All but three of my hundred or so students are tired of this game and want to go back to campus.
They're getting on their parents' nerves and ...
Virtually all of the people I'm in touch with have adjusted their living capacities, by which I mean, folks in too crowded apartments went home to Mom's basement, and folks living solo moved in with the out-of-town fiance (remote work made this possible).
Meanwhile, my brother is thrilled to have his kids back home. The temporarily full nest is very gratifying to him.
It irritates me tremendously that in order to fill broadcast minutes (also magazine inches) writers attempt to generalize and box folks in as a substitute for insight. (Pardon my generalization of journalists, lol)
Huge stress or trauma makes some people fold inward, some people reach out. No insight there.
It causes things that are cracked to break. If Frank and Alice only remain married because Frank's at the bar and Alice is at church, taking those escapes away might just be the end, or might turn back the clock. From outside, it's really tough to tell what's going to happen.
Happiness is tough to measure, like everything else it's partly internal and partly environmental. I heard, in teacher training, that the ratio was ten to one. Ten attaboys erased one scolding. Having said that, apparently if you swat your hawk once during training, even unintentionally, it will never trust you again. We are bags of sloppy chemicals all doing the best we can.Statistics: Posted by bralbovsky — Wed May 20, 2020 2:59 pm