Practical vs. Giving Up

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Practical vs. Giving Up

Post by Kyle »

As I get older, I have a hard time deciding if some of my lifestyle choices are practical, common-sense choices, or if they're just lazy, "I've given up caring" choices. Two examples:

1- I wear Asics-brand sneakers. My friends (most of whom are about 10 years younger than me), my coworkers and my kids all make fun of me relentlessly for them because they are the epitome of uncool dad shoes. I don't let it bother me. To myself I say, "Hey, I've had a torn fascia in my foot that I was in a boot for six weeks. These shoes are comfortable, have tremendous support and are under $80." This seems like a very practical choice to me.

2- On the weekends, I like to run to the grocery store early in the morning (between 8-9 am) before it gets busy. Usually on a Saturday or Sunday that early, I haven't showered yet because my wife slept in and I have some outdoor work I'm going to do later that I'll have to shower afterwards for anyways. So I don't bother making myself presentable. I just throw on my shoes and go to the store where I'll inevitably see (and stop to talk to) three or four people that know me. I don't even bother to wet my hair down- I just go with the cowlicks and the weird spikes sticking at odd angles. To myself I say, "Hey, who am I trying to impress? Everyone knows me. It's not like I smell. I just look unkempt and that's okay because... well in those times I am!" This seems like a "giving up" choice.

So the difference in my mind is I'm not bothered by my choice in scenario 1. But I am in scenario 2. Even though they're both really "giving up" on caring what someone thinks of a decision, I feel like scenario 1 is actually motivated by practicality and scenario 2 is motivated by laziness. But is being motivated by laziness such a bad thing? Why should I wet and finger-comb my hair down? Who cares if someone thinks I'm a slob that didn't do themselves up to go to the grocery store at 7:30 on a Saturday morning. And yet? It still bugs me. There's a part that says, "Dude. There's a minimum. What's wrong with you."

Thoughts? Am I the only one that does this?
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Re: Practical vs. Giving Up

Post by Phoebe »

My response is simply, what is wrong with giving up? Giving up what, conformity to bs social standards that impinge upon human liberty and happiness? Giving up the loss of your time and vital energies? Give it all up! Give up. I have no further standards and the people at the nearest grocery store know it.
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Re: Practical vs. Giving Up

Post by Kyle »

Nah. I think the line is giving up on basic care for yourself. If I want to give up on everything, then I'm going to reek of BO, never shave, and wear crocs everywhere. That would probably depress me. I like cleaning up! I feel better when I do! But you're right- some Saturday mornings it just doesn't matter- especially if I know I'm going to have to shower again later.
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