[In A Dark Place] IC Thread

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[In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Kyle »

Mike and Tahlvin find themselves in complete darkness, unable to see anything around them. They can feel a hard, rough surface beneath their feet and the coolness of the air on their skin. As they try to adjust to the darkness, they hear the sound of their own breathing and the faint echoes of their movements. The air is stale, and there is a faint smell of dust and metal. As the players grope around, their hands come into contact with a solid wall, rough and cold to the touch. They realize that they are in a confined space, but they cannot see anything, not even each other. The darkness is total and unyielding, like a weight pressing down on them.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Mike »

Mike's stomach turns, and he feels a tinge of panic amidst his general confusion. For years, he has had a recurring dream of showing up naked in public and having to act as if it's a totally normal thing. This doesn't feel like a dream, but he pats himself down anyway. He's got pants on... whew! And he's wearing his polyester uniform polo shirt from work. Then how did he get here, he wonders, and why doesn't he remember?

Mike feels the extent of the surface in front of him. Can he tell how large this space is? Can he reach a ceiling above him? Can he tell what the surface is made of?
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Tahlvin »

Tahlvin is almost deaf in his left ear, so he turns his head and uses his right ear to listen carefully, tuning out the tinnitus in his left ear.

"Hello" Tahlvin says hesitantly, taking the obvious approach to see if anyone else is there or is watching them. He also listens to how his sound echoes to see if he can gauge how large the room is.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Kyle »

Mike's hands trace along the rough surface, and he realizes that it seems to extend far beyond his reach. He cannot discern the material, but it feels like concrete or stone. He reaches up, but cannot feel a ceiling above him, leading him to believe that the space is quite tall.

Tahlvin's voice echoes back to him, sounding hollow and far away. He can hear the sound of his own voice bouncing off the walls, but there is no response from anyone else. The echo seems to suggest that the space is quite large, with walls far away from where they are standing. The sound reverberates and fades slowly, as if being absorbed by something. The darkness and silence are oppressive, creating an eerie and unsettling feeling.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Mike »

Does Mike hear Tahlvin? If yes, then are they close together?
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Kyle »

Yes, Mike hears Tahlvin's voice, but it's hard to tell exactly how close he is. The sound echoes and bounces around the space, distorting its origin. It could be that Tahlvin is right next to him or far away. The darkness makes it difficult to see and the echo makes it difficult to judge distance, so Mike is not sure where Tahlvin is in relation to himself.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Tahlvin »

Tahlvin says in a softer voice, so it doesn't echo. "Mike, where are you? I'm against a wall, but I don't know if you're to my right or my left."
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Mike »

Mike initially jumps at the sound of another voice, but then recognizes Tahlvin. He replies, "I don't know. I feel all turned around in here. I can't see anythi..." Mike trails off and starts searching his pockets for his phone. Wallet... ear bud case... the inhaler the doctor gave him for his cough a week ago... spare change... but no phone. Dammit! But then he taps his chest and feels the phone in his shirt pocket. "Damn, I have too many pockets," he thinks.

Mike pulls his phone out and motions two quick hatchet chops with it, which is supposed to activate the flashlight function. Hopefully he can see what's going on here.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Kyle »

As Mike taps his chest and pulls out his phone, Tahlvin hears rustling and shuffling sounds coming from somewhere nearby. He can sense Mike's presence getting closer as the sounds grow louder. Suddenly, a bright light illuminates the area, revealing their surroundings.

The two men find themselves in a large room with bare concrete walls, a high ceiling, and a metal door on one side. The room is empty except for some debris and dust on the ground, and a few old metal shelves in the corners. The door is closed, but they can see a small window near the top.

The light from Mike's phone casts shadows on the walls, creating an eerie and ominous atmosphere. The air is thick with dust, and they can feel it settling on their skin and clothes. The space feels cold and damp, with a musty odor that suggests it has been abandoned for a long time.

