So instead, they decide that they'll just let girls into the Boy Scouts. It's a compromise.
Okay fine, but what about camping? What about camping?!?! You can't let boys and girls go camping together! They'll be fornicating everywhere! Nevermind the fact that other organizations have crossed this bridge quite successfully. Nevermind the fact that there are girls of all sorts (mostly siblings and moms) at all kinds of boys camping outings. Nevermind that Venture Scouts (which are already co-ed) are a part of lots of BSA activities. But okay, we'll make sure we keep boys and girls separate to avoid A) all the fornication and B) the possibilities of all our good clean American boys getting cooties. It's a lame-ass compromise, and I hope that in two years time, enough Packs and Troops will realize the benefits of diversity and of shared resources and of increased membership in general. I hope. But what I'm afraid of is that in most areas, girls' dens and girls' patrols will be practically non-existent, because it's up to each Pack and Troop to decide whether or not to organize girls' services. Co-ed doesn't mean that any girl can join. Co-ed means that each locality can decide if they want to expend the effort to allow girls to join. I'm not hopeful.Statistics: Posted by Mike — Wed Oct 11, 2017 9:17 pm