How's Dothan?

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How's Dothan?

Post by Mike »

So last night, Aidan asks me, "How's Dothan?" And I explained that the game ended a couple years ago, and he said, "Well, duh. But still... how's Dothan?"

I played the character of Dothan in DMDarcs's Pathfinder game for 7 years, and yet once the game ended, I hadn't ever thought about what she would have chosen to do with her life after saving the world (or saving much of Varisia, at least).

Huh. Good question. I couldn't really answer him at the moment. The obvious answer is that she returned to Sandpoint and happily reunited with Oshar and then turned her attention to theater and to writing and performing epic and heartbreaking pieces about the members of her team.

But then, how long would it really last with Oshar? They're teenagers, for gods' sakes. And besides, after they met, one of them stayed home to babysit and tend goats, and the other went on a Skywalker-esque journey of saving the world while also gaining phenomenal cosmic power where she straight up murdered people and watched her friends suffer and die and return.

Also, can she really try to live a normal life? She's a hero and people know it. Her and her team will constantly be solicited to help people solve their problems or slay great evil or be manipulated into being pawns in someone else's politics. With great power... as Spider-Man says.

And to top it all off, she's also a legend now. She wants to just perform, but she is literally one of the greatest singers the world has ever known. If not for the heroics, people will seek her out just for her voice. She can't perform without being a superstar.

And again, she's a brilliantly smart and talented 16 year old with a 7 wisdom. She's got a whole life of bad decisions ahead of her.

I think figuring out where she goes from here is a book all by itself.
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Re: How's Dothan?

Post by Phoebe »

This is amazing, yes. I want to read that book. I want to know about the bad decisions. The thing about decisions: luck and chance are still powerful factors. But does the lack of wisdom mean that in a sense you deliberately choose the unwise path? Or are you merely throwing yourself onto the mercies of chance, in which case the outcome might well be fine?
Does the lack of wisdom manifest itself as attraction to the wrong people for the wrong reasons? Because you're also talking about a person who's very perceptive about other people's motives and inner thoughts. Despite having all of that insight, does she value the superficial?
Or is it that she has the amazing talent to achieve success and wealth, but then fritters it away in inexplicable fashion?
Bottom line I want to read this book.

The whole campaign was truly epic - I want to know what happened to all these characters.
I can't decide whether Dwyn Is living at the fort and juggling her day job with having a lot of little kids, or whether she veered off onto some other path as yet unknown and is still wistfully hoping to settle down someday.
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