Tahlvin looks around, taking in their surroundings, and then turns to Mike. "Do you have any idea how we got here?" he asks, his voice betraying a hint of fear and confusion.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Mike »

Mike walks to the door as he replies to Tahlvin, "I don't know. The last thing I remember is..." he pauses, his hand hanging in the air without grasping the door handle yet. "Um. I don't actually know what I remember. I think I got a phone call?" Mike forgets trying the door and looks quickly at his phone. "Huh. No reception. That definitely adds up, since we're obviously in a Saw movie." He meant it as a joke, but once it's out there, it definitely isn't funny. "Sorry. How about you? You have any bars?"
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Tahlvin »

Tahlvin pulls his iPhone from his pocket and checks: no bars. "None."

After a pause, Tahlvin says, "I don't remember how we got here, either. I have a vague recollection of receiving a phone call as well, but I don't know if that actually happened, or if it's the power of suggestion from your recollection. And I have to admit: I've never seen Saw. I'm not big on horror movies."
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Kyle »

As they continue to talk, Mike manages to open the door. It creaks loudly as it swings open, revealing a dimly lit hallway with flickering fluorescent lights. The air is musty, with a faint smell of mold and mildew. The hallway is barren, with white cinderblock walls and concrete floors.

Mike steps out of the room, shining his phone's flashlight down the hallway. The light reveals several doors on either side, all locked. At the end of the hallway, there is a staircase leading upwards, with a sign pointing to a door that says "Level 1 - Exit". The staircase is also dimly lit, with flickering fluorescent lights and the same musty smell.

Tahlvin follows Mike out of the room and takes a deep breath, noticing the musty smell. He looks down the hallway and sees the locked doors. "This doesn't look good. It's like we're in some kind of prison or bunker," he says, his voice low and tense.

As they start walking down the hallway, Tahlvin reaches out and touches the wall, feeling the rough texture of the cinderblock. "I wonder where this leads," he says, gesturing towards the staircase.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Mike »

"Hopefully it's exactly as advertised," Mike replies, "Unless the sign is lying about the exit. Besides," he adds as he starts up the stairs, "my phone's at 13% battery. I don't want to get stuck in dark when it runs out "
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Tahlvin »

"Who the heck lets their phone get down to 13%?! Wait." Tahlvin checks his phone. It's at 26%. "Shoot, mine's running low on battery, too. We must have been out quite a while, because mine's usually pretty full."
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Kyle »

As they ascend the stairs, the air starts to feel more and more stale. Tahlvin notices a musty odor, and Mike starts coughing. "Do you smell that?" Tahlvin asks. "Yeah, it's pretty rank," Mike replies between coughs. "I don't think we're in Kansas anymore, Toto."
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Mike »

Tahlvin tries to discern more detail about the smell: does it smell like a dead body? Something else?

Mike is straining to see ahead in the short range of his flashlight. Is this just a single flight of stairs? Is there a bend or a landing?

The guys will determine the answers to these questions before moving on.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Kyle »

As Tahlvin concentrates on the smell, he realizes that it's not the smell of a dead body. Rather, it's a mix of musty and damp odors that he can't quite put his finger on.

Meanwhile, Mike shines his flashlight ahead and sees that the stairs continue straight up with no bend or landing in sight. He can see the outline of the top of the staircase against the dim light of the exit sign, but it's still too far away to make out any details.

Tahlvin says, "I don't think it's the smell of a dead body. It's more like a damp, musty smell. Maybe there's been a water leak or something."

Mike nods and says, "Good to know. Let's keep moving, then." He takes the first step and starts climbing the stairs, with Tahlvin close behind.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Mike »

Mike tromps up to the top of the steps. He is a little anxious about his phone battery. Does he still need his flashlight to see?
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Kyle »

As Mike reaches the top of the stairs, he realizes that the room they've entered is dimly lit by some sort of flickering light source. It's not enough to see clearly by, but he can definitely make out his surroundings. He looks around and sees that they're in some sort of large, open space. The walls are made of concrete, and there are a few rusted metal doors scattered around the perimeter.

As for his flashlight, Mike can still see fairly well without it, but he keeps it on just in case. It's better to be safe than sorry, especially in an unknown and potentially dangerous situation like this.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Tahlvin »

Tahlvin begins to search the room for anything of note that will tell us where we are. Signs on doors. Concealed doors. A note someone left behind. Anything.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Kyle »

Tahlvin starts exploring the room, searching for anything that can give them a clue as to where they are or why they are there. He quickly realizes that the room is completely empty, with no furniture or signs on the walls. He checks the ceiling to see if there are any ventilation ducts or openings that they could use to escape, but the ceiling is solid and without any openings.

