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Re: Dreams

Post by Phoebe »

I need to go to the store but I'm lingering here with my coffee because I had such a series of bad dreams last night. The entire night involved going to different kinds of events, some with family and some with work, where I encountered multiple persons who had lost a loved one recently. In the misguided effort to express sympathy I said some really idiotic foot in mouth thing without realizing until it was far too late. Then I would wander around this unfamiliar dream landscape wondering if there was anything else I could say to remedy it or if it would be worse to say something else. It was horribly shameful and I just woke up feeling sick with embarrassment even though none of this had happened! I resent the brain for offering this kind of dream content. Come on buddy what is this? The etiology is so obvious that it's pathetic: I need to send a sympathy card to someone (One of the reasons to go to the store, so I was drilling it into my mind before going to sleep that I couldn't forget to do it today), but I wondered what I'm going to say when I fill it out because I don't know the person super well.

Also there were puppies in the dream and they kept getting lost in the house, which was someone else's house, But I was responsible for locating them and I was worried they were going to pee somewhere or just get lost indefinitely and perish from lack of attention somehow. And then it would be my fault! All terror and guilt. As I started to wake up it was because of these puppies, as my brain was thinking, how is it possible a puppy is going to hide and not be following you all around and gnawing on your foot the whole time? Or at least rustling around and making noise? This just doesn't make sense... At some point the rational brain part wakes itself up this way.
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