World War I Poetry

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World War I Poetry

Post by Akiva »

I was talking with my daughter this morning about World War I, and I told her that there a lot of famous poems written by soldiers during the war. I found the text of "Suicide in the Trenches," which is one of my favorites, and read it to her.

I knew a simple soldier boy
Who grinned at life in empty joy,
Slept soundly through the lonesome dark,
And whistled early with the lark.

In winter trenches, cowed and glum,
With crumps and lice and lack of rum,
He put a bullet through his brain.
No one spoke of him again.

You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when soldier lads march by,
Sneak home and pray you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.

I find this unbelievably horrible and sad, and it hits me hard. I always think of that last stanza when people cheer on wars, or mindlessly praise the military. I never served, and certainly never saw combat, but I know enough about the latter to know how lucky that makes me.

I don't know if other wars spawned as much poetry about the wars themselves. It does seem that there are a lot great World War I poems.
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Re: World War I Poetry

Post by Phoebe »

I like the one you have quoted here. Lots of really sad song lyrics going back to this too. Post other good ones if you find some!
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Re: World War I Poetry

Post by Tahlvin »

In middle school, we had to memorize a poem. Most of the kids in my class memorized ones that were a few lines long. I memorized the following one from Edgar Albert Guest, about a US sailor on a ship in WWI. Not as morose as ones from the troops in the trenches, but an interesting one nonetheless from the same war.

His name was Kelly Ingram; he was Alabama's son,
And he whistled 'Yankee Doodle,' as he stood beside his gun;
There was laughter in his make-up, there was manhood in his face,
And he knew the best traditions and the courage of his race;
Now there's not a heart among us but should swell with loyal pride
When he thinks of Kelly Ingram and the splendid way he died.

On the swift Destroyer Cassin he was merely gunner's mate,
But up there to-day, I fancy, he is standing with the great.
On that grim day last October his position on the craft
Was that portion of the vessel which the sailors christen aft;
There were deep sea bombs beside him to be dropped upon the Hun
Who makes women folks his victims and then gloats o'er what he's done.

From the lookout came a warning; came the cry all sailors fear,
A torpedo was approaching, and the vessel's doom was near;
Ingram saw the streak of danger, but he saw a little more,
A greater menace faced them than that missile had in store;
If those deep sea bombs beside him were not thrown beneath the wave,
Every man aboard the Cassin soon would find a watery grave.

It was death for him to linger, but he figured if he ran
And quit his post of duty, 'twould be death for every man;
So he stood at his position, threw those depth bombs overboard,
And when that torpedo struck them, he went forth to meet his Lord.
Oh, I don't know how to say it, but these whole United States
Should remember Kelly Ingram—he who died to save his mates.
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