Warrior Woman's Loot

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Warrior Woman's Loot

Post by DMDarcs »

The warrior woman's equipment is stripped off of her before the party disappears into Anna's magical mansion. A careful inventory of her possessions, with detection spells is undertaken. The following items are found about her person.

* five potions of cure serious wounds, located in different areas about her person
* an exquisite suit of full-plate armor, tinged gold. (+5 full plate) As the armor is removed from the woman, you can see that her left shoulder has what appears to be a tattoo of the Thassilonian rune for greed on it, though the inks are much more vibrant than what you would expect to see come out of any parlor.
* a very finely crafted shield (+5 heavy steel shield)
* an extremely sturdy composite longbow (+1 composite longbow, requires +10 Str bonus to wield)
* a finely linked golden belt. The buckle has a clasping device built into it, and is in the shape of a stylized dragon head with curved horns. (belt of physical might +6, affecting Strength and Constitution)
* a pair of silvery boots. When closely examined, they appear to fade in and out of existence. A character wearing these boots may teleport up to three times per day. (boots of teleportation)
* a silver cloak, with golden stars embroidered into it. When worn, the cloak distorts and warps light waves. (cloak of minor displacement)
* a golden headband, with large stylized horns, one on each side. A ruby is centered in the front. (headband of inspired wisdom +6)
* a Sihedron ring.
* a simple, unardoned, golden band. (ring of freedom of movement)
* a jade pendant in the shape of a beetle. Anna, calling dibs on it, holds it for a few seconds before Thassilonian runes appear on it, letting her know that this a protective device. (scarab of protection with 9 charges remaining)
* a small, vibrant purple gemstone in the shape of a prism. When held, it starts to rotate around one's body. It contains additional magic inside of it. (vibrant purple prism ioun stone, currently storing a fly spell)

As the woman's gear is being stripped off of her, Dothan gasps as she somewhat recognizes the woman. Not in an entirely personal way, but as a soman she has seen depicted in artwork and heard tales of. "Viorian Dekanti," she mutters.

Annamanue nods her head. "I've heard the name. I guess we know where she disappeared to now."

Seeing looks of confusion from the others, the two scholars began to tell the story, Dothan taking point and Anna offering clarifying points when she skips portions of the story. Viorian was a guildmaster of a mercenary group out of Riddleport. She was known as being cutthroat and quite greedy, and a decently competant swordswoman. Swords were a collector of hers, and she was known to acquire both mundane and magical varieties alike. Five years ago, her entire manor staff, her personal bodyguards, and several other mercenaries under her employ were all discovered dead in her manor. Viorian was nowhere to be found. Some of her cheaper swords - the nonmagical ones, but ones of interesting designs - had gone missing, but all had been recovered within a few days. Of the more exotic weaponry, all had remained under lock and key, except for a golden scimitar that she had had for years. It was reported to be a replica of a sword whispered about in legend.

"But maybe," Dothan thinks out loud.

"Whatever the case, the aura about is certainly very strong," says Anna, frowning. "I can't completely comprehend everything about it."

Carbohal huffs. "It's certainly evil. I can feel it."

"It's Chellan," Dothan blurts out. "One of the Swords of Sin. I read about his in the library under Jorgenfist. It was carried by the Champion of Greed. It's supposed to be really strong, and deadlier than you would expect a gold weapon to be. It was rumored to turn those it struck into gems, furthering the greed of its' wielder."

[I will let the group decide if they bring this in the mansion with them or not.]
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Re: Warrior Woman's Loot

Post by zen »

"HER! I thought she looked familiar! Everyone in Riddleport knew to stay out of that woman's way. My mother wouldn't let me even go near her gan... I mean `GUILD'S`", Kay does air quotes, "territory when I was a little girl. She would occasionally come into the bar I danced in to do business... never took any dancers home as far as I know... She disappeared right after my mom died and I started working at the bar, but I saw her go in when my mom worked there too... Frankly, if she'd wanted to, she could have displaced the gang that was running things in that two-bit town in a heartbeat, but she never seemed to have any interest in that. I guess she had loftier aspirations... so to speak..."

Kay walks over to the longbow and examines it. "Dayam! This is a fine piece o' work!" She tests the draw and can barely move the bowstring. "HA! As if! Not that I could use it anyway... Hmmmm... Hey... Dwyn... if you used this strength and constitution enhancing belt, do you think you could use this bow? Otherwise, we should probably put it in the pile to sell..."

She then walks over to the boots, looks at the boots of the winterlands that she's wearing, and sighs. "I think I'd really like these boots... Actually, now that we're using Life Bubble spells, I don't really need the ones I'm wearing, do I? They are kind of redundant... Does anybody mind if I take these? And I kinda like that Ioun Stone, but it might be better if we have Illian take that and we can give him a spell or two that would be useful in combat... Mirror Image might be good, but that would leave a slot open... maybe a Magic Missile or something like Shocking Grasp or Burning Hands?"
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Re: Warrior Woman's Loot

Post by Tahlvin »

The only thing in this list that Thor would be interested in is the headband of inspired wisdom +6; he currently has one of +2. But Sam should have first dibs on that if she wants, since she's the healer. The bow is nice, but with a STR bonus of just +1, it's a long way from being useful for Thor. As for the belt, DEX is more important for Thor than STR or CON, and he's not going to give up his +4 belt of DEX in favor of that, so anyone else that wants it can have it; Dwyn, Hal or Illian would make a lot of sense, depending on what they have right now for their belt slot.
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Re: Warrior Woman's Loot

Post by Eliahad »

I'm torn on what I could use.

Is using the boots of teleportation a free action or a move action? If it's free, it would let Illian get into position and take 7 attacks. But it also means he needs another way to deal with the extreme elements.

The belt would be nice, but his attack bonus is starting to not keep up with the enemies, so he needs all the dex he can get. Illian is at his best when he hits as often as possible.

And with all the spell casters, the cloak of resistance +4 is going to trump the displacement, I think.
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Re: Warrior Woman's Loot

Post by bralbovsky »

Wow, she was important.

Dwyn was looking for an armor upgrade.
I have a strength belt, but the vitality would be an upgrade. Dwyn?
Ya, Sam gets first refusal on headband,
anyone else use a shield? Hal has Darkwood +3 rn, not sure this is a tradeup...

Teleport is probably like dimension door, it's standard.
The thing about the cloak is that the sihedron ring might duplicate it, and as we saw, it turns a hit into nothing. I'd check for eithe Illian or dwyn especially.

The boots would be good for K who occasionally finds herself in a sticky spot.
Hal already has a shirt that gives limited time of free action, but Dwyn or Illian again might look at that ring to prevent entangle etc. Although 2 ring slots only, right?
If someone has an excess natural armor ring, that would boost Hal, otherwise, he's close to max on AC.
I'm not sure of the balance between the str and hit on the bow. Hal's is +4 strength (his bonus is 8)
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Re: Warrior Woman's Loot

Post by DMDarcs »

Clarification on the bow: you need a +10 Str bonus to even use it.
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Re: Warrior Woman's Loot

Post by zen »

DMDarcs wrote: Wed Apr 28, 2021 5:20 pm Clarification on the bow: you need a +10 Str bonus to even use it.
That's why I wondered if Dwyn could use it if she had the belt... I figured she was the only one with a shot.
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