So this concert is about Time. From seasons, to memories, to musical time. All sorts of things that involve time, the passage of time, or time in all of its definitions.
Why do I need help? Well, let us see if I can explain what I'm wrapping my head around.
Did time exist before we created it? Hot and cold existed before we created a scale to measure how much hot and how much cold. The concept of temperature was around before the measurement. Cycles existed before we had time. Night and day. But that cycle in itself is not time. Time is linear, not cyclical, time does not repeat, the numbers we use do, but the day and year change, so, no, time does not repeat. But after created time, we found that time goes back billions of years to a distinct starting point. So...if it does, does that mean it started there? Has time always existed since that moment? Or do we notice that moment because of the construct that we made that is time?
See? I'm even talking in circles. I know there's something simple that I'm overlooking, but I'll be damned if I can figure it out right now.Statistics: Posted by Eliahad — Wed Aug 31, 2016 6:42 pm