[In A Dark Place] IC Thread

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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Tahlvin »

"I know how much you like time travel stories, Mike, but this is a bit of overkill for a GenCon escape room scenario."
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Kyle »

Mike chuckles nervously, realizing the irony of the situation. "Yeah, I guess we've gone beyond the realm of tabletop games and into something much more... intense. But hey, who says life can't be a real-life time-travel adventure, right?"

Tahlvin nods, a mixture of amusement and apprehension on his face. "True enough. But let's not get too carried away with the gadgets just yet. We need to focus on finding a way out of here and figuring out what's really going on."

With that, Tahlvin carefully sets the time manipulation device back on the table, their attention returning to the task at hand. They understand that the path to escape lies in unraveling the mysteries surrounding them, making careful choices, and staying vigilant in the face of unknown dangers.

Armed with their determination and a newfound sense of caution, Tahlvin and Mike prepare themselves to continue their exploration, hoping to uncover the truth and find a way back to the familiar world they left behind.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Mike »

Mike finds himself carefully putting everything back on the table, feeling pumped up with this new sense of determination, and then he stops himself...

"What the hell are we doing, putting these back?" He gathers up all four devices. "I don't know for sure what a quantum resonator does, but I definitely want the option to find out if things go pear-shaped." He offers his armload of sci-fi gadgets up for Tahlvin's consideration, in case Tahlvin would like to carry a couple. "And I'm certainly not leaving these for some potential adversary," Mike continues, "I mean seriously, did they pump this place full of the bad-decision-gas from Cabin in the Woods? I feel like I about lost my mind there. Seriously, who gets trapped in a horror movie and decides NOT to take the phase disruptor?" Mike is anxious to move on. "Come on, take a couple of these. Let's go."
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Tahlvin »

Tahlvin takes the offered devices and grabs a couple other unknown devices from the table as well. “Who knows, we may figure out what these other things do.”
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Kyle »

Mike and Tahlvin find themselves in agreement, realizing the potential utility of the advanced devices before them. They understand that they're facing unknown dangers and must be prepared for any situation. With a sense of determination and a touch of excitement, they distribute the devices between them, each carrying a selection of sci-fi gadgets.

As they move forward, their steps are filled with newfound confidence. The weight of the devices in their hands serves as a reminder of the challenges they face, but also of the potential power they hold. They are ready to face whatever lies ahead, armed with their wits, their curiosity, and the extraordinary tools they have acquired.

With the path illuminated by Mike's flashlight and their minds buzzing with possibilities, Tahlvin and Mike press on, eager to unravel the mysteries of the empty government building and discover the truth behind their extraordinary circumstances.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Tahlvin »

So it’s a government building now? Ok.

Tahlvin takes one of the devices that seems to be a light emitting device (flashlight) and begins to use it to light the way instead of Mike’s cellphone flashlight. He takes another device that has several USB ports that seems to be a battery pack, and using the USB cable in his pocket, plugs in his phone to charge it up. “Care to get in on the charging action, Mike? Or do you wait until your phone actually dies before recharging it?”
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Kyle »

Mike chuckles as Tahlvin takes charge of the lighting situation and uses one of the devices as a flashlight. "You know me too well, Tahlvin. I tend to push it until the last minute before recharging my phone. Guess I like living on the edge," he jokes.

Seeing the USB ports on the other device, Mike realizes the practicality of charging their phones while they have the opportunity. "You know what, you're right. No harm in being proactive. Let's make sure our lifelines stay powered up," Mike replies, pulling out his phone and connecting it to one of the USB ports on the battery pack.

As they continue their journey, now armed with a reliable light source and the assurance of charged phones, the duo feels a renewed sense of readiness. They move through the dark corridors, exploring the unknown with a bit more confidence, knowing that their devices are at their disposal and their communication lines remain open.

Tahlvin takes the lead, his flashlight cutting through the shadows, while Mike keeps an eye on the remaining charge of his phone, ensuring it steadily climbs. Together, they venture deeper into the mysterious depths of the government building, ready to face whatever challenges come their way.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Mike »

"I bet this is some sort of government building," Mike muses, "Like we're in the forgotten basement of some super covert intelligence R&D facility. I just wonder if whoever... or whatever... is messing with us is an actual spy operation or if someone has just hijacked all this forgotten space."