Feeling a bit frustrated, Tahlvin turns to Mike and says, "It looks like we're not going to find any clues in here. Maybe we should head back downstairs and try one of the other doors. It's better than just waiting around here for something to happen."

Mike nods in agreement and follows Tahlvin back down the stairs. As they reach the bottom, Mike suddenly stops and whispers, "Did you hear that?"

Tahlvin freezes and listens carefully. He can hear a faint noise coming from one of the other rooms. It sounds like someone or something is moving around in there.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Tahlvin »

Is the door to this other room open or closed? Is there a window in the door? I'll assume it's closed, in which case: Tahlvin cautiously approaches the door to get a better read on who or what is in the room.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Kyle »

As Tahlvin approaches the door, he can see that it is closed and there is no window in it. He can hear the noise a little more clearly now, and it sounds like it might be coming from some kind of machinery or equipment. He can't make out any voices or other sounds that might indicate there are people in the room. As Tahlvin gets closer to the door, he can feel a slight vibration in the floor, which seems to be coming from the room beyond.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Mike »

While Tahlvin is doing that, Mike will cautiously approach each of the other doors. How many doors are there? Mike would like to gently try the handle on each door just to see if any are unlocked, but he will not open any of them yet.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Kyle »

Mike counts a total of four doors in the hallway, including the one that Tahlvin is investigating. As he tries the handles of each door, he finds that all of them are locked. There's no indication of what might be behind each door, but they all feel sturdy and heavy. Mike continues to shine his flashlight around, hoping to find some clue as to where they are or why they're here.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Tahlvin »

Tahvlin will try the handle of his door to see if it is locked.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Kyle »

Tahlvin tries the handle of the door, but it doesn't turn. It seems to be locked. He leans closer and tries to listen for any sounds from inside the room, but he can't hear anything distinct. He steps back from the door and looks around for any other clues or items of interest in the room.

Meanwhile, Mike moves on to the next door and tries the handle. It's also locked. He tries the remaining doors, and they are all locked as well. He's beginning to feel like they are trapped in this place, and the situation is starting to feel more and more ominous.

Suddenly, a sound from the door that Tahlvin is standing next to startles him. It's a faint scratching sound, like someone is dragging their nails across the door. Tahlvin backs away from the door, his heart racing. He turns to Mike and whispers urgently, "Did you hear that?"
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Mike »

Mike looks for other options. Is there anything on the floor of this room? Are there ventilation grates or anything similar? Do these doors open inwars to this room or away from it?
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Kyle »

Mike scans the room carefully, shining his flashlight over every inch of the floor. There is nothing on the floor that immediately stands out to him. He then turns his attention to the walls and ceiling, searching for any signs of ventilation grates or other openings. After a few minutes of searching, he doesn't find any obvious openings that could lead to an escape.

Mike then approaches each door in turn and tries the handle, noting that all of them appear to open inward into the room. As he does so, he also takes note of the materials the doors are made of. Some appear to be made of wood, while others are made of metal. None of the doors appear to be unlocked.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Tahlvin »

“Should we break open one of the wooden doors?” Tahlvin asks Mike.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Mike »

"You read my mind," Mike replies. He picks the wooden door furthest from whatever is making those scratching noises and slams the sole of his shoe into it with a swift kick in an attempt to break the door. Assessing his effort, he adds, "I think this might be a two person job."
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Tahlvin »

Tahlvin lines up beside Mike and readies to kick the door near the handle, where it is most likely to either break the frame and split the door are the latch.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Kyle »

The two of them position themselves and kick the door simultaneously, putting all their weight into the kick. The door shudders, but doesn't break.

"Again," Mike grunts. They try a second time, and the door splinters around the lock, cracking open. Mike pushes the broken pieces of wood out of the way and reaches in to turn the handle on the other side, opening the door.

The room they enter is small and barren, with no windows or furniture. However, there is a ladder leading up to a small hatch in the ceiling.

"Maybe we can climb up there and see where we are," Tahlvin suggests.

