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Re: Deathless

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Re: Deathless

Post by Mike »

This myth also involves Coyote discovering the first horse, who happens to be his own grandson.

It begins with Coyote's grandson being sent by his mother to go see Coyote and before the grandson leaves he is explicitly told not to enter a cave that lies between his mother's house and Coyote's house. However, after the grandson had traveled for some time it began to get dark and rain began to fall. Deciding to disobey his mother's instruction, the grandson spends the night and the subsequent morning in the cave.

When the youth awakens, he finds that his head feels heavy, his hands now look completely different, and he is covered in hair. As he leaves the cave, he is approached by some mountain sheep who accompany him on his journey to his grandfather's house. When he reaches Coyote's home, Coyote sees them coming and notices that one of the mountain sheep is much bigger than the rest. He plans on killing the big one before Wolf tells him that that mountain sheep is actually his own grandson and urges him to not only not kill it, but also to feed the big mountain sheep bunchgrass. Coyote obliges and decides to settle for killing some of the smaller mountain sheep instead. After eating, his grandson goes off to spend the night with the other mountain sheep before returning in the morning. Once again, Coyote kills some of the smaller sheep and feeds the biggest one some bunchgrass. This same process repeats itself several times with Coyote gaining an enormous amount of meat.

One morning, however, the big mountain sheep is spied by the two Sky-Down-feather-Brothers. The eldest, knowing who the big mountain sheep really is, plans on leaving him alone but the younger brother ignores his older brother's warning and decides to kill the big mountain sheep. After shooting the big mountain sheep the younger brother finds that his big catch has suddenly turned into a boy wearing moccasins. The two brothers then butcher the body and fly away. The following morning Wolf mourns the loss of their grandson and devises a plan for revenge. Wolf tells Coyote to hide almost all the water, have the Black Spider spin a web to fill the sky's hole, and to hide near the little water still uncovered with Parotsok^^itapitsi with a hot rock from a fire pit. Coyote agrees to this plan but before he sets it in motion, he goes to the spot where his grandson was killed where he finds some blood and a little bit of hair which he packs in a basket before leaving.

Coyote asks the Black Spider to make a web out of cooked sinew and the spider agrees to help him. He then asks Parotsok^^itapitsi to accompany him at the edge of the water and shout when the Sky-Down-feather brothers try to fly away in order to keep them in place and he also agrees to do this. Eventually, both of the Sky-Down-feather-brothers get thirsty and search for some water to drink. The younger brother quickly spots the water where Coyote is hiding and suggests they land there to drink but the elder brother knows better and tells his brother that that is where Coyote is hiding, waiting for them. The brothers then try to trick Coyote multiple times by flying close to the water and saying, "Oh, Coyote, sitting by a roasting pit heating a stone!" Each time, Coyote almost reveals himself thinking he has been discovered but each time Parotsok^^itapitsi stops him telling him that the brothers are trying to trick him. Finally, the two brothers stop to drink and in that moment, Coyote throws the hot stone at them and Parotsok^^itapitsi shouts as they try to fly away and the brothers become trapped in the web blocking the sky's hole. Then, Black Spider climbs down the web and bites the brothers on their necks and they both fall back down to the ground.

The story concludes with Coyote going to where he had left his grandson's remains only to find that his grandson had been revived and was gone. Coyote deduces that his grandson has become a horse due to the fact that all the grass in the surrounding area had been eaten.
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Re: Deathless

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Re: Deathless

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One story from the Chinookan describes Coyote's attempts to catch salmon. After repeated failures, Coyote defecates and his own feces begin to insult him. Eventually, his feces stop insulting him and offer detailed advice not only for catching the salmon, but also for preparing the fish once he has them. Coyote enjoys success for a while before he begins to fail once again. Coyote stops and, as before, defecates again. This batch of feces tells Coyote that there are even more aspects he has to take into consideration when fishing including specific instructions for specific geographic location. The story concludes with Coyote finally understanding how to fish properly but thoroughly exhausted.
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Re: Deathless

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Re: Deathless

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Dragon and water god. Foolish and impetuous. Gong Gong decided to fight Zhù Róng to determine which of them is more powerful. After several days, they fell out of heaven, and Gong Gong had lost. Humiliated, he attempted to kill himself by running headfirst into Mount Buzhou. A huge chunk fell off, tearing a hole in the sky and causing cracks in the earth. Water came gushing out, nearly covering the earth; fire came roaring out, and those areas that were not drowned were burnt. Nǚwā patched the sky, but when Gong Gong ran into the mountain, he accidentally tilted the heavens northwest. Gong Gong is thus responsible for the fact that all the rivers in China flow east.
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Re: Deathless

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Re: Deathless

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Re: Deathless

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Re: Deathless

Post by Eliahad »

*takes notes from Mike's research.*
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Re: Deathless

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Re: Deathless

Post by Mike »

A Mongolian creation myth:

In the beginning, an infinite expanse of water covered the entire universe. Quormusta Tengri sent Galbingaa bird, which had a lifespan of thirty thousand years. In every ten thousand year, Galbingaa bird would lay one egg. Hovering over the never-ending body of water, Galbingaa bird could not find a spec of land to lay its egg. In desperation, the bird plucked its own feathers and laid its egg in the tiny feathery nest. In the coming years, fine grains of dust collected over the nest and soon grew into becoming the entire land.
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Re: Deathless

Post by Eliahad »

Happy New Year... 12 minutes ago in some other timezone. I was lazy and didn't research.
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Re: Deathless

Post by Mike »

Lighting up ancient Hawaiian legends, Pele the goddess of fire, lightning, wind, dance and volcanoes is a well-known character. Otherwise known as ka wahine ai honua, the woman who devours the land, Pele’s home is believed to be Halemaumau crater at the summit of Kilauea, one of the world’s most active volcanoes. However, all of Hawaii lays the setting for her stories, so that to this day, any volcanic eruption in Hawaii is attributed to Pele’s longing to be with her true love.

