[TV] Dark Matter

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[TV] Dark Matter

Postby Mike » Wed Nov 01, 2017 11:30 am

Who's watching Dark Matter other than me and Hauze?

It's a Canadian epic space opera style show from SyFy. There are three seasons. It starts off a little simplistic, but has great characters, cool sci-fi, and it is always engaging. I have binged watched every season as I find it, and it just keeps getting better. The characters keep evolving. The lore gets deeper. I love this show.

So imagine my horror when I finished Season 3 and went to check on how soon I could expect 4, and... SyFy cancelled it! CANCELLED! On a huge cliff-hanger! Those bastards! I think Hauze mentioned this back before I actually watched the final season, but it didn't sink in until it was far too late. Damn.

Apparently, the show has a decent following, but it is incredibly expensive to make. I believe that. I looks incredibly expensive. But, but... I want more.

There is a big petition to get a fourth season made, and the people running the show say that they are in talks with interested parties. One can only hope.
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Re: [TV] Dark Matter

Postby Stan » Wed Nov 01, 2017 11:38 am

Haven't seen any of it yet.

Maybe they can at least do what Farscape did and have a TV movie or miseries to resolve the cliffhanger.
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Re: [TV] Dark Matter

Postby El Jefe » Sat Nov 04, 2017 11:42 pm

Syfy canceled it because it isn't a Syfy series. It was simply one they purchased/licensed, meaning their profit share is much lower than their own productions.

I've read an equal number of breakdowns now on both the "show was cheap/expensive" debate. I'm honestly not clear on that right now. There's a small window (and Netflix was one name bandied about) for it to continue, but if it doesn't happen within the next month, not real likely. Cast and crew will move onto other jobs by that point.

It is the most tightly written sci-fi show I can recall watching. Character growth, major plotlines...it all holds together very well. More than a few friends mentioned that the showrunner had sat down and wrote the entire five season show before writers were ever given an episode assignment. I can believe it, particularly when you look at the Ishida royal family storyline. That's brilliantly done.

If you haven't watched it, you should be. Also, I still don't believe that Jodelle is the same one from Silent Hill. I just can't make my brain see that progression. And the woman who plays Android deserves every goddamn acting award that can ever be given. Twice.
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Re: [TV] Dark Matter

Postby Stan » Sun Nov 26, 2017 8:41 am

Based on this thread, I gave it a try. Just finished the 3rd season.

I was hesitant as, despite my love for space opera, it's often done badly. Dark Matter used many common tropes but used them well. Not hard SF and little new ideas but a good story told well. Both the story and world showed remarkable consistency - they never resorted to the instant invention of galaxy changing tech that is forgotten at the end of the episode like happens in some other shows (cough Star Trek). They liked to have lingering plot lines and wound up with many still active, maybe too many. But it was a very good show that I watched until the end.

[quote="El Jefe"And the woman who plays Android deserves every goddamn acting award that can ever be given. Twice.[/quote]

This. I don't have any complaints about the acting but her performance really stands out. The changes over time and the subtlety of some things adds so much to the show.

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