I'm more focused on two things this result tells us: one, that we can expect China to control any kind of emergent technologies in these areas because we're not investing in this type of research at the rate they are and we're living in a situation where half the people in the country think that higher education is suspicious and a waste of time for most students in the first place. If you stop and think about that for a minute it is absolutely unbelievable. A nation of mostly-immigrants, along with large populations whose ancestors were forcibly enslaved or forcibly pushed off their native land, such that the vast majority of these people had absolutely no access to education and were at the mercy of whoever controlled the resources, and therefore for whom education was an obvious boon to social mobility and life control that they pursued vigorously whenever they were given the opportunity... the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of these people spend their energies devaluing educational achievement relative to things like football prowess and dance teams, and many think college is a waste of time. How does a bunch of people who have been convinced that scientific reports about changes in climate are all a lie, go on as a society to encourage education and investment in physics? The US is going to be a worse place because of it in a few decades if we don't get our heads on straight.
The second thing is that if quantum entanglement can be manipulated in this way, what about all the ways it is naturally occurring without the manipulation? One of the weirdest sources of weird experiences I've had in life is the ability to have information about people who are related to me that I really shouldn't have been able to have. I assume there is a natural rather than supernatural explanation for this, and this seems like one of the best bets for somehow getting at that. Most things that are written for the popular audience about this are a soup of nonsense. But maybe there's something here and we're just going to have to wait and see what scientists figure out about it.Statistics: Posted by Phoebe — Mon Sep 18, 2017 9:28 am