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Post by Phoebe »

How do you motivate yourself to be positive and regain the posture of industrious Protestantism when afflicted by a bout of nihilism? I assume this is something we all deal with from time to time, no? It's a conjunction of different things happening but I guess riding on the surface is "Another COVID wave because FUCK PEOPLE HERE" and "Trump was a real thing, FUCK THESE PEOPLE". I really don't know how to motivate myself to do anything but cook and clean my own nest. I don't want to participate in the social world, the work world, none of it. Fuck em.
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Re: Nihilism

Post by Kyle »

I don't know what "Industrious Protestantism" is, but I suspect I don't suffer from it.
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Re: Nihilism

Post by Phoebe »

It's how I accomplish things, like caring about whether things are clean and organized like a well-oiled machine. Or work that must be done actually gets done, even if it is burdensome. Or that we must have early to bed and early to rise and proper breakfasts and nutrition. True, it is a type of affliction, but like many such afflictions it may improve functioning. I also suspect that you don't suffer from this affliction but just for the record, some of the most industrious Protestants I know are atheists.
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Re: Nihilism

Post by Phoebe »

OK, I'm doing better with this by remembering that we have a duty to do certain things, even if it's pointless. Even if the house never gets or stays clean, you clean it anyway. Even if you're never in the physical condition you wanted, you keep eating the right foods and getting exercise. If your child or your loved one goes away and you can't see them or talk to them, you don't ever stop loving them. If other people suck because they're being stupid, it's not something you can control so why would you let it affect you? Just have to go on doing the things.
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Re: Nihilism

Post by Phoebe »

Maybe it's PMS or maybe it's nihilistic despair? Who can say?
I am reading philosophy as self-care and s*** is pretty bad when that's happening.
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Re: Nihilism

Post by DMDarcs »

I pretty much just piss and moan about how crappy things are. And then some inner sense of morality within me says, "Ok, but if you do this, then you can affect one small change." So I do THIS, and then other people see me do THIS, and the hope is that they see me do THIS, and say, "Oh, well I can go do THIS." Kind of like a more positively leaned broken window theory.
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Re: Nihilism

Post by Phoebe »

This is good yes. Small steps. We control what's in front of us. If I could get this into my mind along with a small nap I might be mostly repaired but where is the nap? Still this is good.
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