in school injuries
Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 12:24 pm
Here's a really long thing I wrote looking for advice on how to deal with our daughter getting hurt in school. I know many of you have/had kids her age and maybe can offer me advice?
OK, so this requires a bit of background. In the week before Christmas (Monday) Evangeline came home with a large bruise on her face. Her right cheek specifically, about from the top of her cheekbone to the bottom of her lip in length. I was horrified and asked what happened. She told me she was pushed out of a chair by a boy but wouldn't tell me who. I was furious that not only was Evangeline injured (again, she has been shoved down on the playground several times) but no one told us. Pat told me that maybe her teacher didn't have time to send a note home that day and to give her til the next day. I did so. No note, call, or email. I contacted my friend (Lottie) who watches her after school for about an hour til Pat gets out of the high school to see if Evangeline would tell HER who the child was who pushed her (she did, it was a child who was in her class last year, but not currently. )
I had the following email exchange with her teacher
SarahBeth <>
Good Morning Ms. [teacher],
I am writing because on Monday evening I noticed a large bruise on Evangeline's right cheek, when I asked her about it she told me that someone pushed her out of her seat at "Creation station". When I asked her who had pushed she said she didn't remember (meaning she didn't want to tell me) but did use the masculine pronoun when describing to me what happened. My concern is three-fold. First, I am very upset that children are laying hands on my daughter in a violent manner again. Second, that she is being made to feel that she can't tell me who did it (we are working on that at home), and third is that she was injured at school and no one saw fit to notify either my husband or myself. I need to know that her school environment is safe for her and this is very disturbing. I have also heard that children are throwing ice balls at each other and parents aren't notified when injuries from those occur.
I am hoping you can reassure me that these things are being handled and that we will be notified in the future of incidents wherein our children are hurt.
Thank you very much for your prompt attention to this matter and I hope you have a wonderful day.
SarahBeth D. Votra
to SarahBeth
Mrs. Votra,
Thank you for writing. I get that you are upset. I will try to address your concerns. I did not see or hear about Evangeline falling/being pushed out of a chair. Despite my efforts, I don't catch everything. She did not come to me at any time after that to say what happened or that she was hurt. Also, I did not see a bruise on her face. That is why no one contacted you. Creation station is an indoor recess activity and recess is from 1:15-1:45 so perhaps the bruise did not show until later.
My thinking is that in the rush to get the best creation station materials on the table, children did what children do and were pushing instead of waiting. That is not to downplay what happened, but rather to explain how it might have happened. If I am wrong and Evangeline feels someone was maliciously pushing her then I need to know so that problem can be addressed in a different way than an accident.
As for the playground, we do our very best to see all that happens and take care of problems. We are strict about throwing snow and children lose playtime when they throw snow. Again, if a child does not come to me or the other teachers on duty or we don't happen to see it, we can't take care of the problem. Evangeline did approach me outside today to say that someone threw snow and that child lost playtime.
To me, this exchange was very dismissive, Also, if she didn't notice the bruise which was very big and dark (and I had a lot of explaining to do at Christmas) what else is she not noticing? She's a mandated reporter and if she didn't know it happened at school (Evangeline told the teacher who was watching recess, so that teacher should have told Evangeline's teacher) shouldn't she still have asked Evangeline about it to ensure that no one was hurting her elsewhere??? I let it go thinking “At least she knows I'm paying attention and I'm sure this won't happen again”. Later I find out that the ice throwing continues AND another child in her class (a little boy) had his tooth broken and no one let his parents know that either.
Fast forward to this past Thursday. Pat's students had their talent show, so he was at the high school with Evangeline when Des and I got home, so we headed over to the school to fetch her (Pat would walk home when it was over, but I wanted her fed and in bed on time). We went to the darkened auditorium and the first thing I noticed when I saw Evangeline was a bruise across the bridge of her nose. I asked what had happened and she told me that one of the mean girls in her class (she didn't say mean girls, but told me who, and she's one of two little girls who are very mean to the others, anyway) was yanked very hard on the parachute in gym class and Evangeline fell. I asked if she cried and did she go to the nurse and tell her teacher. She said yes to all three, pressed to me that it was an accident and almost started to cry. I told her that everything was fine and there's no need to be upset. I am, however, furious at the school. Then, when she was putting on her jammies and I was getting ready for story time I noticed that in addition to her nose, she has a huge bruise on her hip. Huge. Now, I obviously don't expect the school to search her for injuries all over, but this goes to show how bad the fall was. I am always in her room when she changes for bed (otherwise she does everything EXCEPT get ready for bed), so I know for a fact that bruise was not there before.
