[MtG] Godswar: The Arena

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Re: [MtG] Godswar: The Arena

Postby DMDarcs » Wed Jul 06, 2016 11:43 am

Game 44: Aphrodite vs Thrym

Both players start out summoning goblins to the field: Aphrodite's was a recruit from the Boros legion, while Thyrm's is just a raging goblin. Thrym summons some Keldon Marauders, while Aphrodite creates a thornbite staff. The marauders get in a hit before they vanish, but the wound is practically erased by Aphrodite's peace strider. The Boros recruit picks up the staff and joins the peace strider in battle. Thrym suffers from a severe mana shortage and summons a simian spirit guide to the field. The Boros recruit kills the other goblin with his staff, and the peace strider continues to attack. Thrym summons tundra wolves, which the Boros recruit tries to immediately kill, but can't due to the brute force that Thrym temporarily grants them. He then summons a mycologist to hopefully create more of a defense. The recruit is now successful in getting rid of the wolves, and the peace strider continues to not be peaceful. Aphrodite then enchants the construct with flickerform. Thrym summon's Ajanai's sunstriker to the field, and the peace strider begins to flicker, causing Aphrodite to gain more life. She then summons a rukh egg. Thrym summons another group of Keldon marauders to the field. The peace strider flickers again, and this time Thrym is ready and destroys the flickerform enchantment with a hope charm. Aphrodite sets her own rukh egg into an immolation, and has the boros recruit finish the egg off so it will hatch into a rukh. Thrym summons a tin-wing chimera to block one of the rukh's attacks. Aphrodite then summons a duergar hedge-mage, which destroys the chimera, allowing the rukh to swing in. Thrym's mycologist creates a saproling and sacrifices it for some life gain. A street spasm erupts under the peace strider, destroying it. Despite a desperate attempt at gaining life from Ajani's sunstriker, Aphrodite's rukh and boros recruit are able to finish Thrym off. Aphrodite steals a copy of Thrym's lava axe spell.

Thrym starts off by summoning a mycologist, then a hill giant. Aphrodite's corrupt eunuchs kill the mycologist. When Thrym retaliates with an attack from the hill giant, the eunuchs step aside and let him in, giving the giant an opportune time to bull rush Aphrodite. Not to be outdone, she summons a raging minotaur, and it and the eunuchs damage Thrym just as much as Aphrodite was wounded. The hill giant attacks again, and Thrym summons a tectonic fiend. Not to be outdone, Aphrodite flash conscripts the fiend to her force for an attack, almost defeating Thrym. The fiend begins its relentless assualt against Aphrodite, and Thrym mutters the peach garden oath to gain a little life. Aphrodite continues her attacks, and her raging minotaur and Thrym's hill giant defeat each other in battle. She summons another set of eunuchs to the field. Thrym summons an ogre geargrabber, believing he may have stabilized. However, seemingly out of nowhere, Aphrodite summons Razia, Boros archangel, and takes the giant god out. She recruits a shade of Trokair as spoils.
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Re: [MtG] Godswar: The Arena

Postby DMDarcs » Wed Jul 06, 2016 4:15 pm

Last game of the day....

Game 45: Aegir vs Apollo

Aegir summons a cloud sprite. It swings in for an early hit, and is joined by merfolk (Vodalian soldiers). Aegir continues to beat down, and summons an assembly-worker. Apollo adds some presence to the board in the form of a pious kitsune. Aegir's merfolk hold back, but the rest continue the attack, and are then joined on the field with a merfolk of the pearl trident. Apollo summons an Elgaud inquisitor. Seeing as how his ground forces are stymied, Aegir only attacks with the sprite. The pious kitsune starts to devote himself to healing Apollo's wounds. Apollo attempts to summon an Orzhov guildmage, but it has its essence scattered. Instead, he settles for a fire bowman and an eager cadet. The sprite continues its attacks, and the kitsune continues to heal. The fire bowman sacrifices himself to take out the cloud sprite, and Apollo creates a pegasus refuge. A pegasus emerges from the refuge, and Apollo summons a forge devil, which kills Aegir's remanining merfolk. The inquisitor leads the pegasus into battle. The assembly-worker blocks itself and grows larger to survive the inquisitor's attack. The inquisitor moves to make a skillful lunge, but the lunge is flash countered by Aegir and the inquisitor dies, giving form to a ghostly spirit. Aegir summons a dragon hatchling. Apollo summons a veteran cavalier which is countered by Aegir's spell burst. Apollo attacks with his pegasus, and creates another. Aegir summons a frontline sage which boosts the dragon hatchling's attack, killing the spirit left behind by the inquisitor's death. Another pegasus is added to the attack, along with a blinding angel. The dragon and angel take each other out. Apollo doesn't worry and continues to create pegasi and a mystic visionary. Aegir make a connection to his haunted fengraf and resurrects his dragon hatchling. The hatchling trades with the mystic visionary, and Apollo continues the creation of pegasi. Aegir casts a divination and summons a robber fly. The fly blocks one pegasus, while Aegir boomerangs another one away, but the other three pegasi are enough to take out Aegir. Apollo takes a merfolk thaumaturgist from Aegir as spoils, and plans on selling it away as soon as possible.

