[AI Adventure]OOC: Quest for the Star Chart

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[AI Adventure]OOC: Quest for the Star Chart

Post by Kyle »

Use this to give full descriptions of your characters and then to ask any questions we need to flesh out before we open the door and enter the dungeon.
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Re: [AI Adventure]OOC: Quest for the Star Chart

Post by Mike »

Holy shit, what an epic way to start... just give the basics, here's how you got the hook, now you're at the dungeon... START!

Not quite in media rea, but definitely "start where the action starts."

I love it.
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Re: [AI Adventure]OOC: Quest for the Star Chart

Post by Kyle »

Yeah- so let me give a little background on how I'm using the AI- the descriptions you read are almost all the AI, with only slight tweaks to make it make better sense in the narrative and for syntax.

For this, I literally just said:
Describe the motivation for a party of 3 4th level adventurers in Pathfinder to explore a dungeon
And it gave me several options. I then picked one and asked for more detail, which it gave. Then to flesh it out, I asked for more detail of the detail. The result is what you see in the first post.

Also, when this is all done, I'll post the log of my chat with the AI showing how it all came about.
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Re: [AI Adventure]OOC: Quest for the Star Chart

Post by Tahlvin »

A work in progress, but here’s what I put together so far.


Nemboprutt Biavattlian
Male gnome wizard 4
NG Small humanoid (gnome)
Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Perception +6
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 11 (+1 Dex, +1 size)
hp 18 (4d6+4)
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; +2 vs. illusions
Defensive Abilities defensive training
Speed 0 ft.
Special Attacks hand of the apprentice (7/day), hatred
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 4th; concentration +6)
1/day—dancing lights, ghost sound (DC 13), prestidigitation, speak with animals
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 4th; concentration +8)
2nd—darkvision, invisibility, summon monster II
1st—charm person (DC 15), comprehend languages, mage armor, magic missile
0 (at will)—detect magic, light, message, prestidigitation
Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +2; CMB +0; CMD 13
Feats Brew Potion, Combat Casting, Scribe Scroll
Skills Craft (alchemy) +13, Knowledge (arcana) +11, Knowledge (engineering) +9, Knowledge (history) +9, Perception +6, Sense Motive +4, Spellcraft +11, Stealth +5; Racial Modifiers +2 Craft (alchemy), +2 Perception
Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Goblin, Sylvan
SQ arcane bond (ring), gnome magic
Other Gear arcane bond ring, 6,000 gp
Special Abilities
Combat Casting +4 to Concentration checks to cast while on the defensive.
Defensive Training +4 Gain a dodge bonus to AC vs. monsters of the Giant subtype.
Gnome Magic Add 1 to the DCs of any saving throws to resist illusion spells cast.
Hand of the Apprentice (7/day) (Su) As a standard action, throw melee weapon (use Int instead of Dex) and instantly returns.
Hatred +1 Gain a bonus to attack vs. goblinoid/reptilian humanoids.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
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Re: [AI Adventure]OOC: Quest for the Star Chart

Post by Kyle »

F'ing sweet. Everyone else?
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Re: [AI Adventure]OOC: Quest for the Star Chart

Post by Tahlvin »

BTW, for the stats I used the point buy approach with 25 points (highly heroic). I'm using PF 1st edition.
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Re: [AI Adventure]OOC: Quest for the Star Chart

Post by Mike »

I'm getting there...
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Re: [AI Adventure]OOC: Quest for the Star Chart

Post by Eliahad »

I will get there tomorrow.
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Re: [AI Adventure]OOC: Quest for the Star Chart

Post by Eliahad »

I'll clean up the stats later :D And like, write stuff.


Summoner 4
Neutral Medium Human Humanoid
Skilled Heritage
Perception +8;
Languages None selected

Skills Acrobatics +7, Athletics +7, Deception +10, Diplomacy +10, Intimidation +10, Lore: Underworld +8, Medicine +6, Nature +6, Occultism +8, Society +8, Survival +6, Thievery +7

Str +1, Dex +1, Con +1, Int +2, Wis +0, Cha +4


AC 17; Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +8
HP 52

Speed 25 feet

Tandem Movement (Summoner, Tandem) You and your eidolon move together. You each use a single action to Stride. Either of you that has the corresponding movement type can Burrow, Climb, Fly, or Swim instead.