They've lost sight of the shadowy figure temporarily, what with exploring the gadget table. But now along the long wall to their right, Mike notes five irregularly spaced door--five that they can see at least--there might be more beyond the reach of their flashlight. The first one has a small peeling sign on it that clearly marks it as a restroom. The only other door that gives any clue to it's function is the fourth on that says:

Fire Door
Keep Clear

Mike asks, "So Tahlvin, you feel like exploring the 'dungeon', or should we chase down the only other person we've seen so far?"
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Kyle »

Tahlvin ponders Mike's question, gazing at the row of doors along the wall. He takes a moment to assess the situation, considering the possibilities and potential risks. "Well, Mike, while part of me is curious to uncover the secrets lurking behind these doors, I think our priority should be to catch up with the shadowy figure. They might have more answers or, at the very least, lead us to the exit."

Tahlvin's voice is filled with a mixture of determination and caution as he continues, "Besides, the fact that they're the only other person we've encountered so far suggests that they might have some connection to this situation. It could be our best chance at unraveling this mystery. Let's stay focused and pursue them."

With a shared understanding, Tahlvin takes the lead once again, his flashlight guiding their way as they proceed along the corridor, following the path that the shadowy figure had taken. The row of doors remains a mystery for now, but the allure of answers and potential escape leads them forward.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Tahlvin »

Actually, before they continue after the figure, Tahlvin says to Mike, "I really have to pee before we go any further. I don't know how long it's been, and my eyes are going to turn yellow soon if I don't take a minute." Tahlvin cautiously opens the restroom door to make sure it is, indeed, a restroom, and then steps inside. It appears to be a non-gender restroom, and that's perfect for this situation. After relieving himself, Tahvlin says, "Well, Mike, while part of me is curious..." (continue with the narrative above).
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Kyle »

Apologies for the misunderstanding. Tahlvin, recognizing the urgency of his need, decides to take a moment to use the restroom before continuing their pursuit of the shadowy figure. He carefully opens the door, revealing a non-gender restroom, and steps inside.

Relieved after taking care of his immediate concern, Tahlvin rejoins Mike outside the restroom. He takes a deep breath, refocusing his attention on the task at hand. "Alright, Mike, now that nature's call has been answered, let's get back on track," Tahlvin says with a renewed determination.

Resuming their chase after the shadowy figure, Tahlvin and Mike press forward, their flashlight cutting through the darkness as they navigate the dimly lit corridors. The unanswered questions linger in their minds, driving their curiosity and fueling their determination to find answers.

As they continue along the path taken by the figure, the tension in the air grows. Every step brings them closer to the truth, but also deeper into the unknown. Their hearts pound in their chests, and the silence of the surroundings amplifies the sound of their own footsteps.

With each passing moment, the weight of their situation becomes more apparent. Tahlvin and Mike brace themselves for whatever lies ahead, ready to face the challenges that await them. The race to catch up with the shadowy figure intensifies, as they hope to find clarity, escape, and perhaps even uncover the secrets of this mysterious place.

Together, they march forward, their determination unyielding as they navigate the labyrinthine corridors, following the elusive trail left by the enigmatic figure in their pursuit of answers.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Tahlvin »

As they round a corner in the hallway, Tahlvin spots the elusive figure slipping into an doorway in the middle of the hall. Tahlvin sprints after the figure, getting a foot in the door before it can be closed and forcing his way into the room. He shines his flashlight in the figure's face.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Kyle »

As Tahlvin bursts into the room, his heart racing and adrenaline surging through his veins, he shines his flashlight directly at the figure, illuminating its face. In the beam of light, the features of the mysterious individual become visible.

Before Tahlvin stands a young woman, her expression a mix of surprise and fear as she shields her eyes from the brightness of the flashlight. She appears to be in her early twenties, with disheveled hair and worn-out clothing. Her eyes dart around the room, searching for an escape route.

"Who are you? What is this place?" Tahlvin demands, his voice filled with a mixture of urgency and curiosity.

The young woman hesitates for a moment, then takes a step back, her voice trembling as she responds, "I... I don't know. I woke up here just like you did. I've been trying to find a way out, but it's all so confusing."