So, I go through her backpack/clipboard looking for a note explaining that there was an injury, I check my email, I check my other emails, nothing from the school. I hear from a parent friend that her daughter told her about it and said that it was clearly done by this other little girl on purpose. I wouldn't put it past this child, but I wasn't there and don't know. It matters in that if it was on purpose this needs to be stopped and the anti-bullying procedure that is supposed to be in place at the school needs to be used. If it wasn't then I still should have heard from the school about the incident. The first email exchange made me think that telling parents IS standard procedure but this tells me it isn't. I don't want to be a paranoid helicopter parent. I know Evangeline is small for her age (5th percentile for height and 7th for weight) and is apt to be hurt more easily, but shouldn't I be informed? I am entrusting them with her safety and that trust isn't being met.
I had really high hopes for this teacher because she has a big emphasis on peacemaking in her classroom. However, I've found out that her manner of dealing with conflicts when children approach her is to just tell them to sit together and talk it out. Alone. Ok, so I was bullied in school, a lot, and the last thing I was gonna do was sit down alone with a bully and talk it out. Her teacher last year in Kindergarten would sit with them and talk and figure out a compromise and that seemed to work well. However, this year's teacher's method, I've found out, just leads the kids to not go to her with problems. I've been talking to two other moms and their kids say the same thing. More worrying, as I mentioned in my email to [teacher], is that now they don't want to come to their parents either. This also makes me question how I've dealt with things Evangeline has told me. Like the other day she said she overheard kids calling her worthless (insert my blood boiling) and I asked her who and she said she didn't know them. I replied that well, if she didn't know them, they must not know her and therefore they just didn't know what a wonderful useful person she is. Now I'm wondering if she did know but didn't want to tell me and then I've messed up and she'll think I'm dismissing her. Argh, and now I'm rambling.
To sum up: Evangeline is being hurt in school, physically and possibly emotionally. No one is informing me and my fears are being dismissed. Questions: Am I over reacting? How do I handle this? Email her teacher and CC Principal and gym teacher? Email gym teacher and CC teacher and principal, schedule in person meetings? I am seriously at a loss. Complicating this, Pat teaches at the high school so yeah, politics, so I have to handle things using his involvement as a last ditch effort. The principal is new this year if that information is helpful.
Thank you for reading this novel, I am just at a loss and new to this whole school age child thing.
Unrelated: This teacher has also lied to my face. I was dismayed at the low level books Evangeline was taking out of the library and asked why she wasn't bringing home chapter books and was told that "That's what Evangeline chose to bring home" and then I find out that another parent was told that "first graders aren't allowed to take out chapter books" That is a rant and a half for another day, as it involved another child being made to cry when a book was snatched out of her hands...
OK, so this requires a bit of background. In the week before Christmas (Monday) Evangeline came home with a large bruise on her face. Her right cheek specifically, about from the top of her cheekbone to the bottom of her lip in length. I was horrified and asked what happened. She told me she was pushed out of a chair by a boy but wouldn't tell me who. I was furious that not only was Evangeline injured (again, she has been shoved down on the playground several times) but no one told us. Pat told me that maybe her teacher didn't have time to send a note home that day and to give her til the next day. I did so. No note, call, or email. I contacted my friend (Lottie) who watches her after school for about an hour til Pat gets out of the high school to see if Evangeline would tell HER who the child was who pushed her (she did, it was a child who was in her class last year, but not currently. )
I had the following email exchange with her teacher
SarahBeth <>
Good Morning Ms. [teacher],
I am writing because on Monday evening I noticed a large bruise on Evangeline's right cheek, when I asked her about it she told me that someone pushed her out of her seat at "Creation station". When I asked her who had pushed she said she didn't remember (meaning she didn't want to tell me) but did use the masculine pronoun when describing to me what happened. My concern is three-fold. First, I am very upset that children are laying hands on my daughter in a violent manner again. Second, that she is being made to feel that she can't tell me who did it (we are working on that at home), and third is that she was injured at school and no one saw fit to notify either my husband or myself. I need to know that her school environment is safe for her and this is very disturbing. I have also heard that children are throwing ice balls at each other and parents aren't notified when injuries from those occur.
I am hoping you can reassure me that these things are being handled and that we will be notified in the future of incidents wherein our children are hurt.
Thank you very much for your prompt attention to this matter and I hope you have a wonderful day.
SarahBeth D. Votra
to SarahBeth
Mrs. Votra,
Thank you for writing. I get that you are upset. I will try to address your concerns. I did not see or hear about Evangeline falling/being pushed out of a chair. Despite my efforts, I don't catch everything. She did not come to me at any time after that to say what happened or that she was hurt. Also, I did not see a bruise on her face. That is why no one contacted you. Creation station is an indoor recess activity and recess is from 1:15-1:45 so perhaps the bruise did not show until later.
My thinking is that in the rush to get the best creation station materials on the table, children did what children do and were pushing instead of waiting. That is not to downplay what happened, but rather to explain how it might have happened. If I am wrong and Evangeline feels someone was maliciously pushing her then I need to know so that problem can be addressed in a different way than an accident.
