Mickey Mouse Roll Call!

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Mickey Mouse Roll Call!

Post by Mike »

To the best of my knowledge: The next game will be Jade Regent.

The players/characters so far are...

Bluedevyl -- Wedge Spannerport - Gnome Wizard (Tinker)

Bralbovsky -- Wolf - badass orc ranger

Eliahad -- Zarslaz, an elven martial sorcerer (?) I think

Mike -- Mazmud Mudbeard, a dwarf sailor (skirmisher style fighter)

MrsDarcs -- Neander, swashbuckler

Phoebe -- Rhoboo, a halfling baker/healer (cleric)

Tahlvin -- Caphiel, elf wizard OR Ambriel, elf rogue

Zen -- Kiara, a human mercenary (custom two-handed finesse fighter)
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Re: Mickey Mouse Roll Call!

Post by Eliahad »

My name is Zarslaz, which is Dwarvish for 'acorn.'
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Re: Mickey Mouse Roll Call!

Post by Mike »

Any time the solution is "banjo rifle", I'm in 100%.
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Re: Mickey Mouse Roll Call!

Post by Eliahad »

It's so weird, Mazmud. The way the other clans say my name, they make it sound like a joke. But when your brother says it, it sounds so sincere. I don't even know what to make of it.
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Re: Mickey Mouse Roll Call!

Post by Mike »

Yeh well, me mother always said that Gurrum had the soul of a poet. 'Course she usually said stuff like that when she found him shirking his chores. So... most of the time.
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Re: Mickey Mouse Roll Call!

Post by bluedevyl »

Wedge Spannerport - Gnome Wizard (Tinker)
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Re: Mickey Mouse Roll Call!

Post by Phoebe »

I love the name. My man's name is Rho Bootis (this is the name a star in our world, too) of Tyne, but everyone calls him Rhoboo to shorten it. ("Of Tyne" arose so long ago that nobody remembers why, or where/what Tyne might be). He is presently a ship's cook and his dream is to become a chef de cuisine in one of the famed cliffside restaurants in Magnimar overlooking the ocean. That's about as close as he'd like to be to the water, but this job pays and no fancy restaurant seems inclined to hire a seafaring halfling cook.
For planning purposes:
He will be able to heal both with medicinal skill and clerical gift.
His other clerical spells are likely to relate to weather or electricity, which either developed after miserable experiences in the galley during storms, or other as yet unknown events.
Having a few people with battle medicine is probably useful in this version, though.
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Re: Mickey Mouse Roll Call!

Post by bluedevyl »

Wedge is a bit of a prankster at heart. His cantrips are all near and dear to his heart .He has fond memories of playing what we would call laser tag, where he and his friends would go out into the caves around their homes. They would have a cleric friend give them some bonus healing and then they would try to knock each other out with frost rays or what have you. They are fond memories of his, Wedge would occasionally start these play fights a bit early sometimes, MAYBE during lessons, who can say.

He is an inveterate tinkerer. He calls it "futzing", where he is trying to jam 2 items together to make a more useful item. This is a trait common to many gnomes, and they have resulted in odd but VERY effective gnomish weapons.

He is hopeful that, on this journey, he can be of use to anyone he meets on his travels by improving their gear or by learning something new from anyone he meets.
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Re: Mickey Mouse Roll Call!

Post by Mike »

Mazmud Mudbeard (Dwarf Fighter 1)
Mazmud is usually upbeat and gregarious. He laughs a lot, although his jokes can often be crass. He loves the sea, and most of his life he has made his living working a variety of merchant vessels (and a few caravans). He is a very competent sailor, but is most often hired for his muscle and fighting skill. Those close to him will sense that he is hiding something. He doesn't talk directly about his past and deflects most personal questions with humor

Physical appearance: Due to his shipboard experience, Mazmud dresses as lightly as the weather permits, prioritizing comfort and freedom of movement over style. He is bald with a full black beard. He is heavily tattooed from the waist up, including his scalp. His tattoos have no consistent theme or style, but many of them include religious iconography, representing a wide variety of gods.
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Re: Mickey Mouse Roll Call!

Post by Mike »

Important question... which characters have beards?
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Re: Mickey Mouse Roll Call!

Post by bluedevyl »

Wedge definitely does. It's nearly waist length and oddly reminds you of the color of the sea near a white sand beach, in tones of green and light blue.
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Re: Mickey Mouse Roll Call!

Post by Eliahad »

Mike wrote: Mon May 09, 2022 10:21 pm Important question... which characters have beards?
Couldn't, even if I tried.
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Re: Mickey Mouse Roll Call!

Post by Tahlvin »

No beard.

