Fallen London

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Fallen London

Post by Mike »

Has anyone played Fallen London? It's apparently been around a while. It's a text based adventure that is free to play online. It plays like an absolutely gargantuan choose your own adventure that includes an inventory and advancing stats and an interactive map. You play in the city of Fallen London, which feels very Victorian area Gothic steampunky with magic and devils and squidmen... just to name things I've seen so far.

I'm torn, because I'm fascinated by everything in it, but also my ADHD means I can only work through about 15 minutes of game at a time, so I only play maybe once a day and my progress is slow.

It limits you to only 20 moves at a time before you have to wait to recharge, but I'm still mostly in beginner and tutorial areas, so I'm not sure exactly what counts as a move. I've never used more than 2 moves in a session.
Any time the solution is "banjo rifle", I'm in 100%.
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Re: Fallen London

Post by Kyle »

You know I forgot I did this for a hot two weeks a long time ago- maybe 10 years ago? I really liked it, but ran into the same problems you're experiencing. There's a bunch of different variants and, if you go down the rabbit hole, a bunch of interactive fiction using that engine that can suck up all your free time.
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Re: Fallen London

Post by Stan »

I tried this and it was pretty cool but I wound up never going back.
I found a training area that upped skills that used up your moves - I guess the limit is so you don't abuse those areas.
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