Apollo starts his battle out with his veteran cavalier, while Aegir brings out a merfolk scroll thief. The poor merfolk is destroyed by Apollo's prismatic wardrobe, and the vigilant cavalier swings in. Aegir brings in his frontline sage, but doesn't use it as a defender. Instead, the sage loots through Aegir's library to try and find an effective defense. Apollo summons a Serra angel, adding another vigilant attacker to his forces. Aegir summons a pair of sprites - a cloud sprite from Mercadia and a surveilling sprite from Ravnica. The sprites take the brunt of the Serra angel's attacks, while the cavalier continues to strike the ocean god down. A thieving magpie is brought to the field by Aegir. It blocks the cavalier, but is killed with a skillful lunge from the cavalier. Apollo summons a lantern kami to continue the assault. His next attack has the veteran cavalier destroyed by a magma burst. However, the Serra angel double cleaves Aegir into oblivion. Apollo takes the haunted fengraf as spoils.
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Re: [MtG] Godswar: The Arena

Postby DMDarcs » Wed Jul 06, 2016 4:17 pm

Tomorrow starts the Excellent Eight:

Anubis vs Hercules
Ares vs Artemis
Odin vs Pan
Aphrodite vs Apollo

Greek pantheon may have this one in the bag.
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Re: [MtG] Godswar: The Arena

Postby DMDarcs » Thu Jul 07, 2016 12:53 pm

Game 46: Anubis vs Hercules

Anubis enlists a vampire, a child of night. The vampire begins the assault, draining Hercules of life while lending life to Anubis. Hercules summons a fire juggler, and lets the vampire continue the attack. Anubis summons a pillarfield ox to defend. Hercules' fire juggler sets the ox on fire, and is joined by an enslaved scout. The scout blocks the vampire's next attack, and they both die. Anubis summons an undead minotaur as a replacement. The fire juggler attacks again, but the undead minotaur dodges the fire juggler's torches and kills it. Hercules summons his elven riders. Anubis summons Shu elite infantry. The elven riders slip past Anubis' defenses, and are joined on the field by a Sokenzan spellblade, a nasty ogre samurai. Anubis summons a border guard to put up a possible defense. The elven riders continue to attack, and The Lady of the Mountain joins Herc's forces. The legendary giant warrior is soon enchanted with treetop bracers, allowing her to bypass Anubis' forces as well. Hercules finishes things off with a cryoclasmic destruction of one of Anubis' plains.

Hercules summons a sunflare shaman. Anubis crafts a staff of the sun mage, hoping to gain some life back in this fight. Hercules attacks with his shaman and summons the spirit of Adamaro, First to Desire. Anubis slowly gains life by making connections to plains and summoning Shu elite infantry. Hercules creates veteran's armaments and gives them to the sunflare shaman for his next attack with Adamaro. The Shu elite infantry and shaman take each other out. A dawnstrike paladin joins Anubis' side. Adamaro attacks by himself, and Anubis, suspecting a trick, lets it through. Adamaro grows fists of the anvil for a mighty strike. Balduvian barbarians join Hercules side, and Anubis summons an undead minotaur. Hercules summons a glarewielder, which distracts Anubis' forces. The glarewielder puts on the veteran's armaments and swings in with the rest of Hercules' forces. Anubis blocks, but the Balduvian barbarians unleash their kindled fury and defeat Anubis. The Egyptian pantheon is officially out of the tournament.
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Re: [MtG] Godswar: The Arena

