Star Wars Challenge

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Star Wars Challenge

Postby Walrus » Fri Nov 17, 2017 1:47 pm

I was going to put this into babble - but, it's star-wars, and as we all should know, Star Wars is pretty serious stuff!

A twitter account I follow @HelloGreedo has put together a challenge for himself for the lead-up to the new SW movie. He is doing a video a day for 30 days.

Since we're just typing (and probably in our tightey whiteys) I think we can get this finished faster.
Anyone want to meet the challenge?

Mike - I think this would make a nice fingertips for the show?

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Re: Star Wars Challenge

Postby Tahlvin » Fri Nov 17, 2017 1:54 pm

I'm in.
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Re: Star Wars Challenge

Postby Walrus » Fri Nov 17, 2017 3:39 pm

Money where my mouth is time right?
1- My favorite SW memory. = That is simple, seeing the premier of empire as a child - the walkers scene blew me away. I was already sold on Star Wars - but that put the last nail in the coffin....

2 - Favorite Character = A few years ago this would have been different - but these days, I may get yelled at, but Ahsoka Tano would be around the top of my list.

3 - Favorite original trilogy movie = This is tough, but I think I will have to go with Empire, the memory of acting out walkers all the way out of the cinema as a child was WAY too cool.

4 - Favorite Prequel movie = This is tough, for different reasons - the third has lots of uber-cool space battles and action - but the complete glossing over and skipping of Anikin's fall, it's just too damaging. The second Yoda kicks Dooku's butt - and that is some heavy duty awesome - but the heavy handed love story really puts a damper on it. The first - ok, podracing is cool, but Anakin is such a whiney little brat, I just can't put it at the top. I think I will have to go for the second ..... "Begun this clone war has!"

5 - Favorite SW Video Game = Urrgh - I have not played a lot of the ones out there. I was replaying starwars battlegrounds for a while for kicks - I wasn't a fan of how they evened all the forces out, but it was fun. the X-wing simulator for Nintendo 64 - I don't remember the name - Rogue squadron? Of course - ALL of this pales in comparison to the Star Wars Lego games!

6 - Favorite lightsabre fight = Ohhhh what are you doing to me! Least favorite has got to be where palpatine takes out 5 or so of the best trained jedi in the galaxy in seconds - including the temple weapons master! Ruined the suspension of disbelief for me, very dissapointed. The fight between Rey and whats-his-nob was also sooo dissapointing. She picks up a lightsabre and suddenly can go toe to toe with one of the galaxy's top sith? For shyte's sake!!
The previously mentioned Yoda ass wooping HAS to be high on the list. As does the Obi-wan Anakin fight on Mustifar. The scene in the Geonosian arena was awesome just from the scale point of view and coolness factor. Darth Maul and Quigon / Obi-wan fight was well done, I enjoyed that one too.
At the end of the day though - how could it be anything but Yoda?

7 - All time Favorite Scene = HelloGreedo is killing me again! There are SOOO many. For the Pathos - the Anakin/Obi-wan fight on Mustifar, But that actually ties up with the scene where Ahsoka faces Vader/Anakin on Malachor - but that necessitates including the animated. For humour - who can go past the R2 / 3PO combination. Or even just R2 in his battle with the battle droids in the hanger of the separatist cruiser in Episode 3. And I am going to get yelled at for this, I know it - but I really enjoyed many of the Jar Jar scenes, and the scene where Jar Jar takes Padme's vote and is the instigator of the clone army and clone wars unwittingly is really quite powerful.
Ohhh I just cannot pick one ....

8 - Favorite Yoda Quote. = YEARRRGGHHHHH!!!!! This is going to kill me! I love the storyline effect of "Begun, this clone war has." and the universal recognition of "Do or do not, there is no try!" is awesome "More to say have you?" How Yoda was written, almost all of his dialogue is turned into quotables.
I am going to have to admit failure on this challenge too...

9 - Favorite Fan Film = well I must confess to not having seen much of this, to my shame. But I think that if the christmas special doesn't count in this category it should - and it was sooo damn campy and fun that it has to be at the top for me!

