When the first faint rays of sunlight brightened the window, I asked to be freed from the sleeping cage. She obliged and accompanied me outside. I enjoyed relaxing in the cool, wet grass. She continued to say, with increasing impatience, Paw-D. Which Paw is D, I wonder? I know left, and right, but not D.
Why does she put me back in the sleeping cage when it is not time to sleep? In another hour I will need to pee. Does she not realize this?
I cry but no one hears. They have abandoned me again, perhaps forever this time. To survive I shall need to escape. This strange metal clip is new. Aha, i can see that if i extract the metal tube from its metal casing, it will collapse. I will do this to each of the metal clips in turn. Now I can be free. But wait - this collar must go too. Ahhhh, much better.Statistics: Posted by Elle — Fri Jul 29, 2016 12:53 pm