Postby DMDarcs » Thu Jul 07, 2016 5:53 pm

Game 47: Ares vs Artemis

Ares starts out with the creation of a veinfire borderpost. The two gods keeps things quiet for a bit, but eventually Artemis summons a Shelkin brownie; Ares follows with a desert drake. Artemis adds a willow satyr to the field. Ares begins attacking with the drake in the air, and adds a frost ogre to his forces. Artemis summons a moss monster. Ares' desert drake becomes enchanted with deviant glee and keeps attacking. The moss monster makes a counter attacks, but Ares terminates it. The drake continues its attacks, and the frost ogre kills the brownie. Ares then unleashes a spawn of Rix Maadi. Artemis summons a maul splicer and her two attendant golems to the field. The drake and spawn attack Artemis; one of the golems and the willow satyr trade blows with the spawn, all dying. Artemis enchants her remaining golem with inviolability and mounts a counterattack, following up with summoning the clergy of the holy nimbus. The drake attacks again, but is lost in a fog created by Artemis. When the fog dissipates, the drake attacks again, and Ares gets close enough to Artemis to finish her off with his vampiric touch.

Artemis starts out with a fountain of youth, which she sips from quite often through the match. She is also the first to put a threat on the field in the form of a giant turtle. Ares summons a Vulshok sorcerer that takes shots at Artemis while the turtle makes its lumbering attacks. A scholar of Athreos joins the field on Artemis' side. Ares rends Artemis' skull, depriving her of mana connections for the expensive spells she had prepared. An elvish pioneer momentarily distracts the sorcerer. Ares unleashes the spawn of Rix Maadi once again. Artemis summons her moss monster, and it and the scholar manage to kill the spawn of Rix Maadi, the scholar surviving. Balthor the Stout joins the field on Ares' side. A willow satyr appears to hopefully lure away the dwarf, but is instantly killed by the sorcerer. A frost ogre that Ares summoned is killed by the duo of Artemis' turtle and scholar, the scholar once again being the lone survivor. Ares summons a desert drake and gets some aerial hits in, and follows up with a gristle grinner. Artemis dissuades Ares' forces from attacking by summoning a Phyrexian swarmlord. The drake can attack with no problems, and an intimidating bladestusk boar joins Ares. It and the drake manage to evade Artemis' blows. The end comes suddenly when Ares enchants the two forces with the blades of Velis Vel; they have now become barbarians and Balthor bolsters them to victory.
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Re: [MtG] Godswar: The Arena

Postby DMDarcs » Fri Jul 08, 2016 9:04 pm

Game 48: Odin vs Pan

Odin starts out by summoning the vigilant tempest drake. It attacks early and is followed by an amphin cutthroat. Pan summons a savage twister, destroying the drake. The amphin attacks again. Pan summons a marshdrinker giant, destroying one of Odin's islands. Pan then begins to take the offensive with his giant. Odin summons a mesa enchantress, and Pan flashes in Yeva, Nature's Herald. The giant and Yeva attack, and the enchantress throws herself in Yeva's path. Odin casts a leyline phantom, and Pan flashes in a greater basilisk. The basilisk attacks, and is then joined by a hamletback goliath. Odin, desperate for blockers, summons a Court Street denizen. Pan reconstructs Mishra's War Machine, then attacks with his basilisk and goliath. The leyline phantom and the basilisk take each other out, and the goliath tromps over the amphin cutthroat. Pan attacks again with all his forces, destroying Odin.

Pan has the advantage beginning the battle with access to his leyline of vitality. Odin summons Ludevic's test subject and starts working on hatching it. Pan summons a hoof skulkin and gets in an attack before the egg hatches into Ludevic's abomination. The abomination attacks, and Pan flashes in Yeva to block. Pan then summons his greater basilisk as an attempt to kill the abomination, but it is unsummoned by Odin. Odin then uses an oblivion ring to exile the hoof skulkin, leaving the abomination to tear apart Pan. Just for backup, Odin also summons an invisible stalker. Pan resummons his basilisk, but it is too late to affect the game, giving Odin the win.

Pan starts out with a Nettle Sentinel, then suspends a giant dustwasp. Odin gets mana screwed, and Pan wins round three fairly easily. Monstrifying the nettle sentinel, summoning a fungusaur, and having the dustwasp finally enter the battlefield all happen with attacks all around, and Odin never accesses a third land. Looks like an all Greek final four!
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Re: [MtG] Godswar: The Arena

Postby DMDarcs » Sat Jul 09, 2016 9:03 am

I wanted to post this game last night, but it took a very long time to play these games. Very evenly matched.

