growth (I'd take potential for growth),
respiration (which can be expanded to include any exchange with the outside world for the purpose of maintenance, outgoing as well as input)
Sensitivity or response to outside stimuli (I' put internal stimuli as well, so homeostasis)
Reproduction (Even if it means hijacking some other mechanism)
I think I'm missing one or combined, but that was pretty much the test. How many points equals a legal ID?
something being part of a larger organization, like a blood cell that lives for 90 days and then it's done, might qualify. It does perform other pieces of the test, but if this fragmentary quality is real, what's to say that there aren't pieces of things that are so huge we can't conceive or measure them, or things we simply don't understand as organisms (Agent Smith, I'm looking at you)
Several computers can be said to pass these tests.Statistics: Posted by bralbovsky — Thu Oct 04, 2018 10:21 am