I'm thinking of changing the background and build a little bit. Go with Emissary instead of Detective for background, and have him be a trained spy for the Kyonin diplomatic core. Also toying around with Eldritch Trick background to perhaps multiclass with sorcerer, but we'll see.
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Re: Mickey Mouse Roll Call!

Post by Phoebe »

No beard here but lush and extremely clean foot hair. Take this guy and make him about two and a half feet tall and pleasingly plump and smooth and as carefully groomed as a hobbit on the ship is capable of being, and that's the man:

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Re: Mickey Mouse Roll Call!

Post by bralbovsky »

Leaning toward the tax collector or some permutation of him atm. Is summoner a playable class for us?
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Re: Mickey Mouse Roll Call!

Post by Mike »

Pat has said Core Rulebook and Advanced Players Guide so far... so...


I think.
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Re: Mickey Mouse Roll Call!

Post by zen »

Kiara never saw the need to hide her sexuality, so she doesn't have a beard.
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Re: Mickey Mouse Roll Call!

Post by Tahlvin »

zen wrote: Fri May 13, 2022 1:08 pm Kiara never saw the need to hide her sexuality, so she doesn't have a beard.
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Re: Mickey Mouse Roll Call!

Post by bralbovsky »

Draft of character.
Have a simple builder, but if I messed something up (or not) would love to have someone who actually knows the process bake a real version. Also open to revision, etc. (I'll set it up in level of spoiler, so you can stop reading when you don't want to know more, but I'll add everything, in case it violates some rule and needs to be changed.

A large, cloaked figure slides in, finds the innkeep, and has a discreet conversation.
After a short trip outside, they return, and the visitor is invited to a table and given a key, perhaps more publicly and obviously than normal.
When he lowers his hood, it's clear why. The man is a large orc, not half-orc, and he seems aware of but does not return the stares and glances he receives.


He is called Wolf.
Most recently from Magnimar, he is looking to create some distance, and perhaps find an Orc Hold to join.
He is an archer, tax collector by trade.
His last employer held the contract (no doubt granted by someone like Ironbriar) to collect taxes in the city. In actuality they were a nominally legitimized crime family, recently extinct.

His history:
Born in a distant, forgotten Hold, he somehow escaped its massacre when he was about five winters. He spent a number of years as a feral child with his Hold's pack of wolves. As a result, he has very few childhood memories, and might recognize the Orc language, but has largely lost whatever proficiency he had.
As a youth, he was captured by slavers, who spared him out of perverse jest and hope for profit.
He was sold to a crime family, primarily as a curiosity. His tusks were sawn, and he was castrated, as well as being forbidden to learn how to use most weapons. The undercurrent of fear of him and disdain for him shaped his attitudes. I listed him as Neutral Good because he is kind to animals, can tell the good guys from the bad guys. I wouldn't suggest leaving him to watch over a group of drunken bandits or sleeping slavers. His history with humanity would make their survival a surprise.
The bow was originally for show, as he eventually became part of the protection money/tax collection squad. He practiced it in secret, and showed considerable gifts. If crafting is in his future, he has an interest in making arrows.
His scars aren't born of the traditional rituals, but personal, therapeutic self harm, cutting. Most memorable events found their way onto his skin somewhere, and if one could read the marks, his detailed history would appear. His expertise in hunting (Killing?) is catalogued eberywhere, so party members might expect monsters' weaknesses to emerge in the patterns. Otherwise, he is barely literate, again, an imposed limitation, one he failed to overcome.

Mistakenly left for dead after rival mobsters slaughtered his organization, he escaped, initially directionless. Now, he has a wolf he met on his trip from Magnimar (Those are the arrangements he made with the innkeeper.) and a plan for survival and permanent escape.

Personal: He recalls his childhood nickname, occasionally dreams of his Orc mother and wolf mother, and while he doesn't have the intellect to understand he'll always be an outsider, even if a Hold accepts him, he does have that feeling.

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Re: Mickey Mouse Roll Call!

Post by zen »

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Re: Mickey Mouse Roll Call!

Post by Mike »

I'm impressed as shit Bill. He's wonderful!
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Re: Mickey Mouse Roll Call!

Post by Phoebe »

Wow, very cool story - the character is already so vivid!
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Re: Mickey Mouse Roll Call!

Post by bralbovsky »

Just tying up loose ends because of restlessness. Thinking good thoughts for Darcs (and everyone in these messy times)

tldr : no beard presently

Wolf has been shaved his whole adult life so far. In the near future, he'll likely stop shaving. No idea if his hair is more like pig bristles, a mane, or nothing, I'll let Darcs decide and have the character react to that, but presently no beard. If one grows I presently imagine him keeping something like a soul patch, or similar pattern that grows down his neck, as literally a protective cover. Nothing long enough to ever allow grasping, because he's seen enough of that technique as intimidation/control in his career (and perhaps grappling will become his melee response if ever necessary)
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