Manifest Eidolon (Concentrate, Conjuration, Manipulate, Summoner, Teleportation) Your eidolon appears in an open space adjacent to you, and can then take a single action. If your eidolon was already manifested, you unmanifest it instead. The conduit that allows your eidolon to manifest is also a tether between you. Your eidolon must remain within 100 feet of you at all times and can’t willingly go beyond that limit. If forced beyond this distance, or if you are reduced to 0 Hit Points, your eidolon’s physical form dissolves: your eidolon unmanifests, and you need to use Manifest Eidolon to manifest it again. Special This activity has the trait matching your eidolon’s tradition (arcane, divine, occult, or primal).

Act Together (Summoner, Tandem) Frequency once per round You and your eidolon act as one. Either you or your eidolon takes an action or activity using the same number of actions as Act Together, and the other takes a single action. For example, if you spent 2 actions to Act Together, you could cast burning hands (2 actions) and your eidolon could Strike (1 action), or your eidolon could use its Breath Weapon (2 actions) and you could Stride (1 action). This lets you each use separate exploration activities like Avoid Notice as you travel (Core Rulebook 496).

Share Senses (Concentrate, Divination, Scrying, Summoner) Requirements Your eidolon is manifested. You project your senses into your eidolon, allowing you to perceive through it. When you do, you lose all sensory information from your own body, but can sense through your eidolon’s body for up to 1 minute. You can Dismiss this effect. Special This action has the trait matching your eidolon’s tradition (arcane, divine, occult, or primal). Your eidolon can also use this ability. When it does, it projects its senses into your body.

Beast's Charge (Eidolon) Your eidolon rushes forward, using its momentum to increase the power of its attack. Your eidolon Strides twice and then Strikes. If the eidolon moved at least 20 feet away from its starting position and moved entirely in a straight line, it gains a +1 circumstance bonus to this attack roll.

Primal Known Spells DC 20, attack +10; 2nd Scorching Ray, Glitterdust (2 slots); 1st Hydraulic Push, Shocking Grasp, Heal (2 slots); Cantrips Detect Magic, Gouging Claw, Light, Prestidigitation, Guidance

Focus Spells (1 points) Boost Eidolon Range 100 feet; Targets your eidolon Duration 1 round You focus deeply on the link between you and your eidolon and boost the power of your eidolon's attacks. Your eidolon gains a +2 status bonus to damage rolls with its unarmed attacks. If your eidolon's Strikes deal more than one weapon damage die, the status bonus increases to 2 per weapon damage die, to a maximum of +8 with four weapon damage dice.

Evolution Surge Range 100 feet; Targets your eidolon Duration 1 minute You flood your eidolon with power, creating a temporary evolution in your eidolon's capabilities. Choose one of the following effects:Your eidolon gains low-light vision and darkvision.; Your eidolon gains scent as an imprecise sense up to 30 feet. .; Your eidolon can breathe underwater and gains a swim Speed equal to its land Speed or 30 feet, whichever is less. Alternatively, if your eidolon is normally aquatic, it can breathe air and gains a land Speed equal to its swim Speed or 30 feet, whichever is less. Either way, it gains the amphibious trait. .; Your eidolon gains a +20-foot status bonus to its Speed. .; Heightened (3rd) Add the following options to the list of effects you can choose:Your eidolon becomes Large, instead of its previous size. This increases your eidolon's reach to 10 feet but doesn't change any other statistics for your eidolon. Because of the special link you share, you can ride your eidolon without getting in each other's way. If another creature tries to ride your eidolon, both you and the riding creature each regain only 2 actions at the start of your turns each round, as normal. .; Your eidolon gains a climb Speed equal to its land Speed. .; Heightened (5th) Add the options from the 3rd-level version and the following options to the list of effects you can choose:Your eidolon becomes Huge, instead of its previous size. This has the same effects as the 3rd-level option to become Large, except your eidolon's reach increases to 15 feet. ; Your eidolon gains a fly Speed equal to its Speed.

