It's well worth checking out. They made a couple of wise choices to keep it usable in all facets, inside and out of the mech. It's got a detailed and diverse list of parts and frames for the various mechs, and uses a mech combat system not too dissimilar to a refined version of D&D 4E. Out of mech stuff is handled with a narrative downtime system inspired by Blades in the Dark (which does that exact thing REALLY well). And the overall rule system is loosely based around Shadow of the Demon Lord (roll 1d20, add various multipliers maxing out at +6, against a TN of 10; roll a number of 1d6 to further modifier that result based off of Advantage/Disadvantage). It's pretty solid all around, a neat little take on the mech genre, and has rather nifty, highly stylized artwork for both characters and mechs.Statistics: Posted by El Jefe — Fri May 10, 2019 10:05 am