Mike Tyson edibles

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Mike Tyson edibles

Post by Mike »

Mike Tyson launches line of ear-shaped cannabis edibles
I mean, he was never convicted of assault for the ear-biting, so technically he's allowed to profit off of that, but what about his multiple assault convictions and rape and sexual assault convictions as an adult--many of them AFTER becoming millionaire heavyweight champion? What about his other arrests and substantiated incidents for same? Hell his last incident is a fist fight on an airline THIS YEAR in which no one chose to press charges. He is a violent man who cannot control himself and hurts people. This rehabilitation of his image disgusts me, because he has the resources to try to change himself, but it's more about just fixing the perception of him. I don't like it, and in spite of what a clever money-printing enterprise this whole ear-edible thing is, I find it revolting. The man is unrepentant as far as I can tell, and is happy to make money off his reputation for uncontrolled violence.
Any time the solution is "banjo rifle", I'm in 100%.
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Re: Mike Tyson edibles

Post by Phoebe »

I don't want to google it. 👀
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Re: Mike Tyson edibles

Post by Kyle »

Wait. Did you mean Johnny Depp? Oh wait, oh. Okay. Tyson. Right.

I have to look into it. I remember doing a deep dive on the first rape allegations against Tyson and remember (and this is very unusual for me, if you know me) coming out of it thinking Tyson didn't get a fair shake. That being said- that was many, many years ago and I don't remember all the research and articles I read (it was quite a lot) and I don't even remember all the allegations anymore because it's not that important to me. And I don't know about all the new allegations because I just don't have the time or inclination to revisit it. But I saw the video of the guy getting decked on the plane (I remember thinking Tyson had some justification for what he was doing- like he got hit with a water bottle or something?). But I don't know.

I've thought for a long time that Mike Tyson is a guy with very serious mental issues that were exploited through his whole life to enrich other people. That's not to excuse what he did or does. Because he clearly still has problems. And as I've said many times- we have plenty of people we can laud with riches and fame that don't have all these accusations of violence against them. Why do we insist on giving the "troubled" people (Depp, Chris Hardwick, Tyson) any oxygen at all in the media?

But I think that's the thing. The media loves it because People-Have-Opinions. And that feeds headlines and that generates views and that generates money.
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