As for the playground, we do our very best to see all that happens and take care of problems. We are strict about throwing snow and children lose playtime when they throw snow. Again, if a child does not come to me or the other teachers on duty or we don't happen to see it, we can't take care of the problem. Evangeline did approach me outside today to say that someone threw snow and that child lost playtime.
To me, this exchange was very dismissive, Also, if she didn't notice the bruise which was very big and dark (and I had a lot of explaining to do at Christmas) what else is she not noticing? She's a mandated reporter and if she didn't know it happened at school (Evangeline told the teacher who was watching recess, so that teacher should have told Evangeline's teacher) shouldn't she still have asked Evangeline about it to ensure that no one was hurting her elsewhere??? I let it go thinking “At least she knows I'm paying attention and I'm sure this won't happen again”. Later I find out that the ice throwing continues AND another child in her class (a little boy) had his tooth broken and no one let his parents know that either.
Fast forward to this past Thursday. Pat's students had their talent show, so he was at the high school with Evangeline when Des and I got home, so we headed over to the school to fetch her (Pat would walk home when it was over, but I wanted her fed and in bed on time). We went to the darkened auditorium and the first thing I noticed when I saw Evangeline was a bruise across the bridge of her nose. I asked what had happened and she told me that one of the mean girls in her class (she didn't say mean girls, but told me who, and she's one of two little girls who are very mean to the others, anyway) was yanked very hard on the parachute in gym class and Evangeline fell. I asked if she cried and did she go to the nurse and tell her teacher. She said yes to all three, pressed to me that it was an accident and almost started to cry. I told her that everything was fine and there's no need to be upset. I am, however, furious at the school. Then, when she was putting on her jammies and I was getting ready for story time I noticed that in addition to her nose, she has a huge bruise on her hip. Huge. Now, I obviously don't expect the school to search her for injuries all over, but this goes to show how bad the fall was. I am always in her room when she changes for bed (otherwise she does everything EXCEPT get ready for bed), so I know for a fact that bruise was not there before.
So, I go through her backpack/clipboard looking for a note explaining that there was an injury, I check my email, I check my other emails, nothing from the school. I hear from a parent friend that her daughter told her about it and said that it was clearly done by this other little girl on purpose. I wouldn't put it past this child, but I wasn't there and don't know. It matters in that if it was on purpose this needs to be stopped and the anti-bullying procedure that is supposed to be in place at the school needs to be used. If it wasn't then I still should have heard from the school about the incident. The first email exchange made me think that telling parents IS standard procedure but this tells me it isn't. I don't want to be a paranoid helicopter parent. I know Evangeline is small for her age (5th percentile for height and 7th for weight) and is apt to be hurt more easily, but shouldn't I be informed? I am entrusting them with her safety and that trust isn't being met.
I had really high hopes for this teacher because she has a big emphasis on peacemaking in her classroom. However, I've found out that her manner of dealing with conflicts when children approach her is to just tell them to sit together and talk it out. Alone. Ok, so I was bullied in school, a lot, and the last thing I was gonna do was sit down alone with a bully and talk it out. Her teacher last year in Kindergarten would sit with them and talk and figure out a compromise and that seemed to work well. However, this year's teacher's method, I've found out, just leads the kids to not go to her with problems. I've been talking to two other moms and their kids say the same thing. More worrying, as I mentioned in my email to [teacher], is that now they don't want to come to their parents either. This also makes me question how I've dealt with things Evangeline has told me. Like the other day she said she overheard kids calling her worthless (insert my blood boiling) and I asked her who and she said she didn't know them. I replied that well, if she didn't know them, they must not know her and therefore they just didn't know what a wonderful useful person she is. Now I'm wondering if she did know but didn't want to tell me and then I've messed up and she'll think I'm dismissing her. Argh, and now I'm rambling.
To sum up: Evangeline is being hurt in school, physically and possibly emotionally. No one is informing me and my fears are being dismissed. Questions: Am I over reacting? How do I handle this? Email her teacher and CC Principal and gym teacher? Email gym teacher and CC teacher and principal, schedule in person meetings? I am seriously at a loss. Complicating this, Pat teaches at the high school so yeah, politics, so I have to handle things using his involvement as a last ditch effort. The principal is new this year if that information is helpful.
Thank you for reading this novel, I am just at a loss and new to this whole school age child thing.
Unrelated: This teacher has also lied to my face. I was dismayed at the low level books Evangeline was taking out of the library and asked why she wasn't bringing home chapter books and was told that "That's what Evangeline chose to bring home" and then I find out that another parent was told that "first graders aren't allowed to take out chapter books" That is a rant and a half for another day, as it involved another child being made to cry when a book was snatched out of her hands...