10 - Something I wish was different = So a number of changes that were made in the re-releases rubbed me the wrong way, but overall I did enjoy the extra imersion and content they offered. but my biggest bugbear really - is the utter failure of the prequel trilogy to show Anakin's fall too the darkside - one moment he's the hero and celebrity of the order - then he's cutting off heads in cold blood. This should be a process. I think the Clone Wars series attempted to fill that gap, and did a pretty good job mostly. But I really feel that critical part of the story should have been better addressed in the main movies, it also could have taken some time away from the sappy storyline that really didn't need to be so damn soggy.

11 - Fav SW merch? = I have a 25th anniversary mug and cap that I love to death. Wow, that was easier than I expected!

12 - An actor I want to see in a SW movie? = Ohhh no you don't, you don't get to make me cry! I WANT CARRIE FISHER BACK!!!!

13 - Fav Rogue One crew? = Ohhh that is easy, Kay Tuesso! they did a better job characterising that droid than they did with the rest of the crew!

14 - Fav SW Music = Well everyone wants to say the imperial march - and that is uber cool - I can't edge it out. I have to go with ALLL OF ITTTTT!! Does that make me greedy or fail another part of the challenge? So be it! ..... "So be it!" see what I did there?

15 - Fav Vehicle? = Surprisingly easy - The B-Wing. But please not with the goofy triple super-lazer thing that they had in SW Rebels - the original B-Wing from the movies (and then from the X-Wing game expansion).

16 - Fav special edition change? = I think it would have to be the extra background and surroundings included - the scenes of Tatooine as they drive in, the scenes from all those planets during the celebrations, the scenes tearing down the statue of Palpatine. Including Jabba talking to Han in the landing bay was nice and clever, but it just didn't have the same impact as expanding the galaxy around the story.

17 - Least fav special edition change. = You have to ask? Fuck you for asking! HAN SHOOTS FIRST!!!

18 - Fav Star Wars Parody = hands down Spaceballs - no contest!

19 - Fav non SW movie from a SW actor? Really? I don't know actors! - Indiana Jones - which one? Any and all EXCEPT the crystal skull!

20 - Fav Droid = tough - but R2, the entire saga is about him anyway. Pure and Simple.

21 - A SW game I wish existed? = I want Star Wars VR - or Holodeck - I want it all!!

22 - The anthology film I want? I have yet to pick up Rogue One or The Force Awakens, but have all the others - almost all of the Rebels series and all of the Clone wars series - I just want to have them all! I would love to have the orignal, undoctored, trilogy.

23 - Fav Force Awakens moment? = Much as I love Han Solo - I really enjoyed the scene where his son kills him.

24 - Fav space battle = I suppose "All of them" would be a bit of a cop-out ..... The battle of Coruscant in Episode 3. Massively epic.

25 - Least fav SW moment = I have 2. When Anakin goes from hero to cold blooded murder without showing any cause. When Rey picks up a lightsabre - something she's never seen before in her life, and suddenly is an expert.

26 - Favorite Vader Quote = A combo line - "All to easy!" ... "Impressive, most impressive." - but if I have to pick one "Apology accepted captain Needa."

27 - What scene would I be in as an extra? = Probably in the cantina on Tatooine - or working Dex's dinner. I would love to be in the Arena battle @ geonosis or in the Jedi Temple.

28 - A director to direct a SW movie. = I volunteer failure here, I will appologise to vader Personally! I don't know directors. Maybe Riddley Scott?

29 - A prop I'd like to own? = I suppose a real, working, lightsabre is out? Boba Fett's armour. I'm never going to fit in it - but it is just super awesome cool!

30 - Why the love? It's massively epic - a truely fantastic story, it is so allegorical and carries elements of fantasy and sci-fi. It's flipping STAR WARS!!

:suspect: :cheers: I survived to the end!!!! If I can do it anyone can!!
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Re: Star Wars Challenge

Postby Phoebe » Fri Nov 17, 2017 6:46 pm

Thanks, that was an interesting read. I always wonder why they didn't do more to develop those abilities in Rey instead of leaving them all magical - mystical - the sword chose her - that kind of thing. Surely there was some cagematch mad max-style fighting going on amongst the squatters at that place. Or surely they could have shown her fighting off people with a simple polearm as a means of survival. Just something to make it clear that she had spent many years learning some fighting moves.

