Australia vs Google

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Australia vs Google

Post by Phoebe » ... nto-effect

This is interesting! One of the ways Google does its thing is by giving you more and more access to content prepared by someone else. I wondered how they did that, how they paid for it and so forth. It looks like to some extent they don't pay for it - even in Google news services it looks like they haven't figured out a paying arrangement yet even though there was talk about them doing so. Given the fact that people have limited time, inevitably I absorb a certain amount of content that is coming to through Google as opposed to actually going to the origin site. What is the proper balance between previewing content for search function purposes, or notifying people about headlines that they could see for free anyway, and engaging at a slightly deeper level with that content where the search engine should be paying someone else for that content? Tricky! But the Australians seem intent on making them pay.
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