Ours is a small town anyway, so when the firefighters we sent to help came down with cancer simultaneously (about six years later) we still felt, at least a little, in the splash zone. That congress is still debating compensation for first responders this month, apart from being appalling, indicates that some folks just never got it.
The coverage, and inquest, and recovery were in our backyard for a long time. When she went to school in NYC, that cemented her connections. You wouldn't think that a few thousand casualties would touch virtually all of seven million residents, but they collectively inhaled the dust of their neighbors for a while, and that sort of sealed it.
Vietnam is the closest analog I can come up with, that touched lots of disparate folks for a tragic reason, and wouldn't go away. Hasn't gone away.Statistics: Posted by bralbovsky — Tue Sep 11, 2018 3:02 pm