It was my job to go in first. It was my job to distract all the harpies from the rest of you and get them into a more accessible point for everyone. I was the fighter, and just because I don't have as many hit points as Dwyn or Hal, it's my responsibility to take the brunt of the combat. They weren't there, I did what I could. Yeah, I engaged them with talking, as I usually do, but it's so I could go into total defense. At no point did I feel worried for my safety, and not because I knew there were healers or that you would come and rescue me, but because I knew I was going to be hard to hit and that if I died, I died doing what I was supposed to be doing. If the mummy hadn't showed up, we wouldn't even feel like we were in any danger what so ever. Besides, I'm supposed to be able to handle fear, it just didn't work out this time. I rolled a 4 (I think, something low). That wasn't going to help us any day.
Pheebs, I don't think our situation is as dire as things are currently being described.Statistics: Posted by Eliahad — Thu Aug 10, 2017 11:04 am