I've been posting more

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I've been posting more

Post by Kyle »

Can you tell I've been posting more? I can. I miss you guys. There's been a gap in us having substantive conversations and, in that gap, we've all gotten older, matured and have somewhat different perspectives on things. That interests me. Reconnecting with people interests me. Mike making me feel guilty for taking daily showers interests me.

So what's going on with y'all? Give me a three or four sentence synopsis of where you are in your life right now. Here's mine:

My daughter and her husband moved back in to our house after he broke his foot and she had to quit her job to care for her 18 month old and so he could work (on a scooter no less). She recently gave birth to my second granddaughter, who is awesome! So with 10 people living under my roof, things seem busy, but it makes me happy because it reminds me of when I had all eight kids living in the house.
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Re: I've been posting more

Post by Tahlvin »

My oldest, trans son recently got married to their trans boyfriend, and will finish school in a couple months for early childhood development. My daughter has a job decorating cakes at a Whole Foods north of a Denver and seems to be enjoying Colorado. Our youngest transferred to UW-Madison, had a rough first semester, but is getting back on track for this spring semester.

Meanwhile, the wife and I are starting to take advantage of semi-empty-nester status with our upcoming trip to Scotland. If it goes well, it will be the first of several international trips over the next few years.
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Re: I've been posting more

Post by Phoebe »

Went to Scotland; would repeat that trip indefinitely. I want to live there but am told the weather was unusually great when we visited and that most of the time it's a damp chill that cracks the bones unpleasantly. I don't buy it.

I like that Kyle is posting more! The topics are always an interesting melange. It coincides with a convenient moment where I'm trying to spend more time alone at home with my computer. I have been revaluing the values of life in a productive manner. Everyone in this house seems basically okay although loved ones in other houses are not all doing so well. I have invested much more in aspects of work life that were neglected up to this point, and am trying to invest much less in every other aspect of work life. Complete re-ordering of values relative to the work life. I am trying to do things like lift my body weight into the air above my head, as a symbol of beneficial conditions required to make this happen.
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Re: I've been posting more

Post by Pdyx »

I wandered back here on a whim, and found this thread. I'm working hard on my video game

EDIT: Wow, wasn't expecting that link to look like that, but cool.

I'm very focused on that. Living with my wife, 9-year-old son and 2 cats who I guess are now elderly cats. Keeping life pretty simple things days with few outside obligations other than family and a few close friends.
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Re: I've been posting more

Post by Phoebe »

How exciting! It's amazing that you have a 9-year-old. The game looks interesting as well!
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