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Post by Kyle »

So for several years I’ve been looking for a game on my Switch that can scratch my Skyrim itch. I love the game so much, and have played through the entire giant game four times before. I probably had 200+ hours into it or more. So I’ve constantly been scrolling through the Nintendo store for a game that will fill the void that formed when I stopped playing Skyrim five years ago. And I finally found it! It’s called Skyrim: The Anniversary Edition!

So yeah- I bought Skyrim for… the fifth time? And I have no regrets. I’ve played through all the old missions that I love (Thieve’s Guild and Assassin’s Guild) and all the others. And I played through a bunch of quest lines I’d never seen before. For $30 I got the game with every DLC that’s ever been released. Since I’ve repurchased it, I’ve put another 80 hours into it, and it’s glorious. I love this game so much. That’s all. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
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Re: Skyrim

Post by Mando »

How did you like the new content and weapons and quests?

I have since started playing a "Survival" game...survival mode has turned me into a scaredy Khajiit that hunts for food and hangs out near fires.
Danger? Adventure? No Thanks!
It is taking a lot of getting used to.

Might I recommend a game of Fallout 4 ...but it isnt out for the Switch.
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Re: Skyrim

Post by Tahlvin »

I used to play Skyrim and some of it's earlier Elder Scrolls siblings (Oblivion, etc.). Even had a VR version of it on the PS4. But something about the graphics always made me nauseous and gave me a headache, so I had to stop.
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Re: Skyrim

Post by Kyle »

Yeah, the VR version sucked. Controls were way too janky.

Mando- I love it. It’s been so long since I’ve played that I’ll find some rando missions that I think are new, and then when I get to the conclusion I realize, “Oh right! I remember this! I love it!”

I’ve played Fallouts 3 and 4 on the PlayStation and loved them, but I have to play on my Switch now because the console ties up the TV and with ten people in the house, that’s not really feasible.
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