Tahlvin's gaze softens as he realizes that they are all caught in the same predicament. "Alright," he says, lowering his flashlight slightly. "We're in this together now. Let's find a way out of here and figure out what's going on."

Mike, catching up to the scene, breathless from the pursuit, joins Tahlvin and the young woman in the room. He looks at her with a mixture of suspicion and concern. "How can we trust you? Are you involved in all of this?"

The young woman shakes her head vigorously. "No, I swear, I have no idea what's happening. I just want to get out of here."

Tahlvin takes a moment to assess the situation, weighing their options. Despite the uncertainty, he decides to extend a hand of trust. "Alright, let's work together. Strength in numbers. We need to find a way out of this place and uncover the truth."

With that, the trio sets off, united by their common goal. They continue their search for answers, pushing forward through the labyrinthine corridors, determined to unravel the mystery that has engulfed them. The path ahead remains uncertain, but their shared resolve provides a glimmer of hope in the face of the unknown.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Mike »

Mike still doesn't trust this woman, but he is giving her the benefit of the doubt. "I'm Mike, by the way. What can we call you?"
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Kyle »

The woman takes a deep breath, her unease evident on her face, but she appreciates the gesture of trust from Mike. "I'm Sarah," she replies, her voice still trembling slightly. "Nice to meet you, Mike."

Tahlvin nods in acknowledgement. "Sarah, let's stick together and watch each other's backs. We need to stay focused and find a way out of here."

As the trio continues their exploration, their footsteps echoing through the corridors, they navigate through more twists and turns, encountering locked doors, eerie silence, and the occasional distant sound. The mystery deepens, but their determination to escape remains unwavering.

Time seems to blur as they delve further into the unknown depths of the building, their flashlights cutting through the darkness, revealing glimpses of forgotten rooms and discarded remnants of a forgotten past.

Together, they face the challenges that lie ahead, trusting in their collective strength and resourcefulness to overcome whatever obstacles await them. With each step forward, they inch closer to the truth, uncovering the secrets of their confinement and inching closer to their ultimate goal: freedom.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Tahlvin »

As they walk down one hallway, Tahlvin spots a flickering exit sign beside a doorway at the end of the hallway. They approach warily, wondering if it can truly be this easy. Looking at each other questioningly, Tahlvin shrugs his shoulders, slowly opens the door, and looks through to what lies beyond.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Mike »

Sarah is next to Tahlvin as he opens the door, and Mike is a little behind, watching the shadows for clues... or danger.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Kyle »

Tahlvin pushes the door open, revealing a dimly lit stairwell leading upwards. The flickering exit sign casts an eerie glow on the worn steps, creating a sense of both hope and uncertainty. The air feels stagnant and heavy, adding to the atmosphere of anticipation.

Sarah peers into the stairwell, her eyes scanning the ascent. "It looks clear," she whispers, her voice barely audible. "We might have found our way out."

Mike, still on alert, keeps a watchful eye on their surroundings, searching for any signs of danger lurking in the shadows. He nods, acknowledging Sarah's assessment. "Let's proceed cautiously. We don't know what awaits us on the other side."

As the trio cautiously ascends the stairs, the tension rises with each step. Their hearts pound in their chests, and the silence amplifies the sound of their footsteps. Every creak of the stairs echoes through the narrow space, heightening their awareness.

Reaching the top of the stairs, they find themselves in a small landing area. The exit sign above a door illuminates the words "Emergency Exit" in bold, welcoming letters. The door appears worn but intact, promising a potential escape from their confinement.

Tahlvin turns to Mike and Sarah, a mix of determination and apprehension in his eyes. "This might be our way out," he says, his voice filled with a blend of hope and caution. "But let's be prepared for anything. Stay close, and let's do this together."

With a collective deep breath, they push open the door and step into the unknown, ready to face whatever lies on the other side, their resolve unyielding as they venture towards their freedom.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Mike »

The trio stands there and surveys their surroundings. They will take no other action until they know what is beyond this exit door.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Kyle »

The trio stands at the threshold of the exit door, their eyes scanning the unfamiliar surroundings beyond. As they take a moment to assess the situation, they notice that they have emerged outside, greeted by the cool night air and a moonlit landscape.

