Episode 306 - ClamHats

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Episode 306 - ClamHats

Post by Mike »

Aidan’s been playing Cyberpunk 2077, and he’s bringing it to the Gaming Table. Mike’s got THREE items for the Science Corner: The collapse of Aricebo, clam hats, and the funeral of a 41,000 year old toddler. Then the guys talk about Warner Brothers taking all its new movies to HBO Max, Aidan tells a story, Mike talks about watching TV. Oh yeah, there’s some long ranting in Uncomfortable Topics. And then R2 delivers a matched pair of all-new, listener-submitted bits on the Pod-O-Matic before completely relinquishing control to the listeners in Listener Betrayal. So settle in and get comfy. We’ll take care of all your Christmas wrapping, while you enjoy our latest episode.


Nerd Pride Radio, Episode 306 - ClamHats
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Re: Episode 306 - ClamHats

Post by Akiva »

The Cyberpunk computer game connects directly to tabletop RPGs--it is based on the R Talsorian Games Cyberpunk RPG (late 80s for 1st edition, early 90s for 2nd edition). There's also a new edition of the tabletop RPG. I liked 2nd edition, but probably won't get the new one 'cause it's huge; I don't really care for really long RPG books anymore.
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Re: Episode 306 - ClamHats

Post by Akiva »

The thing with the Johns reminded me of the early London punk scene--one of the early cohorts had 3 or 4 Johns, so people just started calling them "the Johns."

One of the Johns became Johnny Rotten.

Another became Sid Vicious.
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