1) Don't want women to be drafted or have to register for the draft.
2) Support investment in transportation infrastructure. Maybe not what I'd do with it, but again, a friendly debate can proceed on such a topic without anyone's ethics being questioned.
3) Support some interventions to help the opioid addiction epidemic. This is a close one due to pulling out the rug with health care, but again, at least most Republicans seem to be on board with this.
4) Are not bothered by the fact of sexual difference, though this is a close call because they may be bothered by gender fluidity and transgender identity. Depends whether you're dealing with one of the bathroom police, I guess. But I also dislike the current liberal orthodoxy around erasing sexual difference and insisting gender is totally separate from biology, and you don't get that from most Republicans.
5) Believe that free markets spur innovation and better trade, though again, close call because against regulation and Trump is switching up the party orthodoxy on trade. We can debate these things though - they're not morally suspicious to me.
6) Possibly, depending on who we're talking to, a reluctance to be too interventionist in foreign policy.
7) Don't think guns are inherently evil. I realize there are some close calls here because some people add up the gun deaths and the patterns of victimization and believe this is a serious moral failing, but good people can be comfortable with owning or using guns and not wanting them to be totally restricted. Gets dicey around the edges, but I wouldn't cast aspersions.
8) Some of them sincerely believe nonsense, like that building pipelines in the US on behalf of a foreign company yields thousands of long-term jobs and multiple millions surging into the economy. Wrong, but if they really think so, we can debate and maybe they have bad info.
9) Oppose strong affirmative action programs. We stop here because they often oppose weak ones too, or don't know the difference, but at least we can go this far down the road without enmity.
10) Some of the pro-life conservatives are sincere about wanting to save the lives of babies and are consistent about this when it comes to supporting care for pregnant women, babies, young children, not opposing the use of contraception, etc. Maybe it's a minority of them who are consistent about it, but it's a good common ground to work within.
OK, that's all I got. Anything else?Statistics: Posted by Phoebe — Tue Jul 18, 2017 1:07 am