Mike nods in agreement, and they approach the ladder. Mike goes first, climbing up to push open the hatch. As he does so, he is hit by a wave of cold air, and he hears the sound of rushing water.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Mike »

Mike pulls himself up and makes room for Tahlvin while aiming his phone's flashlight around the space to assess the situation.

"Curiouser and curiouser," he says.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Tahlvin »

Tahlvin follows Mike up the ladder, pulls himself through the opening, stares around in the weak light from Mike's cellphone, and gasps in surprise.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Kyle »

"What the...?" Tahlvin exclaims, staring in disbelief at the scene before him.

The room they've climbed up into is filled with machinery of some kind. Giant cogs, belts, and pulleys turn slowly and ponderously, casting long shadows on the walls. The sound of gears grinding together fills the air, and it's hard to hear anything else.

As Mike scans the room with his phone flashlight, Tahlvin notices something moving in the corner of his eye. He turns and sees a figure in the shadows, standing perfectly still. Tahlvin can't make out any features, but the figure is definitely there.

"Mike, over there," Tahlvin whispers, nodding in the direction of the figure.

Mike follows Tahlvin's gaze and sees the figure as well. "Whoa, what the hell?" Mike says, taking a step forward to get a closer look.

The figure suddenly moves, darting deeper into the shadows. Mike and Tahlvin exchange a quick look, then start moving towards where the figure disappeared.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Tahlvin »

"Have we learned nothing from horror movies," Tahlvin asks as they follow the figure. "And yet, here we are, following the unknown shadowy figure deeper into goodness-knows-where."
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Mike »

How large is this space? Mike would like to assess its general dimensions before proceeding.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Kyle »

The space is a large, open chamber that seems to stretch on for quite a ways in all directions. The ceiling is high, and the walls are made of rough, unfinished stone. There are no obvious doors or windows, and the only light is from Mike's phone and the occasional flicker of what might be torchlight in the distance. It's difficult to get a sense of the exact dimensions of the space, but it seems like it could be quite large - perhaps even as big as a football field or more.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Mike »

Mike catches up to Tahlvin. He is trying to be alert to danger but also to not let the shadowy figure get out of sight. But Mike is poor at multi-tasking, and as a result, he constantly feels that he is not paying enough attention AND not moving fast enough.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Kyle »

Tahlvin looks back at Mike and notices his unease. "Hey, it's okay. We're in this together," Tahlvin says reassuringly. "Let's just keep following the figure and see where it leads us. Maybe it can help us find a way out of here."

As they continue to follow the shadowy figure, Mike notices that the air is becoming colder, and the walls are getting damp. It's almost as if they are descending deeper into the earth. He also begins to hear a faint dripping sound, like water droplets falling onto a hard surface.

"How much farther do you think we should follow this thing?" Mike asks Tahlvin. "I don't know about you, but I'm starting to get a little creeped out."
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Tahlvin »

"Mike, I was creeped out when we first woke up in the dark back there! Now I just want to find a way out. I'm not sure where this thing is leading us, but it's away from where we were. That may not be progress, but it's at least change."
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Kyle »

Mike nods in agreement. "You're right. Let's keep going."

As they follow the shadowy figure, Mike's eyes adjust to the darkness and he realizes that they are in some sort of underground tunnel system. The walls are made of rough stone and the air is damp and musty. The only sound is the echo of their footsteps on the hard ground.

Suddenly, the figure stops in front of a ladder leading up to a metal grate. The figure turns to face them, but before they can see its face, it disappears up the ladder and out of sight.

"Well, I guess that's our cue," Tahlvin says, already climbing up the ladder. Mike follows closely behind.

As they emerge from the tunnel system, they find themselves in a large, dimly lit room. There are no windows and only a few flickering lights overhead. The room is filled with strange machinery and equipment that they can't identify. In the center of the room is a large table covered in tools and equipment.

Tahlvin steps forward to take a closer look at the machinery, but Mike hesitates. Something about this place doesn't feel right to him. He has a sense of foreboding, as if they are being watched.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Tahlvin »

"Was there a nuclear Armageddon that we missed or something?" Tahlvin asks as he cautiously approaches the table.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Kyle »

As Tahlvin approaches the table filled with tools and equipment, he examines them with a mix of curiosity and caution. There are various gadgets and instruments that he's never seen before, with intricate designs and unknown purposes. Some of them emit faint hums or blinking lights, adding to the mysterious atmosphere of the room.

