I have been against the death penalty for practical reason for a long time. A number of years ago I served on a grand jury, and that solidified it. (I learned three things: My life is terrific, Always get a lawyer, It's impossible to tell the good guys from the bad guys.)
Those are morally tinged, but not strictly moral positions, certainly not "pro-life," because I would absolutely advocate (perhaps have, here in these forums) that there are people the world would be better off without, right now. How those selections are made (I have a personal list, that I do not share, but it has criteria) and what methods I prefer (mostly quick, obliterative, or ignoble), likely would also be classified morally tinged, but they are hardly religious.
One of the things real life debate, about the death penalty, or abortion or tolerance for Trump, highlights, is how flimsy and sad some folks' "moral" or "religious" convictions are.Statistics: Posted by bralbovsky — Mon Aug 27, 2018 12:36 pm