Game 49: Aphrodite vs Apollo
Aphrodite summons crimson kobolds, which are immediately destroyed when Apollo summons forge devils. Aphrodite fires off a rift bolt at Apollo. His devil continues the attack, then summons a veteran cavalier. Aphrodite summons an orcish bloodpainter, and a seasoned marshal enters the battlefield on Apollo's side. Aphrodite's corrupt eunuchs kill off the seasoned marshal, and then take out the the forge devil during Apollo's next attack. Apollo replaces the wolf with a pack of russet wolves. Aphrodite summons a soulsurge elemental. Apollo continues his full out assault. Aphrodite blocks favorably, but Apollo imbues his forces with warrior's honor, strengthening Apollo's forces and killing Aphrodite's eunuchs and elemental. Aphrodite tries to slow down Apollo by using a seismic spike to destroy some of his land and using the resultant mana to use a brood birthing to create an eldrazi spawn. The spawn dies to a wolf attack in Apollo's continued assault. Aphrodite summons a beetleback chief who brings around his goblin allies. Apollo continues to whittle off Aphrodite's forces, and summons a mystic visionary to his forces. Aphrodite adds a thundersong trumpeter. Apollo continues his assault, killing off goblins and using double cleave to keep his own forces himself. Aphrodite summons another set of kobolds. Her trumpeter starts to show some effectiveness by keeping Apollo's wolves at bay. Aphrodite brings out her trained orgg, which finally stops Apollo's attacks. He summons a lowland oaf, but Aphrodite then summons a greater forgeling and a Boros recruit. Apollo weighs the trained orgg down with the burden of guilt, keeping it from joining the battle. Aphrodite disintegrates Apollo's wolves and sneaks in an attack with the greater forgeling. Apollo summons a lantern kami, and Aphrodite has to consistently use her trumpeter to keep Apollo's mystic visionary out of battle, now that it has the ability to fly. Aphrodite summons Koth's courier, and Apollo uses his hunted fengraf to return his russet wolves to the field. Aphrodite summons a Rukh egg. Apollo's lantern kami continues to sneak in and hit Aphrodite, almost killing her. On death's door, Aphrodite calls upon Razia's purification. When the smoke clears, Aphrodites forces consist of her trumpeter, orgg (relieved of guilt), and forgeling, and Apollo's mystic visionary, lowland oaf, and russet wolves. As a result of the purification, the rukh egg hatches. The orgg and rukh attack, and Apollo has to commit both his wolves and oaf to taking out the orgg. The trumpeter continues to keep the mystic visionary from attacking. The trumpeter changes the tune to now cow the visionary from blocking, and uses her rukh to kill off Apollo.

Apollo summons an eager cadet who wades into battle early. After one sword strike, Aphrodite uses her spawning breath to kill the cadet and create an eldrazi spawn. She then summons a kobold drill sergeant. Apollo summons an Elgaud inquisitor, and Aphrodite creates a pennon blade. The inguisitor attacks, and the summons an Orzhov guildmage, which periodically heals Apollo's wounds throughout the battle. Aphrodite summons a soulsurge elemental, and Apollo summons an Aven cloudchaser. Aphrodite is dedicated to the "win by numbers" route, and calls in the beetleback chief and its goblin allies, then attacking with her soulsurge elemental. Apollo swings in with his cloudchaser, then creates a pegasus refuge. The soulsurge elemental picks up the pennon blade, making it extremely powerful. Apollo's inquisitor uses a guided strike to put up a little resistance to the elemental, but it still dies and turns into a spirit. The elemental continues to attack and is joined by a surprise raging minotaur. A pegasus leaves the refuge to chump-block the elemental. Apollo creates a master decoy. Aphrodite summons a Yotian soldier, and suspends a shade of Trokair. The Yotian soldier takes the pennon blade from the soulsurge elemental, and is kept out of battle by Apollo's decoy. The burden of guilt enchants the soulsurge elemental. Aphrodite summons her thundersong trumpeter. Much of the combat from here out is devoted to the decoy and trumpeter keeping the biggest threats out of battle while Aphrodite gets small hits in. Eventually, Aphrodite injures Apollo enough that she can attack in with full force and finally defeat Apollo.
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Re: [MtG] Godswar: The Arena

Postby DMDarcs » Mon Jul 11, 2016 3:53 pm

Game 50: Hercules vs Ares

Hercules summons a sunflare shaman; Ares summons a vault skirge. The shaman yells out a gorilla war cray and smacks Ares around. Ares' Vulshok sorcerer runs out onto the field, kills the shaman, and lets the skirge in for an attack. Hercules summons Adamaro, First to Desire. The vault skirge becomes filled with deviant glee and continues pestering Hercules in the air, while Balthor the Stout joins Ares on the field. Adamaro becomes filled with uncontrollable anger and attacks. The Vulshok sorcerer starts firing at Hercules directly. The skirge and Balthor continue attacking Hercules, and a taven swindler and a Rix Maadi guildmage join Ares' forces. Adamaro attacks again, but Ares' forces easily overwhelm Hercules on their counter attack.

