean something other than the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

Throwing around the word "Nazi" for them is like Limbaugh calling feminists "femiNazis".

According to Chris Wallace "no one gets to tell them what the news is"(paraphrased by me), but they get to tell me what the news is??
Sometimes the media are the enemy of the people, like when they suppressed the news of the holocaust:

Only once did the NY Times devote its lead editorial to the Holocaust on Dec. 2, 1942, which was when the State Dept. had unofficially confirmed to rabbis that 2 million Jews had been murdered and that 5 million more were in danger of the same fate. That was as far as their concern went because the caution in the story was that other people might get the same treatment as the Jews "even our own mongrel nation".

In March 1943 the paper was moved to concede that the plight of the Jews in Europe merited extraordinary attention. Anne O'Hare McCormick the foreign affairs columnist wrote that the rally at Madison Square Garden had exposed the shame of the world. Seven other editorials echoed similar thoughts. The Times on the previous day had covered the rally as the smallest one of 11 front page headlines: "Save Doomed Jews Huge Rally Pleas".

More than a year later the Times discussed the idea of temporarily housing refugees in isolated American camps for innocent victims...without ever mentioning the Jews.

Many other stories were located far from the front page 28 "Extinction feared by Jews in Poland"

June of '42 saw Goebels blaming the Jews for the bombings they were suffering and that the Jews would pay for all the suffering they had caused with the extermination of their race in Europe and even beyond 7

In November '42 the State Dept. conceded that it had confirmed the extermination campaign but the Allies were helpless to prevent it.

In 1943 The Times made a passionate plea for the European Jews with a brief essay by a novelist.

The next and last article was on June 9, 1944.

NEVER THE LEAD ARTICLE OF THE DAY. Clearly the facts couldn't speak for themselves.
You could have read the front page of the NY Times in 1939 and 1940 without knowing that a million Jews were being sent to Poland and dying.

You could have read the front page of the NY Times in 1941 without knowing that the Nazis were machine gunning hundreds of thousands of Jews in the Soviet Union.

You could have read the front page of the NY Times in 1942 without knowing until the last month that the Germans were carrying out plans to exterminate European Jews

Had you read the front page of the NY Times in 1943 you would have been told once that Jews from France, Belgium, and The Netherlands were being sent to ghettos and camps in Poland where more than half the Jews from Europe would be killed.

In 1944 you would have read on the front page of the horrible places, like Auschwitz, but only further in the paper could you learn that the victims were Jews.

1945, Dachau and Buchenwald were liberated and made the front page, but the part about the victims being Jews was hidden deep within the paper.

Now, the owner of the Times was Jewish as was the publisher, but no one would have had any idea what was happening to the Jewish people. The Ny Times by placement of stories and by omission did an evil thing and worked as an enemy of the people. Not just the Jewish people, but all the people who read that fish-wrapper.

It's not always the news, but the way news is reported...the way words and meanings are twisted and people get maligned.
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Re: Anti Vaxxers Anti Circers

Postby Kyle » Tue Feb 21, 2017 10:14 am

Ugh. Ron- and you know I love you- but that hurts my head. You're spitting out an anecdote which you're saying proves the rule. Come on.

Here's what it comes down to- people believe the media is lying to them because they don't like what the media is telling them. End of story. That's the truth. That's what no one wants to talk about. We live in an era now where it is acceptable for people to simple reject news that doesn't fit with their world view-- and then justify distrust of news after the fact-- to further fit with their worldview.

And I'm not singling out conservatives (but I see it far more with them) but also liberals- I block all the clickbait sites from both sides on my social media. But it's time to stop this nonsense. There is legitimate news. In fact almost all of the major news sources (yes, including Fox News-- see their various take-downs of Trump) are actually legitimate news sources that are reporting facts. Forget the spin and opinion- there's a lot of that out there- but they still report facts. You can discard someone else's opinion, but if you're going to discount facts, then you're not living in reality.
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Re: Anti Vaxxers Anti Circers

Postby poorpete » Tue Feb 21, 2017 10:27 am


Speaking of Info-Wars, it pains me to see my left friends, after 8 years of rolling our eyes at every "it's a conspiracy!" and "it's a false flag" to suddenly see conspiracy in everything, including good things or see Trump's incompetence as some kind of mark of an evil genius.

News came out this weekend that the Russian ambassador died of a heart attack at 64. Immediately, with no evidence to prove, out comes people saying that he must have been murdered. Now, I could see, how maybe he was murdered, I mean it would fit with a world-view narrative, but there's nothing other than the narrative to show this. Him dying is itself not suspicious.
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Re: Anti Vaxxers Anti Circers

Postby Kyle » Tue Feb 21, 2017 10:56 am

Agreed, Pete. As an example, I was dismayed to see the "Not My President" March. Back when Obama was elected, I was offended when the conservatives would walk around and say "He's not my president!" Often it was race-based, but sometimes it was just that they hate democrats. And now liberals who were offended when people said that about Obama are going out and marching against Trump saying the same thing. Be consistent, folks. Understand that you're stooping to levels that you're better than. Stop being childish!
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Re: Anti Vaxxers Anti Circers

Postby Phoebe » Wed Feb 22, 2017 10:05 am

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