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Jade Logistics

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 2:49 pm
by Mike
1. Reasonably, when does everyone feel like we'll be ready to start scheduling sessions? I'm super busy now, but I'll be more available in a couple weeks when school is out. But I know Pat still has school until almost the end of June. And then Dave's got his THING going on in July. So I'm just trying to set expectations. Is July when we start putting this together? Do we wait out the summer and start in October like last time? I don't mind waiting 2 months or 6 months or whatever, I just want a vague target to get me in the right mindset.

2. What are we thinking for voice chat? My experience with stuff available to all of us is Roll20 (which was not good), Discord, (does pretty well for me), and Zoom (which was decent even when we had three of us connected to the same call in the same house). But that's all I know. So if someone else has a thought or wants to do research, I'm up for whatever.

3. Still planning on Roll20 for map and dice and text? I assume so.

Re: Jade Logistics

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 4:28 pm
by Tahlvin
For 1, I'll defer to DMDarcs, but I'm fine with whatever.

For 2, I'm up for whatever. I'm willing to try Discord, as that's what my son uses with his group and it seems to work okay.

For 3, I assume so as well.

Re: Jade Logistics

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 4:51 pm
by bluedevyl
1. My May is pretty crazy busy, but I imagine not as bad as Pat's. My kids and wife have school until the end of June, and then things open up a bit, with something happening in July that I can't remember right now.

2. I vastly prefer Discord to Roll20 and Zoom. I have some weirdness on my end with making sure that my setup with multiple audio inputs recognizes that my headset has a mic attached, but other than that, I really enjoy the utility that Discord offers.

3. I'm pretty sure. There are a couple other options out there, but we all know Roll20 so well I think it makes sense to stick with that.

Re: Jade Logistics

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 7:33 pm
by Phoebe
I am open to suggestion. There are a few weeks I'll be gone and not able to do anything, but there's no sense trying to plan around these times as they will be somewhat random. I won't be ready with my character stats immediately but I have the basics filled out so could start in whenever anybody wants to.

I have never really used discord, although I remember making an account at one point maybe because someone here wanted us to? But my kids use it all the time so could tell me how.

Back in the day I recall one of the several reasons we had waited until later in the evening to get started was because I was usually dealing with kids bath time and bedtime and all that kind of thing. My kids are all grown out of those stages and I don't need to worry about that. I feel like on some occasions we were making things way too hard on our Eastern Time zone folks, who felt pressured to stay up past midnight and not get good sleep if they wanted to finish something in the game. I think we should start by letting them set these parameters for what times are convenient and then I will just try to show up for that as much as I can. I think it will be even more fun if we can hear each other speaking but I'm deadly serious about this: you have to feel free to tell me to pipe down and know that I'm not going to be offended if you do. By the time I get to the point of joining into the game I'm usually exhausted, having some kind of nervous energy introvert crisis from dealing with humans all day, and so on. If I start rattling on just mute me!

Re: Jade Logistics

Posted: Fri May 13, 2022 1:02 pm
by zen
1. I'm pretty free. Work is about to get crazy, but evenings should always be OK.

2. I am open to whatever. I have used Discord for various things. I might have used zoom for a meeting or two with work, though we usually use other providers.

3. Yeah... Roll20's mapping stuff is pretty awesome in my opinion.