Anyway the real issue is whether, given cultural habits possibly including toileting practices, we learn to squat in different ways and or unlearn ways of squatting that others would use. Or are there physiological differences connected to all of this? I always squat with my feet flat on the ground, or of course I can rock up onto the balls of my feet if I feel like it, and I struggle to see how this could be a physical challenge. But apparently it is a physical challenge for long legged people whose center of gravity is much higher than mine! My husband and most tall guys I happens to discuss this with absolutely hate squatting down for things and get upset when things are stored low like in kitchen cupboards where they would have to squat to dig them out. But keep in mind I practice Tai Chi nearly every day and I used to be a softball player who played catcher for many years. I'm positive that has something to do with developing the requisite muscles for squatting!Statistics: Posted by Phoebe — Fri Mar 16, 2018 8:43 pm