Before them stretches an abandoned courtyard, overgrown with weeds and surrounded by decaying buildings. The pale moon casts an eerie glow on the desolate scene, adding a touch of melancholy to their newfound freedom. The silence is broken only by the faint rustling of leaves and the distant hoot of an owl.

Sarah takes a step forward, cautiously exploring the courtyard with her flashlight. The beam cuts through the darkness, revealing crumbling structures, broken windows, and an overall sense of abandonment. It seems they have escaped the confinements of the mysterious building but find themselves in a forgotten corner of the world.

Mike and Tahlvin join Sarah, their eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of life or civilization. The air carries a musty scent, tinged with a hint of dampness, further emphasizing the desolation of the place.

As they stand there, the realization sinks in that their journey is far from over. They have escaped one enigma only to be confronted by another—the mystery of their location and the challenges that lie ahead. But amidst the uncertainty, a glimmer of hope remains, for they are no longer trapped within the confines of that oppressive building.

With a renewed sense of determination, they lock eyes, their unspoken agreement evident. They will face whatever comes their way together, drawing strength from their newfound camaraderie. The adventure continues, and the trio takes their first steps into the unknown, ready to unravel the secrets that await them in this forgotten corner of the world.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Tahlvin »

Tahlvin pulls out his cellphone to see if he has a signal and pulls up the map app to find their location, double checking the GPS on his Apple Watch to confirm their latitude and longitude. Even if there’s no cell signal, he can use the GPS coordinates to get an approximate location and see if they’re still near Lincoln, Nebraska, or somewhere completely different.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Mike »

Mike has the same instinct as Tahlvin, immediately pulling out his cellphone to get a signal.

Now that he has had time to think, the last day Mike remembers is Friday, April 28th... Arbor Day. Mike had the day off--Arbor Day is an official day off for Nebraska state employees. He remembers throwing a few things in the car to go meet Tahlvin in Lincoln, where Tahlvin was staying on business. But he doesn't remember getting there or meeting with Tahlvin, although he guesses they must have met up, because they are together now.

When Mike checks his phone, he first looks at the date. Is a date displayed? If so, is it still that weekend, or have they lost more time than that? Then he looks to see if he has any bars on his phone. Whether he does or doesn't he will immediately try to call his wife Lisa. Does that call ring through? If so, does Lisa answer? Does her voicemail pick up?

In answering the above questions, please do so without any mention of: determination, adventure, resolve, mystery, realizations, facing challenges, or overcoming. Thank you.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Kyle »

Tahlvin pulls out his cellphone and attempts to get a signal. However, despite his efforts, he finds that there is no cell signal available. He opens the map app and checks the GPS on his Apple Watch, hoping to get an approximate location based on the latitude and longitude coordinates. Unfortunately, without a signal, the map app is unable to pinpoint their exact location. It seems they are in an area with limited connectivity.

Meanwhile, Mike also retrieves his cellphone and checks the date displayed. To his surprise, the date on his phone is not the expected weekend of Arbor Day. Instead, it shows a date two weeks later, well into May. The realization hits him that they have lost more time than he initially thought.

Mike attempts to make a call to his wife, Lisa, hoping to establish communication with the outside world. However, as he dials her number, there is no ringing tone indicating that the call is going through. Instead, he hears a recorded voice informing him that the call cannot be completed at this time. It seems that they are still in an area with no reception or network connectivity.

Frustrated by the lack of information, Tahlvin and Mike exchange concerned glances. The absence of cell signal and the inability to reach their loved ones only adds to the mystery and uncertainty of their situation. They are left with more questions than answers, unsure of where they are and how they ended up in this strange and isolated place.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Tahlvin »

"What about you, Sarah? Any cellphone signal? Any idea how much time you lost?" Tahlvin asks as he puts his cellphone back in his pocket and returns his attention to the courtyard.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Kyle »

Sarah shakes her head, indicating that she doesn't have a cellphone signal either. She sighs and replies to Tahlvin's question, "I'm afraid I don't have a clear idea of how much time I've lost either. It's all a blur. One moment, I was going about my usual routine, and the next, I woke up disoriented in that dark room. It's disconcerting, to say the least."