Pele is renowned for her passionate and fiery temperament and many people who visit the islands will hear stories of her power and destruction. One of six daughters and seven sons born to Haumea (an ancient Earth goddess) and Kane Milohai (the creator of the sky, earth and upper heavens), Pele’s siblings include Kane Milohai, Kamohoalii, Namaka as well as 13 sisters with the same name – Hiiaka.

There are as many versions of how Madame Pele came to Hawaii as there are lava rocks on Hawaii Island. One common legend says that Pele – who was born in Honua-Mea in Tahiti — was sent away by her father because of her difficult temper and for seducing her sister Namakaokahai’s husband. Pele’s older brother Kamohoalii (the king of sharks) provided Pele with a large canoe which she and her brothers took and sailed away – eventually coming to Hawaii. When she made landfall in the islands it was on Kauai, where she was attacked by her sister Namakaokahai and left for dead. According to legend she was able to recover and escaped to Oahu where she dug fire pits, including the crater today called Diamond Head. She traveled through the island chain to Molokai and on to Maui where she is said to have made Haleakala volcano.

Upon discovering Pele had survived, Namakaokahai traveled to Maui and the two engaged in an epic battle near Hana, where Pele was torn apart by her sister and became a god, finding a home on Mauna Kea on Hawaii Island. There she dug her final fire pit, the Halemaumau Crater at the summit of Kilauea, where many believe she resides to this day.

In one telling, Pele was married for a short — and violent — time to Kamapuaa, the god of water. Pele sent Kamapuaa from their home in Helemaumau and angrily chased him with rivers of lava into the Pacific Ocean. This story is meant to symbolize the violent and explosive experience of a hydrovolcanic eruption. Pele’s loyal followers believe that the frequent eruptions of lava on Kilauea is a reminder that Pele is alive and still at home here.

Pele is often portrayed as a wanderer and sightings of the goddess have been reported throughout the island chain for hundreds of years, but especially near volcanic craters and near her home of Kilauea, one of the most active volcanoes in the world.

In these sightings or visions she appears as either a very tall, beautiful young woman or an unattractive and frail elderly woman usually accompanies by a white dog. Those well-versed in the legend, say that Pele takes this form of an elderly beggar woman to test people – asking them if they have food or drink to share. Those who are generous and share with her are rewarded while anyone who is greedy or unkind are punished with their homes or other valuables destroyed.
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Re: Deathless

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Re: Deathless

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2021 is my year to win the Can’t Kill This Thread! Again!
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Re: Deathless

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Any time the solution is "banjo rifle", I'm in 100%.
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Re: Deathless

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Re: Deathless

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Eliahad wrote: Fri Jan 01, 2021 10:45 amNah.
Quoth the Kai: “Meh.”
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Re: Deathless

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Re: Deathless

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I patiently wait.
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Re: Deathless

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Re: Deathless

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Any time the solution is "banjo rifle", I'm in 100%.
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Re: Deathless

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Duck season!
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Re: Deathless

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Assphincter says what?
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Re: Deathless

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Re: Deathless

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All is forgiven.
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Re: Deathless

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I'm taking a break from this thread.
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Re: Deathless

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Until we meet again!
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Re: Deathless

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Rest, my children.
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Re: Deathless

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Re: Deathless

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Parents are like shuttles on a loom. They join the threads of the past with threads of the future and leave their own bright patterns as they go.
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Re: Deathless

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Re: Deathless

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Good good morning!
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Re: Deathless

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Thank you, child.
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Re: Deathless

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Re: Deathless

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Well done, son.
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Re: Deathless

Post by Phoebe »

You appear to be in a really good part of the charts - not sure what year, but it was a good year. Any year with Jim Croce and Roberta Flack is a good year.
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Re: Deathless

Post by Mike »

Any time the solution is "banjo rifle", I'm in 100%.
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Re: Deathless

Post by Tahlvin »

Phoebe wrote: Sun Jan 03, 2021 3:30 pm You appear to be in a really good part of the charts - not sure what year, but it was a good year. Any year with Jim Croce and Roberta Flack is a good year.

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Re: Deathless

Post by Mike »

Good morning to all!
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Re: Deathless

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Re: Deathless

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Re: Deathless

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Re: Deathless

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New year new you!
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Re: Deathless

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New yew!
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Re: Deathless

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Ewww. Gnu yew.
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Re: Deathless

Post by Mike »

Enroll at the University of Nebraska!

It's time for a whole NU you!
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