Additional Feats Advanced Weaponry, Cat Fall, Charming Liar, Dubious Knowledge, Expanded Senses, Natural Skill, Skilled Heritage, Steady Balance
Additional Specials Eidolon (Beast Eidolon), Evolution Feat, Link Spells, Shared Vigilance, Skilled (Diplomacy), Skilled (Medicine), Skilled Heritage (Acrobatics), Unlimited Signature Spells
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Re: [AI Adventure]OOC: Quest for the Star Chart

Post by Mike »

Rabbit (Temujin Snowfoot)
Human/Dhampir Shaman 4
N(G) Medium humanoid (dhampir)
Init +7; Senses low-light (120), Darkvision (60); Perception +11
AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +5 Armor)
hp 20 (4d8)
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +9
Speed 30 ft.
Longspear (+2/1d6-1/x2); Dagger (+2/1d4-1/19-20 x2); Sling (+5/1d4/x2)
Spells (level 0) 4/day, DC 14
Spells (level 1) 4+1/day, DC 15
Spells (level 2) 3+1/day, DC 16
Str 8, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 15
Base Atk +3; CMB -1; CMD 11
Skills Bluff +4; Diplomacy +6; Fly +7; Handle Animal +6; Heal +11; Perception +12; Sense Motive +6; Spellcraft +5; Survival +11; Knowledge (Nature) +6; Knowledge (Religion) +5
Languages Common, Hallit, Giant
Special Abilities
Undead Resistance (dhampir): +2 Save vs disease and mind-affecting effects
Resist Energy Drain (dhampir): No penalties from drain; still gains neg lvls; all neg lvls lost after 24 hours w/ no save required
Manipulative (dhampir): +2 Bluff and Perception
Negative Energy Affinity (dhampir): Is harmed by positive energy and healed by negative energy
Dayborn (dhampir): No penalties from daylight
Life Spirit (shaman): Bonus spells - Detect Undead (1st), Lesser Restoration (2nd)
Channel Positve Energy (spirit): 2x /day. 1d6 heal or 1d6 harm undead
Spirit Animal (shaman): Sunshine, snowshoe hare, +4 initiative for Rabbit, fast healing 1 for Sunshine
Alertness (spirit animal): +2 Perception and Sense Motive while Sunshine is within arm's reach
Hex (shaman): Healing - as CLW, once per 24 hours per target
Hex (shaman): Shapeshift - as Alter Self for 4 minutes per day
Wandering Spirit (shaman): Default to Frost Spirit - may shoot icicles for 1d6 damage 4x/day
Combat Casting (feat): +4 to Concentration checks to cast while on the defensive.
Bonus Hex (feat): Flight - Feather Fall at will; +4 to Swim checks; Levitate once per day
Mithral Shirt +1
Cloak of Resistance +1
Ring of Protection +1
Handy Haversack
Sling (bag of regular bullets, bag of smoke ammo, bag of tanglefoot ammo)
Healer's kit
Survival kit (masterwork)
Dungeoneering kit (common)
Temujin's family was slain by a vampire. The monster saves his mother for last and toyed with her. The vampire underestimated her though. He saw only a gravidly pregnant woman and not the capable hunter and warrior that was before him. She took him unawares and fled her home into the night... into a blizzard. She took sanctuary in a sheltered hollow and there went into labor. The creature finally caught up to her and in a blind rage, he tore her heart out. And though he drank from her she was already dead and refused to rise again. The baby Temujin was left for dead in the snow.

At sunrise, the storm had passed, and Kolka, a local shaman found the child sheltered by three exceedingly large snowshoe hares. It was an obvious positive omen. So Kolka took Temujin to raise as her own.

Though she named him Temujin, no one ever called him anything but Little Rabbit, and then eventually just Rabbit. Rabbit grew up to become a shaman himself, but it took a long time. Rabbit ages only very slowly, so he was still only an adolescent when Kolka passed. Kolka's grandson Red Spear, once Rabbit's best friend, and now the village's chief shaman took responsibility for the still young Rabbit. When Red Spear himself finally passed, the village would no longer tolerate a vampire spawn to live among them. Rabbit was forced out at the tender age of 72.

Gaunt and timid, but surprisingly optimistic, Rabbit has survived by stealing and by occasionally pedaling his healing skills. His constant companion is Sunshine, a life spirit in the form of a snow rabbit.