She joins Tahlvin in observing the courtyard, her gaze scanning the surroundings for any clues or signs of activity. The lack of answers only adds to their growing sense of unease and the pressing need to find a way out of this mysterious place.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Tahlvin »

"Alright, let's think about this. Why on earth would they, whoever 'they' are, want the three of us? I'm a consultant who helps configure and maintain software for health insurance claims processing. Mike does IT. Sarah, what is it that you do? Is there any reason the three of us would be pulled into this, other than random selection?"
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Kyle »

Sarah takes a moment to gather her thoughts before responding, "I work as a researcher in the field of renewable energy technologies. My work mainly revolves around studying and developing sustainable solutions for power generation. While I can't think of any specific reason why the three of us would be targeted, it's possible that our respective areas of expertise have some value or relevance to whoever orchestrated this situation."

She pauses for a moment, contemplating the possibilities. "Alternatively, it could be a case of mistaken identity or simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time. At this point, it's difficult to say for certain. We should focus on finding a way out and uncovering more information about our current predicament."
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Tahlvin »

Tahlvin nods, then steps out into the courtyard and begins to search through the weeds and surrounding structures for clues or anything more that could be useful.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Kyle »

As Tahlvin explores the courtyard, he carefully examines the surroundings, searching for any signs or objects that might provide clues or assistance. He scans the overgrown weeds, looking for anything out of the ordinary. His gaze shifts to the surrounding structures, hoping to find any hints or hidden compartments that could offer insights into their situation.

Tahlvin's thorough search reveals a few noteworthy details. Behind one of the dilapidated buildings, he discovers a partially torn poster that seems to be advertising an upcoming event, but the details are barely legible due to weathering. It appears to be dated from several months ago, adding to the sense of disorientation.

Nearby, he notices an old wooden bench with an inscription on its armrest. The words are faded, but he manages to make out the phrase "Remember the past to shape the future." It's a cryptic message that sparks curiosity and speculation about its meaning.

Continuing his exploration, Tahlvin comes across a rusted metal box half-buried in the ground. He carefully uncovers it and finds that it's locked. The box seems sturdy, and its contents remain a mystery.

Tahlvin considers the discoveries and ponders their significance, unsure if they hold any answers or are merely remnants of the place's forgotten past. Nevertheless, he takes note of each finding and wonders if they could provide valuable clues as they continue their quest to escape.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Tahlvin »

Tahlvin pulls the phase disruptor that he collected earlier from his stash of collected objects, and checks to see if he can focus the beam enough to disrupt the lock on the rusted metal box without affecting the contents of the box itself.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Kyle »

Tahlvin carefully takes out the phase disruptor from his collection of objects and examines it. He inspects its settings and tries to adjust the beam's focus to a narrower point. With steady hands, he aims the disruptor at the lock on the rusted metal box and activates it, hoping to disrupt the mechanism and unlock the box without causing any damage to its contents.

As the disruptor emits a focused beam of energy, it hits the lock with precision. There's a faint buzzing sound as the disruptor does its work. After a few moments, Tahlvin notices the lock starting to give way, weakened by the disruptor's effects. With one final surge of energy, the lock breaks open, revealing the contents of the box.

Inside the box, Tahlvin finds a collection of old documents. They appear to be faded photographs, handwritten letters, and newspaper clippings, all carefully preserved despite the passage of time. Tahlvin's curiosity grows as he starts examining the items, hoping that they might shed some light on their current situation or provide a clue to their escape.

With the newfound information in hand, Tahlvin decides to regroup with Mike and Sarah, eager to share his discoveries and continue their collective effort to unravel the mystery that surrounds them.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Tahlvin »

Tahlvin calls for Mike and Sarah to see what he found in the box. (I'll wait for Mike to respond before we proceed.)
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Kyle »

"Tahlvin! What did you find?" Mike's voice echoes through the courtyard as he and Sarah make their way toward Tahlvin.

Tahlvin holds up the opened box, its contents carefully arranged inside. "Take a look," he says, gesturing for them to come closer.

