1) focus on adding another combat maneuver (was thinking maybe running through or pushing opponents to achieve better flanking isn't a bad idea - or just being able to get past baddies to bigger baddies without waiting to avoid AoOs and such).
2) Or continuing to focus on things that work against spellcasters (a roleplaying motive based on all the difficult encounters where spellcasters are The Problem and definitely an affront to Erastil)?
3) Or continuing to focus on weapons and critical hit damages, either Lucille-specific or polearm-specific.
4) Or not taking both combat feats, and instead using one outside the fighting realm to focus on something else, maybe the idea of luck - again, a roleplaying thing where Dwyn feels like she's skating by luckily with her big HP while other friends are having brushes with death, and she's focused on trying to extend her feelings of luck (i.e. Erastil's favor) to helping other friends too (right now I have this re-roll feat I've almost never used, but there's a feat chain that leads to other people getting a luck redo of some kind).Statistics: Posted by Phoebe — Sun Feb 10, 2019 9:22 am