I can't take CNN anymore

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I can't take CNN anymore

Post by Kyle »

Look- obviously I can't watch FoxNews or the other right-wing propaganda networks. They're so biased.

During the day when I work from home, I normally have a news network on my tv in the background as I work. That has been CNN. But for the past 6 months or a year, CNN has really irritated me because they're also biased. To be clear- not nearly the level as FoxNews or the other MAGA channels, but it's still not acceptable. It's a bunch of histrionics about what a fascist Trump is (he is) and it seems like half the stories are about how slanted right-wing media is (they are)- but most of it isn't news. It's opinion. The worst example is when CNN (on either the network or the website) publicizes how one of their own anchors reacted to something outrageous a republican said. Hey man. I want news. I want facts. I don't want you reporting on facts you've created by reactions generated by your own employees to crazy things that were said. That's creating the news, not reporting it.

Another example of this phenomenon at CNN is the pattern they have of cherry-picking Twitter comments to show how "the public" supports or denounces something. This needs to stop. I can go on Twitter and find the most heinous and the most sensible reactions to anything that is part of the zeitgeist. Just because "NaziNutBallin1986" said something fascist and racist doesn't mean it's representative of the general public. It just means that you're picking this one comment to make people believe that Trump is going to win in a landslide if the Dems don't get their act together. Again, this isn't reporting the news- it's creating it.

I've switched to NewsNation, which bills itself as "the moderate/just-the-news" station for people that don't identify as super-libs or MAGA types. And it's just okay. It's not as speculative and pearl-clutching* as any of the other alternatives, but it's not perfect. And I've noticed that it's starting to tilt into what I think as the "Headline News" destructive flush-- where a "news" network realizes that it's stories about white women being random victims of crime runs a scare through everyone and gets good ratings. But for now it's the option I'm going with.

Maybe this is just all a product of requiring 24 hours of news when... and to be blunt about it... there's not that much news. I don't want Mike to start justifiably pointing out to me that I need to check my privilege because there's more than 24 hours of news that is of vital importance around the world, but for real... is this just a product of networks having to have a new "breaking news" story every sixty minutes?

*I'm going to start a new thread about this term. I think it may be problematic.
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Re: I can't take CNN anymore

Post by Mike »

I'm thinking to myself that I wouldn't mind a good facts-based and relatively unbiased, hour-long streaming daily dose of news. And as I think it, I realize that there must daily podcast that gives me 45 minutes to an hour of news. And I'm sure there are a bunch of them out there.
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Re: I can't take CNN anymore

Post by Mike »

That was a draft I hadn't finished. I'll come back to it later. Don't know how I posted it.
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Re: I can't take CNN anymore

Post by Mike »

Okay... the finish was just two sentences:

But the thought of putting in effort to find something that works for me just feels like too much work. What's wrong with me?
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