As Mike and Sarah approach, they peer inside the box, their eyes scanning the collection of faded photographs, handwritten letters, and newspaper clippings. The photographs depict scenes from another time, capturing people, places, and events long gone. The letters are filled with heartfelt words and personal stories, while the newspaper clippings highlight significant events and historical moments.

"These seem like personal mementos and historical artifacts," Sarah remarks, her voice filled with intrigue. "Perhaps they hold some clues about the place we're in or the people who were here before us."

Mike furrows his brow, studying the items. "It's like a time capsule," he muses. "Maybe someone wanted us to discover these, to unravel the secrets of this place and understand why we're here."

Tahlvin nods in agreement. "Exactly. Let's go through these carefully, piece together the puzzle, and see if we can uncover any leads or hints that will guide us to the truth."

With renewed determination, the trio gathers around the box, ready to delve into the enigmatic contents and embark on their quest for answers. The artifacts within may hold the key to their escape and shed light on the mysterious circumstances that brought them together in this perplexing situation.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Mike »

Mike is trying to figure out the best way to exit this courtyard and get out in the open. They need to get somewhere they can look for familiar landmarks and try to get their bearings. Are there walls around it? Fencing? More buildings? Is there a gate or door? If walls exist, are they scalable?
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Kyle »

Mike scans the perimeter of the courtyard, assessing their options for an exit. The courtyard is enclosed by high walls, which seem solid and impenetrable. There are no visible gates or doors leading out of the courtyard, leaving them seemingly trapped within the confines of the space.

Mike examines the walls, searching for any potential weaknesses or means of scaling them. However, upon closer inspection, he realizes that the walls are tall and devoid of any footholds or handholds. Scaling them appears to be an impossible task.

Frustration sets in as Mike realizes that their escape route is not as straightforward as he had hoped. He turns to his companions, sharing his findings. "It looks like we're sealed inside this courtyard," he says, disappointment evident in his voice. "There are no visible exits or gates, and the walls seem too high and smooth to climb. We'll have to come up with another plan."

Sarah chimes in, her eyes scanning the surroundings. "Perhaps there's another way out, something we haven't noticed yet. Let's keep exploring and see if there are any hidden passages or alternative routes."

Feeling determined, the trio resumes their search, scouring the courtyard for any overlooked openings or unconventional escape routes, hoping to find a way out and regain their bearings in the outside world.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Tahlvin »

"The phase disruptor worked on the lock of that box. Do you want to see if it works for breaching these walls?" Tahlvin asks Mike and Sarah, in a decidedly not-determined tone.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Mike »

"Give it a shot," Mike says. "And make sure we all stand clear in case anything falls."
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Kyle »

Tahlvin cautiously takes aim with the phase disruptor at a section of the courtyard wall. He activates the device, directing the beam towards the wall and hoping that it will have some effect on the structure. As the beam hits the wall, a faint shimmering effect appears, but it quickly dissipates without causing any noticeable damage.

Tahlvin shakes his head in disappointment. "No luck," he says, deactivating the phase disruptor. "It seems the walls are resistant to its effects. It's not going to help us breach our way out of here."

Mike and Sarah exchange glances, acknowledging the setback. "We'll have to find another way," Mike says, his tone reflecting a hint of frustration. "We can't rely on breaking through the walls. Let's keep searching the courtyard for any other possible options or hidden pathways."

Resolute but increasingly aware of the challenges ahead, the trio continues their exploration, leaving no stone unturned as they seek an alternative means of escape from the confining courtyard.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Tahlvin »

Okay, we've left no stone unturned. So what did we find?

Searching behind a hedge in a far corner of the courtyard, Tahlvin finds a small metal door. Trying the handle, it appears to be unlocked. Pushing with all his might, rusted hinges squeaking from age and misuse, the door reluctantly opens enough for the trio to fit through.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Kyle »

As the small metal door creaks open, the trio eagerly steps through, leaving the courtyard behind. They find themselves in a narrow passageway, dimly lit by flickering fluorescent lights overhead. The air feels stale and musty, hinting at the long abandonment of this forgotten space.

The passageway stretches ahead, disappearing into darkness. The walls are made of rough concrete, lined with pipes and conduits running along the ceiling. The occasional drip echoes through the corridor, adding to the eerie atmosphere.