Hercules again starts out with a sunflare shaman; Ares answers with a tavern swindler. The sunflare shaman goes on the offensive once Adamaro shows up. A second attack from the duo sees the tavern swindler trying to block Adamaro. It loses a coin flip and saps some of Ares' life before dying. Hercules summons the Boldwyr heavyweights, and Ares seeks out the patron of the akki and summons a bladetusk boar. Hercules enchants Adamaro with treetop bracers, and it evasively attacks Ares while the Boldwyr heavyweights are taken out by the akki's patron and boar. Adamaro is joined by the sunflare shaman for one last attack, leading to Hercules' victory and round three.

Hercules creates a leonin scimitar, while Ares summons a Vulshok sorcerer to immediately start firing at the demigod. Ares shapes some primal clay into an aggressive land beast. He then summons a goblin cohort, infused with screaming fury, and fills his primal clay with deviant glee. Hercules is thrown too far off game and Ares wins handily.
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Re: [MtG] Godswar: The Arena

Postby DMDarcs » Mon Jul 11, 2016 6:00 pm

Game 51: Pan vs Aphrodite

Aphrodite summons a frenzied goblin. Pan begins the process of pulling a giant dustwasp through the time rifts of Dominaria. The frenzied goblin manages to get quite a few hits in before Pan can react. Aphrodite summons a beetleback chief, which enters the field with its goblin sidekicks. Pan unleashes a savage twister which kills all of Aphrodite's goblins other than the chief. The chief rides its beetle mount in towards Pan to strike. Aphrodite creates a seismic strike destroying Pan's lone mountain and severely restricting his access to mana. The dustwasp enters the battlefield and makes a single attack against Aphrodite, then Pan summons scryb sprites. Aphrodite's corrupt eunuchs kill the sprites, and the beetleback chief makes another attack. Combat is stalled momentarily, but Aphrodite summons a peace strider to ironically lead the battle. Eventually the dustwasp and strider cancel each other out. Pan summons his aerie ouphes, but Aphrodite summons a larger trained orgg. The ouphes get in for a quick strike, triggering the bloodthirsty Ghor-Clan savage to enter the field on Pan's side. Aphrodite enchants her orgg with an eland umbra, and it wades into battle, killing the savage centaur. Pan summons treetop rangers that die to the orgg's next assault. The aerie ouphes fight the orgg and persist into the next battle. Aphrodite summons a hand of Emrakul. Pan summons a grazing kelpie. Pan lose all of his forces to the attack of orgg and eldrazi. Aphrodite suspends a rift bolt, and her next attack wins her round one.

Aphrodite again leads with her frenzied goblin. Pan summons a Silhana ledgewalker. Aphrodite suspends her rift bolt while the Ranvican city elf deals damage to her. The rift bolt hits Pan, along with her goblin's next attack. The ledgewalker gets another strike in, and the Burning-Tree bloodscale enters the field with bloodthirst. Pan also manages to access a leyline of vitality. Corrupt eunchs enters the field under Aphrodite's control, but only damaging Pan's forces. Pan summons a marshdrinker giant. Aphrodite's eunuchs get in an attack, and are joined by a second set of eunuchs. The marshdrinker giant is about to stomp the second group of eunuchs, but they ironically rise to the challenge and defeat the giant. Aerie ouphes are added to Pan's forces, and his bloodscale starts using its powers to evade blockers. When the ledgewalker rejoins the battle, the bloodscale takes out Aphrodite's frenzied goblin. Aphrodite summons a duergar hedge-mage, which destroys Pan's leyline. Pan summons Mishra's war machine, and Aphrodite summons a Yotian soldier. The war machine starts to mow down Aphrodite's forces. The bloodscale uses an enchanted lure to distract the rest of Aphrodite's forces in the next attack, handing the win to Pan.

