After the most expensive political campaign in our history, we were faced with choices between two horrible candidates, as evidenced by their approval ratings. I think there's some serious criticisms on both sides in terms of policy, political and financial connections, and, character. Picking and choosing which particular flaws you can accept and which are deal killers is a complicated and personal issue. But at the end of the day, we we're given options that the majority of Americans simply didn't find appetizing.
We were also given a horrible exposure to the biased way our news media functions, to the degree that it is almost propaganda. Fake news notwithstanding, even our most respected and largest media organizations have become more entertainment than informative. This has been a steady process since the early 2000s, and I think it's finally paying dividends: we have become more polarized, and immunized against dissenting opinions and views. With our "rivals" now so easily defined and so diametrically opposed, there is no room for compromise or tolerance. Anyone who disagrees is now a supporter of the rival faction, rather than a dissenter for your own.
Yes, the Russians tampered in our elections, but how did they do so? Possibly they infiltrated our internet infrastructure and gained access to private information, information they selectively released to discredit the faction they opposed. They may have very well bribed high officials. However, there's a whole lot of doubt raised by this. How do we know what the Russians did in the cyber realm(geezus. We sound like dorks)? Well, we were told by our intelligence agencies. Though there was some initial disagreement.
Of course, when one looks at the past few decades, there's all sorts of things about those intelligence agencies that raise red flags. High profile members of counter espionage posts have been compromised by russian spies. Our intelligence services have supported coups in various democratic countries, or have supported what can only be considered terrorists with information, arms, and finances. Our security services have been engaged in a long term period of unconstitutional surveillance of americans. And plenty of it? It bore no relation to national security or need. When NSA admins stalk their ex spouses, or use their access to information to exploit financial opportunities in the country? That has nothing to do with protecting us. And it happens because not only does the capability exist, but that it's actively opaque and unaccounted. Who watches the watchers?
Back to our political process, it is again, dominated by the wealthy, especially in the form of corporations. With the concentration of wealth in this country, this increasingly places more political capital in the hands of a small pool of people. This has lead to politicians, on both sides of the aisle, choosing to vote for the interests of their donors, rather than the desire of their constituents. It seems that the radical partisan divide finds common ground in greed, and little else.
Yeah, the Captain of our vessel is stupid, but there's still an iceberg in the water, and we haven't changed course.Statistics: Posted by Bonefish — Sun Mar 26, 2017 3:07 pm