Mike takes out his flashlight, providing a more focused beam of light to guide their way. They proceed cautiously, their footsteps echoing in the empty corridor. The passageway seems to twist and turn, branching off into different directions at irregular intervals.

As they navigate the maze-like passages, they come across several doors lining the corridor. Some are locked, while others are ajar, revealing glimpses of dusty rooms and storage areas. They pause at each door, listening for any sounds or clues that might indicate the presence of others or a potential exit.

After what feels like an eternity of winding through the labyrinthine passages, they finally spot a faint glimmer of light ahead. Excitement surges through their veins as they quicken their pace, drawn towards the promise of an escape.

As they approach the source of light, the corridor widens, revealing a set of double doors at the end. Through the glass panes, they catch a glimpse of the outside world—a patch of blue sky and the silhouette of trees.

Hope fills their hearts as they push open the double doors, stepping out into the open air. They find themselves in a secluded alleyway, flanked by tall buildings on either side. The sounds of distant traffic and the bustle of the city reach their ears, a welcome change from the confinement of the hidden underground.

Relieved but still on edge, they take a moment to catch their breath and assess their surroundings. The alleyway stretches in both directions, and they can see the entrance to a busy street not too far away.

"We made it out," Tahlvin says, a mixture of exhaustion and relief in his voice. "Now we need to find our bearings and figure out where we are."

Mike nods in agreement. "Let's head towards the main street and see if we can find any recognizable landmarks. Maybe someone can point us in the right direction."

With renewed determination, the trio sets off, ready to embrace the unknown and find their way back to the familiar.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Mike »

"But first," Mike adds, holding up his phone again, "Let's see if we have reception now that we're out." He waves the phone around, "Huh. Still nothing, but it's probably these buildings. I bet reception's better put on the street." And with that,he is leading the way to the busy street ahead of them. Once he gets a better view of the street, Mike looks for details that might reveal where they are.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Kyle »

As Mike steps onto the busy street, he takes in his surroundings, scanning the area for familiar landmarks or signs that might indicate their location. The street is lined with a mix of commercial buildings, shops, and cafes. Pedestrians hurry past, absorbed in their own activities.

Mike's eyes dart from one sign to another, trying to make sense of their current whereabouts. He notices a glimpse of a street sign a little further down the road and quickens his pace to get a closer look.

Approaching the sign, he reads the words "Maple Street" and sees the familiar city seal of Lincoln, Nebraska. Relief washes over him as he realizes they are still in Lincoln, their hometown.

"We're in Lincoln," Mike announces to Tahlvin and Sarah, a hint of excitement in his voice. "We haven't gone far at all. Just a hidden underground complex within the city limits."

Tahlvin and Sarah share Mike's relief, knowing that they are not completely lost in an unfamiliar place. The familiarity of their surroundings brings a sense of comfort amidst the chaos they've experienced.

"Now that we know where we are," Tahlvin says, "let's find a place where we can get some help or at least access to communication. We need to let someone know what's happened and figure out how to get back to our normal lives."

They walk along the bustling street, searching for a café or any establishment where they can use a phone or connect to the internet. They spot a coffee shop up ahead and head towards it, hopeful that they can find the assistance they need.

As they step inside the coffee shop, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee greets them, along with the sound of friendly chatter. They approach the counter, ready to ask for help and find a way to reconnect with the world they left behind.

The journey has been filled with uncertainty and challenges, but with the familiar streets of their hometown before them, they take solace in the fact that they are one step closer to finding answers and reclaiming their lives.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Mike »

Mike says, "Tahlvin, you still have that box, right? I say we go to the police. This is clearly kidnapping, and I assume we were drugged, and... Oh God, our families have to be SO worried after all this time." He pauses, his mind pulling him in too many directions at once. "Let's call our families. We'll go to the police, and give them everything. Ugh... probably need to have a doctor check us out, although... I feel surprisingly good."
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Tahlvin »

Tahlvin stares at his cellphone. "Why don't we have any bars yet? We're near downtown Lincoln, so there should be good cell service here."
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Mike »

Mike says, "Clearly, whoever did this to us... whoever kidnapped us and drugged us and kept us for the last two weeks... whoever this person is has also messed with our phones. It doesn't matter. There's a police station near here. We'll get there."
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Tahlvin »