Aphrodite starts off by suspending and releasing a rift bolt. She follows up with a duergar hedge-mage. Pan summons his treetop rangers. Aphrodite enchants her duergar with an eland umbra and continues to attack. When able, she suspends a shade of Trokair. Pan's treetop rangers take to the offensive, and he summons a hoof skulkin. Aphrodite summons corrupt eunuchs which destroy the skulkin. When Aphrodite creates a pennon blade, Pan's rangers turn to the defensive. He tries to shore up his forces with a fungusaur. The shade of Trokair enters the battlefield, and the corrupt eunuchs pick up the pennon blade and join in an all-out attack. When the smoke clears, the eunuchs and fungusaur are dead, and Pan is greatly wounded. He makes a fairly useless counter-attack with the rangers, but only to strengthen the Burning-Tree bloodscale as it enters. The bloodscale dies in the next battle. Pan starts to get desperate and uses a savage twister to take out the shade of Trokiar, unfortunately taking out his rangers as well. Aphrodite has the lone combatant on the field, the duergar hedge-mage, which proves to be enough to take care of the last semifinal round, assuring her of victory.
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Re: [MtG] Godswar: The Arena

Postby DMDarcs » Mon Jul 11, 2016 6:43 pm

And here's the final round....with everything in it's entirety. This weekend has been a little nuts with packing, birthday parties, and my main water-line breaking and not yet able to be fixed/have the water shut off. Enjoy!

Game 52: Ares vs Aphrodite
Ares antes Spawn of Rix Maadi. Aphrodite antes Peace Strider. Ares mulligans to 6.
T1, Ar: Mountain.
T1, Ap: Draw. Plains. Crimson Kobolds. Suspends Shade of Trokair.
T2, Ar: Draw. Swamp.
T2, Ap: Draw. Mountain. Thornbite Staff.
T3, Ar: Draw. Mountain. Tavern Swindler.
T3, Ap: Draw. Mountain. Prismatic Wardrobe targeting Tavern Swindler.
T4, Ar: Draw. Swamp.
T4, Ap: Shade of Trokair enters battlefield. Draw. Mountain. Attacks w/ Shade of Trokair (pumped once). (18-20)
T5, Ar: Draw. Mountain.
T5, Ap: Draw. Attack w/ Shade of Trokair (pumped once). (16-20) Frenzied Goblin.
T6, Ar: Draw. Swamp. Balduvian War-Makers. Deviant Glee targeting Balduvian War-Makers. Attacks w/ Balduvian War-Makers. (16-15)
T6, Ap: Draw. Plains. Attacks w/ Shade of Trokair, Frenzied Goblin. Shade of Trokair pumps twice. (12-15)
T7, Ar: Draw. Vulshok Sorcerer. Vulshok Sorcerer kills Crimson Kobolds. Screaming Fury targeting Balduvian War-Makers. Attacks w/ Balduvian War-Makers (12-5).
T7, Ap: Draw. Mountain. Spawning Breath kills Vulshok Sorcerer.
T8, Ar: Draw. Swamp. Blaze for 6 targeting Aphrodite. (Ares wins, 12-0)

Ares antes Vulshok Sorcerer. Aphrodite antes Flickerform.
T1, Ap: Plains. Crimson Kobolds. Boros Recruit.
T1, Ar: Draw. Swamp. Veinfire Borderpost (bounces Swamp).
T2, Ap: Plains. Attacks w/ Boros Recruit. (19-20)
T2, Ar: Draw. Swamp.
T3, Ap: Draw. Attacks w/ Boros Recruit. (18-20)
T3, Ar: Draw. Mountain.
T4, Ap: Draw. Attacks w/ Boros Recruit. (17-20)
T4, Ar: Draw. Mountain. Bladetusk Boar.
T5, Ap: Draw.
T5, Ar: Draw. Swamp. Balduvian War-Makers. Attacks w/ Bladetusk Boar, Balduvian War-Makers. (17-14)
T6, Ap: Draw. Plains.
T6, Ar: Draw. Mountain. Attacks w/ Bladetusk Boar, Balduvian War-Makers. Crimson Kobolds blocks Balduvian War-Makers and dies. (17-11) Mirror Golem (exiling Crimson Kobolds).
T7, Ap: Draw. Discards Prismatic Wardrobe.
T7, Ar: Draw. Swamp. Attacks w/ Bladetusk Boar, Balduvian War-Makers, Mirror Golem. Boros Recruit blocks Bladetusk Boar and dies. (17-5) Disintegrate for 6 targeting Aphrodite. (Ares wins, 17-0)

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