AI-Generated Text Adventure

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AI-Generated Text Adventure

Post by Kyle »

Here's a fun way to kill sometime with a completely AI-generated text adventure. Eventually it will go off the rails, but a lot of fun.

Here's the start of my game (I named myself):

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Re: AI-Generated Text Adventure

Post by Kyle »

I highly recommend registering with this site and screwing around with it. Here's my adventure in a peaceful fantasy world where I play an Ogre private investigator who wants to investigate a murder. There are so many twists and turns and I decided to end it on the greatest ending ever. [The entries after the * are my command prompts]

Xaxas is a world of peace and prosperity. It is a land in which all races live together in harmony. The gnomes build their machines and live among the humans. Elves run the academies in which people come to learn. Ogres have no qualms living in the same town as humans or gnomes. Yet, all is not well.

You are a servent of the royal family of Orlania, a small kingdom in Xaxas. Your task is to generate the start of an adventure given the history of the location, faction and world they live in.

This is the history of the world of Xaxas.


The royal line of Orlania has existed for hundreds of years.

*You investigate the murder of Michael Jones.

You arrive at the scene of the crime and are met by the local militia, led by their captain, a gnome named Trelik.
Trelik introduces himself and his men.

*You ask Trelik to explain what happened.

Trelik explains that during the night of the 15th of May, a band of orcs, goblins, and ogres attacked the village of New Cyre, about 12 miles away from here, killing people and stealing val

*You ask how Michael Jones was murdered.

Trelik explains that two dwarves were killed when the orcs broke into the house where they were staying, and the goblins killed a third dwarf in another house.

*You ask where the goblins are now.

Trelik explains that they ran off as soon as the orcs were killed, and that he doesn't know where they went.

*You inspect the body of Michael Jones.

The body of Michael Jones lies on the floor of the house. A deep wound can be seen on his stomach, and his intestines hang out of his body.

*You inspect the wound on Michael Jones.

You inspect the wound on Michael Jones.

*You search the pockets of Michael Jones' clothes.

You search the pockets of Michael Jones' clothes.
You find a few coins and one of his credit cards, with a small amount of credit left on it.

*You take credit card.

You take the credit card.

*You inspect the credit card.

You inspect the credit card.
The card expires in 2017.

*You take the credit card to the bank.

You take the credit card to the bank.

*You ask the banker what Michael Jones bought on his credit card.

The banker explains that a large grocery store bought $100 worth of stuff with the credit card.
The banker also explains that the bank has the ability to remotely turn on Michael Jones' house lights and alarm system.

*You ask Banker to show surveillance of Michael Jones' house.

The bank shows a live video feed of Michael Jones' house.
You see a young man walking around the house.
He stops and points to different rooms.
You see that he is recording the video.

*You go to Michael Jones' house.

You arrive at Michael Jones' house.
You see the video camera mounted on the wall.
The video camera shows that a man is in the house.
He is recording a video of the inside of the house.

*You talk to Michael Jones.

Michael Jones is a young man wearing a suit and tie. He is talking to you.
He mentions that he was in the middle of a business deal when the attack occurred.

*You ask why he faked his own death.

Michael explains that he faked his death because his company discovered that he had been stealing funds from them.

*You ask where the goblins are.

Michael tells you that the goblins fled the scene and are nowhere to be found.

*You arrest Michael Jones for insurance fraud and embezzlement.

You take Michael Jones into custody.

*You take Michael Jones to jail.

You take Michael Jones to jail.

*You find Trelik.

You find Trelik and some of his men, who are eating lunch.

*You tell Trelik that Michael Jones faked his own death.

You tell Trelik that Michael Jones faked his death.
Trelik is furious.
He asks why you didn't tell him before.
He blames you for his men not being a step behind Jones.

*You explain that you arrested Michael Jones.

You explain that you arrested Michael Jones.
Trelik and his men are happy.
They love going out on patrol and hunting down criminals.
Trelik makes a deal with you.

*You ask Trelik what the deal is.

Trelik explains that as long as you are assigned to the New Cyre Police Department in Xaxas, you will have the chance to avenge the death of Michael Jones.
You accept the deal.

*You go to Michael Jones' house.

You go to Michael Jones' house.
You see that the lights are on, and the doors are unlocked.
You see that the video camera is still running.

*You turn off the video camera.

You turn off the video camera.

*You burn down Michael Jones' house.

You burn down Michael Jones' house.

*You go talk to Michael Jones in jail.

You open the cell door to find Michael Jones.
Jones tells you that he is a changed man, and that he knows that he deserved to go to jail for his crimes.

*You tell Michael Jones that you burned his house down.

You tell Michael Jones that you burned his house down.
Jones is furious.
He tells you that he will see that you fail your probation, and that you will never become a police officer in Cyre.

*You close the cell door.

You close the cell door.

*You tell Michael Jones that he will die in jail.

You tell Michael Jones that he will die in jail.
He laughs.
He says that he will beat the charges against him.
He says that he has money and friends who can help him.

*You laugh at Michael Jones and leave.

You laugh at Michael Jones and leave.

*You go find Michael Jones' wife.

You are on your way to Michael's Jones' house.
The police report says that the house was abandoned by its owner.
When you arrive, there is a large piece of paper blowing around near the front door.

*You read the paper.

It says "Follow me."
You follow the paper.
It leads you to a cabin in the woods.
There is a man there with a wooden mask over his face.

*You ask the man why he has wood.

The man tells you that he used to be a lumberjack.
The mask is part of the costume.
He offers you a seat.
He offers you a bowl of soup.

*You sit and eat soup.

You sit and eat soup for a while.
The man asks if you are alright.
He says that he didn't know what to do when he found the house, and that he didn't know who owned it.

*You ask the man for his name.

The man tells you that his name is Quayle.
He says that his wife has been missing for months, and that he just needs to find her.
He asks you to help him do that.

*You arrest Quayle for trespassing.

You arrest Quayle.
Quayle says that he will sue for false arrest.
You decide not to arrest him.
You decide not to arrest Quayle.
The police chief calls.

*You hang up on the police chief.

You open the cell door.
The police chief is standing there.
The police chief tells you that Quayle has offered a bribe to get a reduced sentence.

*You ask the police chief if he took the bribe.

The police chief says no.
He says that he refused the bribe.
He says that if he takes the bribe, then he is no better than Quayle.
You decide not to arrest Quayle.

*You kick Quayle in the shin.

You kick Quayle in the shin.
The man screams in pain as he lies on the ground.
He asks you what you did that for.

*You tell Quayle you kicked him for trespassing.

You tell Quayle you kicked him for trespassing.
The police chief calls again.
You answer the phone.
"Yeah," you say into the phone.
"What did you do?"

*You ask the police chief why he's calling when you're both in the same room.

"Go to sleep."
You hang up the phone.
You see the police chief staring at you.
He tells you that he has an arrest warrant for you.

*You arrest the police chief for false arrest.

You arrest the police chief for false arrest.
You go to jail.
You get released after 3 days.
The police chief refuses to press charges against you.

*You kick police chief in the shin.

The chief screams in pain as he goes to the ground.
You kick him in the shin.
He groans in pain.
He tells you that you just cost the city a lot of money.

*You tell the police chief that you quit.

You tell the police chief that you quit.
"You are now," the police chief says, "Officer Thomas H. Harris."
The police chief hands you your new ID card.
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Re: AI-Generated Text Adventure

Post by Phoebe »

I nearly died laughing at this point in the story:

You kick Quayle in the shin.
The man screams in pain as he lies on the ground.
He asks you what you did that for.
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