"Wait a minute. What do you know about this part of Lincoln, Mike? Does everything look okay here? Or is anything off or odd?" Seeing Mike's raised eyebrow, Tahlvin adds, "I know all of this has been odd, but you know what I mean. We just found a bunch of equipment that deals with quantum states, phase disruption, and time-line analysis. What if we're not in our version of Lincoln? What if we were forced to a parallel reality, and that explains why we lost time and why are phones aren't working? What if you call Lisa, and she freaks out because she's already sitting across the table from this realty's version of you?"
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Kyle »

Mike's eyes widen as Tahlvin poses his thought-provoking questions. The possibility of being in a parallel reality, where their version of Lincoln might not be exactly the same, adds a whole new layer of uncertainty to their situation. Mike considers Tahlvin's words carefully, his mind racing with the implications.

"You might be onto something, Tahlvin," Mike says, his voice filled with a mix of concern and curiosity. "The equipment we found does suggest the manipulation of quantum states and alternate timelines. And if our phones aren't working, it's possible that we've crossed over into a different reality."

He takes a moment to collect his thoughts before continuing, "But even if that's the case, we can't ignore the urgency of our situation. Our families must be worried sick, and we need to let them know we're alive. Calling Lisa is the first step. If she's with an alternate version of me, we'll have to navigate that when we come to it."

Mike takes a deep breath, steeling himself for the potential revelations that lie ahead. "Let's find a safe and private place to make the call. We'll go to the police afterwards and give them the information we have. They might be able to help us understand what's happened and provide the necessary support."

Tahlvin nods, acknowledging the gravity of their circumstances. "Agreed. Our families need to know we're okay, and then we'll figure out the rest. Let's find that safe space and make the call."

The two friends, filled with a mix of anticipation and trepidation, search for a secluded spot within the coffee shop where they can have some privacy. Once they find a quiet corner, Mike takes out his phone, ready to dial Lisa's number. He takes one last glance at Tahlvin, a silent reminder that they're in this together, no matter what reality they find themselves in.

As Mike prepares to make the call, uncertainty looms, but the determination to reconnect with their loved ones and seek answers propels them forward.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Tahlvin »

As Sarah comes out of the restroom, Tahlvin waves to her, beckons her over to their secluded corner, then brings her up to date on their concerns. He repeats his question to Sarah: Does she notice anything odd or off, that might indicate they are not in the Lincoln they expect to be in?
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Kyle »

Tahlvin fills Sarah in on their suspicions about being in a parallel reality and their plan to call their families. He then turns to her, his eyes searching for any signs of recognition or familiarity.

"Sarah, we need your help," Tahlvin says earnestly. "We suspect that we might not be in the same Lincoln we know. Do you notice anything out of the ordinary? Anything that seems off or different from what you would expect?"

Sarah furrows her brow, taking a moment to think before responding. "Honestly, now that you mention it, there are a few things that feel a bit strange. The architecture around here seems a little different from what I remember, and the overall atmosphere feels... off. It's hard to put into words, but something feels subtly different."

She looks around the coffee shop, taking in the surroundings with a renewed sense of curiosity. "Also, the people here... they seem familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time. It's as if I recognize them, but they're not the people I know. It's disorienting, to say the least."

Tahlvin and Mike exchange glances, their concerns deepening. The pieces of the puzzle seem to be fitting together, painting a picture of a reality that is similar yet distinct from their own.

"Thank you, Sarah," Tahlvin says, his voice filled with gratitude. "Your observations confirm our suspicions. It seems we've indeed crossed over into a parallel reality. We'll have to navigate this carefully as we proceed."

Sarah nods, her eyes reflecting a mix of curiosity and apprehension. "I'm with you both. Let's make that call and then figure out our next steps."

With a shared understanding, the trio huddles closer in their secluded corner of the coffee shop. Tahlvin dials his phone, ready to make the long-awaited call to his family, while Mike and Sarah provide the support and companionship they all need in this uncertain journey through parallel realities.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Tahlvin »

It was actually Mike that was going to call his family. Tahlvin will wait and see how Mike's call goes before he tries to call his family.
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