The community will vote by ranking the movies from 0-3. 3 being the top score for the best movie quote and 0 being for the worst movie quote. I will leave voting open for a few days. When voting closes, the scores will be tallied and the top 2 movies will move on and the bottom 2 will be eliminated. In the event of a meaningful tie (i.e., it determines who would move on), I will break the tie.
Rank these movie quotes:
Poltergiest (1982)- "They're here." Carol Ann Freeling
Toy Story- "To infinity...and beyond!" Buzz Lightyear
Matrix: Reloaded- "Upgrades." Neo
Blazing Saddles- "Mongo only pawn in game of life." MongoStatistics: Posted by Kyle — Sat Sep 30, 2017 7:44 pm