For reference class chosen
japcg doesn't entirely recognize it yet, will check other generators, but most of the notes seem to work.
Beginning Image also
In preview this looks unbelievably awkward, so if you prefer another way of managing it, let's do that.
For background, Kikain Ticitkingi
was, as all of his people are, the slaves/pets of the elves, who are necessarily benevolent. (Training avians is touchy business, for while they respond predictably to reward or promise of reward, they are fragile and NEVER forget injury or physical reprimand.)
Captivity is captivity.
His owner had been training him as a bodyguard,/entourage/hatchet, preparing to sell him as a tool for protection, assassination, political advancement. Fit perhaps for tasks elves might find personally distasteful. He had been careless with Kikain, however, both in allowing him to observe majicks that were normally forbidden (pets can't understand spells, of course, they're just dumb animals), and in expecting he would return from every errand. Perhaps they think he's dead. Perhaps there is a reward.Perhaps they think he won't return one day to free some of the friends of his youth. Time alone will tell.Statistics: Posted by bralbovsky — Sun Apr 09, 2017 2:12 pm