Notable characteristic: Rabbit's own life force is negative energy, and ironically, he cannot heal himself.
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Re: [AI Adventure]OOC: Quest for the Star Chart

Post by Mike »

I recognize that is far too much detail, but I can't help it.

I'll revise the history and get an idea of his default set of spells, but we're ready to take off.
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Re: [AI Adventure]OOC: Quest for the Star Chart

Post by Kyle »

Again- this is highly narrative and rules light. So I think we're good to start.

My plan is that the AI creates the dungeon and what, if anything, you'll encounter in the dungeon. I will take over the narrative to resolve what happens when you encounter something.
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Re: [AI Adventure]OOC: Quest for the Star Chart

Post by Kyle »

Game on! OOC questions and commentary here! The other thread is only for gameplay narrative.

Eli: what are Lauden's pronouns?

I introduced your characters to the AI and it wrote the initial post where you are all contemplating the entrance. Normally I won't have the AI assume agency over your characters, but I thought it was cool.
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Re: [AI Adventure]OOC: Quest for the Star Chart

Post by Mike »

That's pretty cool. I saw Rabbit hang back and figured I missed my cue and thought, "Well at least it's in character."
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Re: [AI Adventure]OOC: Quest for the Star Chart

Post by Mike »

I'm assuming that we are all posting IC in the IC thread, and if we, as players, narrate something that is impossible or otherwise in error, you'll help us correct it. So I'm going to try this.
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Re: [AI Adventure]OOC: Quest for the Star Chart

Post by Kyle »

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Re: [AI Adventure]OOC: Quest for the Star Chart

Post by Kyle »

I'll wait on Lauden and then plug it in to the Game-O-Matic and post up.
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Re: [AI Adventure]OOC: Quest for the Star Chart

Post by Kyle »

Okay, since I introduced your characters to the AI, apparently sometimes it's going to assume agency over your characters. If you're not cool with something the AI describes you doing, let me know, and I'll correct it.
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Re: [AI Adventure]OOC: Quest for the Star Chart

Post by Tahlvin »

I'm half tempted to just let it keep running the characters to see where it takes it!
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Re: [AI Adventure]OOC: Quest for the Star Chart

Post by Kyle »

I'm actually giving it more leeway, but when we get into combat or intricate puzzle solving/traps- it kind of falls down. So that's when I'm going to just take over. But for now I'm being generous with the allowances I'm giving it to see where it goes.
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Re: [AI Adventure]OOC: Quest for the Star Chart

Post by Kyle »

For example- this last move, Tahlvin says he's going to go examine it. The AI did that, then decided that he'd then pick a door and move the orb. So if the AI ever has you do something, I can always go back and correct it. Essentially tell the AI, "No, he doesn't do that."

Also crucial, however, is this: even if we let the AI take more agency over your actions, the "flavor text" that you send me to enter in greatly affects what the AI describes for your character. As you can see, Snowshoe is now an integral part of the party. Lauden seems more flippant. Etc.
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Re: [AI Adventure]OOC: Quest for the Star Chart

Post by Kyle »

Okay- first things first- I'm LOVING this experiment.

Second things second- I'm going to try to wait 24 hours before inputting to the AI. That will give everyone a chance to post up. It's not a hard deadline- but somewhere around a day or so.

Third things third- So you can ask questions of the AI in this out of character thread just like you would in a live game. For example, I posted up the last set of moves and got the result of you going into the winding hallways and hearing distant footsteps. So I asked, "What do the footsteps sound like?" The result was what the next post was- the footsteps of a large creature, etc. The point is, feel free to ask questions and for clarifications.
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Re: [AI Adventure]OOC: Quest for the Star Chart

Post by Tahlvin »

So what happens when we stand still, do we still hear the other footsteps? Or are they just our own footsteps echoing back at us?
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Re: [AI Adventure]OOC: Quest for the Star Chart

Post by Kyle »

Answer in the thread.
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Re: [AI Adventure]OOC: Quest for the Star Chart

Post by Kyle »

Bummer. As much fun as I'm having with this, no one is posting here anymore. So I'm calling the game- but it was a cool experiment and I appreciate y'all playing along!
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Re: [AI Adventure]OOC: Quest for the Star Chart

Post by Tahlvin »

I was waiting for Mike or Eli to chime in.
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Re: [AI Adventure]OOC: Quest for the Star Chart

Post by Mike »

Sorry I've been super sick. I would like to keep playing.
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Re: [AI Adventure]OOC: Quest for the Star Chart

Post by Mike »

I feel bad about this. My surface excuse (which is real), is that I was busy for a couple days, so I was hoping the other guys would take action, but then I got laid-up kinda sick for four days with non-stop cough that was totally non-productive because it was coupled with a brick of mucus in my lungs that simply wouldn't be moved. I didn't have brain power for anything beyond sleeping and scrolling Tik Tok.

