How is that Fabulous Quarantine Life?

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How is that Fabulous Quarantine Life?

Post by Phoebe »

We have been quarantined here for about 9 months, and we've seen people at different times when it was safe, and sometimes when we were forced though didn't wish to, but on the whole we've been here together for 9 months. It turns out this is the point where people all appear to be sort of cracking up, and it's interesting because nobody is cracking up in a "big" way, but each person is sort of slipping off into their own bizarre Pluto and is no longer what you would call "normal". Weird snapchats are being made, people who used to watch shows about war and the history of war and weapons of war are now watching reality shows about arranged marriage and being stranded on an island, weird makeup is appearing on faces, some people refuse to wear either pants or a shirt and never both at once, dietary regularity is not good, weird habits are emerging even more than usual... it's just starting to be a lot. I feel like the only person who really understands me and with whom I have a truly intellectual and mind-expanding relationship is my dog, and that seems, well, odd.
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