"I don't know, Tahlvin," Mike replies, his voice filled with uncertainty. "This doesn't feel like anything I've ever seen before. It's like we've stumbled into a secret research facility or something. But the question is, who or what is behind all of this?"

Tahlvin picks up a small device from the table, examining it closely. "I wish I could answer that, Mike," he says, turning the device over in his hands. "But it seems like the more we discover, the more questions we have."

Suddenly, a voice echoes through the room, reverberating off the walls. "Welcome, travelers," the voice says, its tone calm and haunting. "You've come far, but your journey is not yet over."

Startled, both Tahlvin and Mike look around, trying to locate the source of the voice. But it seems to be coming from all directions, making it impossible to pinpoint its origin.

"What do you want from us?" Tahlvin calls out, his voice filled with a mix of defiance and apprehension.

The voice chuckles softly. "All in due time, my friends. But first, let us play a little game. A game of choices and consequences. Are you ready to play?"

Tahlvin and Mike exchange a glance, unsure of what lies ahead. But they know they have no choice but to play along, hoping to uncover the truth behind their mysterious predicament and find a way to escape.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Mike »

Mike calls out, "What if we say no? What if we decide not to play your game and just leave instead?:
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Kyle »

Silence fills the room for a moment, as if the air itself is holding its breath. Then, the voice replies, its tone now laced with a hint of amusement, "Oh, but my dear travelers, you misunderstand. You are already playing the game. The choices have been set in motion, and the consequences will follow."

Mike and Tahlvin exchange a concerned glance, realizing that their options may be more limited than they initially thought. It seems they have no choice but to engage with whatever twisted game they have been thrust into.

"We'll play your game," Tahlvin says, his voice resolute. "But know this: We won't be pawns in your schemes. We'll find our way out of here, and we'll uncover the truth behind all of this."

There is a brief pause, and then the voice replies, its tone now tinged with a touch of admiration, "Very well. Let the game begin. Explore this facility, uncover its secrets, and make your choices wisely. Remember, the consequences are real."

With those ominous words lingering in the air, Mike and Tahlvin steel themselves for the challenges ahead. They are determined to navigate this mysterious game, confront whatever lies in their path, and ultimately find a way to escape this enigmatic facility. The truth awaits, and they are ready to face it, no matter the cost.
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Tahlvin »

"Is there anything here we can use?" Tahlvin asks Mike as he turns back to poking through the things on the table. "A handheld teleporter, for instance?"
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Mike »

"Seriously?" Mike replies as he picks through the equipment on the table, "You know teleportation is impossible. Now, a time field generator... THAT would be handy!" He pauses over an unusual contraption that has numerous swiveling faces that rotate around a coiled bundle of wires. "Wait... is THIS a teleporter?"

Can the guys identify any of the items on the table?
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Re: [In A Dark Place] IC Thread

Post by Kyle »

As Tahlvin and Mike examine the equipment on the table, they try to make sense of the various items before them. While most of the devices remain unfamiliar, a few catch their attention:

1. Electromagnetic Pulse Generator: It appears to be a compact device capable of emitting a powerful electromagnetic pulse. Its purpose could be to disrupt or disable electronic devices within its range.

2 Chrono-Analyzer: This device has a complex array of dials and gauges. It seems to be designed to measure and analyze time-related phenomena, possibly granting insights into temporal events.

3. Quantum Resonator: It resembles a small, intricate device with glowing crystalline components. Its function is not immediately clear, but it gives off a subtle hum, suggesting it harnesses some form of quantum energy.

4. Phase Disruptor: This handheld device emits a soft blue light and seems capable of interfering with the molecular structure of objects. It may have the ability to disrupt or alter the phase of matter, making objects intangible or solid.

While Tahlvin continues to search for a handheld teleporter, Mike's attention is drawn to a peculiar device with a rotating set of faces and bundled wires. It appears to be a Time Manipulation Device, allowing for the manipulation of temporal energy. Its exact capabilities and limitations are unknown, but it holds the potential for altering time-related phenomena.

Both Tahlvin and Mike realize that the devices on the table hold significant power and could potentially aid them in their journey, but they must tread carefully and consider the consequences of using such advanced technology.
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