But that's just my surface excuse, because deeper than that, I'm a little intimidated by our next steps here, and I was finding excuses to put it off. I love the adventure and the whole AI concept. I love the characters, but I felt the AI was being too generous with us, and I know that I can customize my narration to achieve the results I want. But that's just a problem to solve. We need to figure out how to work with the AI to create the sort of story and challenge we want. How to keep it from over-reaching.When you mentioned that we could just ask questions like we would of any GM (what color is the gazebo? is the gazebo armed? etc.), I felt stupid, but also realized that yes, that's part of figuring out what makes this work for us. I had all sorts of thoughts about how to move forward and what sort of experimental posts might show us how it works. But I couldn't sort it out in my head, and I wasn't rewriting it all down, and it just felt like a lot. So I'm sorry. I think what we have is flawed, but I really would like to keep going if everyone is game. It's a chance for us to fuck around with the form and find out how it works. If we learn enough, maybe the next game gets even better.

Anyway, sorry for being a punk, and if we do go back to this I promise to be more bold. We may fuck it up, but we'll learn cool stuff. We'll fail forward.
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Re: [AI Adventure]OOC: Quest for the Star Chart

Post by Eliahad »

So the reason I didn't respond was that I was pissed off. I told you I couldn't post consistently, and then, after a weekend where I worked 40 hours from Friday to Sunday, you shit the game down Monday morning saying that we weren't participating enough. I'm still a little salty about it. But I could understand why you wanted to push the game along. I'm just in the middle of too busy of a time to give you what you need, Kyle. So if you'd stop guilting people for not participating in this or the other game, I would appreciate it.
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Re: [AI Adventure]OOC: Quest for the Star Chart

Post by Kyle »

Eliahad wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 2:15 pm So the reason I didn't respond was that I was pissed off. I told you I couldn't post consistently, and then, after a weekend where I worked 40 hours from Friday to Sunday, you shit the game down Monday morning saying that we weren't participating enough. I'm still a little salty about it. But I could understand why you wanted to push the game along. I'm just in the middle of too busy of a time to give you what you need, Kyle. So if you'd stop guilting people for not participating in this or the other game, I would appreciate it.
Uh... okay. So the reason I shut down the other game wasn't because people weren't just responding to the game, but no one had posted to the website in three days in any thread. It seemed like people just weren't coming to the site, so I just decided to shut down the game. I'm sorry you feel targeted, because I wasn't trying to do that. You're posting like you're speaking for more than yourself, so I want to be clear about this- I'm not trying to guilt anyone into anything. I'm trying to have fun with an idea that I think is cool. It's not my intent to bring anyone down or make anyone feel worse about themselves. But now I'm worried that this has become toxic and I don't recognize that. It's fine if folks don't want to play. I'm just trying to have fun with a game, I swear.
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Re: [AI Adventure]OOC: Quest for the Star Chart

Post by Eliahad »

I'm just cranky because my last complete day off was March 24th and my next complete day off is May 20th and this is the middle of that. Not to mention I have some health things going on. So, yeah, I felt a little bit targeted because I've been working really hard and that was getting in the way of your fun and you seemed mad about it.

I absolutely don't want to get in the way of your game, and I think it will be fun for everyone who participates and I hope more people do!

The no one posting on the site thing was weird that weekend for sure. Is everybody okay? Doing alright?
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Re: [AI Adventure]OOC: Quest for the Star Chart

Post by Kyle »

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Re: [AI Adventure]OOC: Quest for the Star Chart

Post by Tahlvin »

Okay. Busy with work, travel, moving kids between apartments once again, etc.
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Re: [AI Adventure]OOC: Quest for the Star Chart

Post by Kyle »

When a better time to start for you Tahlvin?
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