Life or Death debate: Qualities

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Life or Death debate: Qualities

Post by Phoebe »

This is a yes or no question, unlike the other life or death debates. If you don't want to play by the rules of yes and no questions, that's your decision to make, I just observed that it's a yes or no question as presented.

The same qualities of character that help us to achieve some of our best achievements or successes are in fact the same qualities that make us annoying or insufferable or a jerk.

Defend your view.
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Re: Life or Death debate: Qualities

Post by Phoebe »

This sounded too much like work, eh? Yeah.
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Re: Life or Death debate: Qualities

Post by Phoebe »

This might be deleted because of the links included, but I just want it recorded for posterity that the FIRST answer to this question was posted by a bot named pinuzWeink and this is what it had to say:

[Company name redacted] Online Casino and Slot Games is powered by the market's top software program systems - (names of software programs redacted here) using fair and risk-free video gaming services in on the internet slots and also video games, live dealership gambling establishment, as well as angling video games The gambling enterprise uses video games from some of the world's leading iGaming designers - that's one more factor we believe this gambling enterprise is respectable and secure [redacted] mobile Happens at these gambling enterprises that is not in line with the gambling permit rules, then the online casino will certainly lose its license [redacted] Casino also supplies a large array of betting choices that will certainly satisfy most players "During the last few years, I have tried a number of significant on the internet gambling establishments and so far, my favorite is [company name]

This was followed by a long line of other posts of a similar kind. The question has been rendered moot; what is the point of anything? I am going to do a puzzle and then work all night, because that's what I do. I don't need answers to anything, don't need friends, don't need dessert.
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Re: Life or Death debate: Qualities

Post by Mike »

The answer is absolutely yes. Because, for some people (many? most?) "success" is measured in terms of material gain, fame and recognition, power and control over others, etc. All of these are goals that can be more easily achieved if you're an asshole. Some "successes" (like having power/control over others or exacting painful revenge on others we perceive to have wronged us) almost necessitate doing things that qualify us as assholes.

My question is whether or not we should count something as a success if it is achieved by knowingly and intentionally hurting others?
Any time the solution is "banjo rifle", I'm in 100%.
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Re: Life or Death debate: Qualities

Post by bralbovsky »

The chaosburger of design and innovation is definitely a test of others' patience.
When things are "normal" or standard or, frankly, dull...everyone is comfortable and slightly bored, edging toward complacency.

It needn't occur at anyone else's expense or to their detriment, and I concur that labeling accomplishment on a suffering caused metric is a doomed trend (most shooting victims, most bankruptcies al) It would be great to have a universal acknowledgement that while the sausage costs the pig dearly, it benefits others. It's the attempt to not capriciously waste resources or that makes achievements, even dubious ones. Destruction for selfish or malicious purposes is in no way "achievement."
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Re: Life or Death debate: Qualities

Post by Phoebe »

The judge is still debating this.
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