OR MAYBE she was one of those small tots being trained as Jedi in the flashbacks and her early weapons training ability stuck with her through the years until being reactivated? I don't know there's no point speculating because in a month we're going to find out some stuff.
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Re: Star Wars Challenge

Postby Walrus » Fri Nov 17, 2017 7:05 pm

Well - the SW universe has always made big truck with lightsabres being entirely different to other melee weapons, to the point that the untrained are a danger to their own limbs.

You are correct of course - it may not be unsalvagable, depending on what shows up next.

To give the movie it's due - I was really nervous about what disney and mr lense flare himself would turn it into, and it wasn't what I feared!
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Re: Star Wars Challenge

Postby Tahlvin » Mon Nov 20, 2017 2:37 pm

Here are my answers, subject to change...

1. Your personal favorite Star Wars memory
My parents were not going to let us watch it when the original Episode IV came out in 1977. They thought it was about a bunch of celebrities fighting. Thankfully, a friend of theirs that was a priest, who was visiting from Australia at the time, told them what it was really about and convinced them to let us watch it. Incidentally, that priest officiated at my parents' wedding, as well as my own.

2. Your all time favorite character
R2-D2. He's got a nice f-you attitude, does what he wants, and it's interesting what they were able to do with a character that doesn't really speak.

3. Favorite original trilogy movie
Episode IV. C'mon, it's responsible for starting the whole thing.

4. Favorite prequel trilogy movie
Episode III.

5. All time favorite Star Wars video game
Lego Star Wars. Haven't played any others, really.

6. Favorite lightsaber fight
Yoda vs. Darth Sidious in the senate chamber.

7. All time favorite scene
Too many to choose from. I would probably have to go with the scene I picked for #24 below, Rey and Finn flying in the Millennium Falcon for the first time.

8. Favorite Yoda quote
Do or do not. There is no try.

9. Favorite fan film
Haven't seen any.

10. Something you wish was different
Get rid of midichlorians.

11. Favorite piece of Star Wars merch you own
An issue or two of the comic book that came out around the time of the original Episode IV timeframe.

12. An actor you want to see in a Star Wars movie
Nathan Fillion.

13. Favorite member of the Rogue One crew
Baze Malbus

14. Favorite piece of Star Wars music
Darth Vader's theme

15. Favorite vehicle in the saga
Darth Vader's tie fighter

16. Favorite special edition change
Better explosions.

17. Least favorite special edition change
Han shot first!

18. Favorite Star Wars parody
Space Balls

19. Favorite non-SW movie from a SW actor
Indiana Jones

20. Favorite droid

21. A Star Wars game you wish existed
Haven't had time for much computer gaming, except for some Civilization, so I don't know what's already there. But VR Star Wars would be awesome!

22. The Star Wars anthology film you want
A film about Obi Wan's time between Episodes III and IV would be interesting, I guess, or an origin story for Yoda. But what I'd really like to see is an origin-type story for Chewie!

23. Your favorite The Force Awakens moment
"And you will drop your weapon!" "And I will drop my weapon."

24. Favorite space battle
It wasn't in space, but Rey and Finn flying the Millennium Falcon for the first time in Force Awakens.

25. Least favorite Star Wars moment
When Anakin turns and kills the younglings. There didn't seem to be enough motivation for him to make that drastic of a turn to the dark side.

26. Favorite Darth Vader quote
I find your lack of faith disturbing.

27. If you were an extra, what scene would you be in?
The cantina scene in Episode IV.

28. Director you want to direct a SW movie

29. A prop you'd like to own
The original C3PO suit.

30. Why you love Star Wars
What's not to love? It's an epic space fantasy, with a pretty good story, told in a fun and interesting way.
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Re: Star Wars Challenge

Postby Walrus » Tue Nov 21, 2017 9:28 am

Urrrrr :oops: I had blocked out midichlorians .... :brickwall:
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