Length is now at 3 hours, which is much longer than envisioned. Goal should be 90 minutes.
Observed that we barely used hp most of the time. Most of the time was getting in strategic position. Refresh mechanics added to dynamics, especially when refresh is happening.
Some cards are OP like heck. E could have won the game instantly based on how it's written currently, despite being across the board.
Positioning the heroes extremely important.
Few ideas to make more use of hp such as 2 hp to make a hero action to move. 2 hp to shove hero back. And so on.
Those might speed up game a bit.
Some cards that affects all have some questions that needed to be answered.
Also knockback rules need to be clarified, especially if pillar is behind the hero. Same applies to squeezing a hero with two pillars.Statistics: Posted by FlameBlade — Mon Nov 20, 2017 11:55 am